Letter From The Producer

There is a new Producer's letter from Stuart Zissu posted over on the Camelot Herald. In it he touches on; the new quests recently introduced to the Battlegrounds, new quests in the lands of Atlantis, new realm titles, and even a teaser on the ongoing live event with The Picts. Check it out:

Hey Everyone,

It's Valentine’s Day, arrows fill the air in the current Live Event, and the DAoC team is hard at work bringing love to the game (in the form of updates and bug fixes). Back in October we rolled out some new content for new and returning players. Since then, we have a renewed focus on our veteran players and the continuation of our anniversary celebration. We've got a lot in store for you, so sit back, grab a snack and read on.

One of the things we learned from our New User Journey back a few months back is that players really enjoyed the quest content that we added to the Battlegrounds. Not only did the content bring new people into the Battlegrounds and therefore more action, but it also gave people something to do if no one else was in the area to fight. It's basically a win/win scenario. We took this idea and brought it to the Frontiers. If you are running solo, or if the action in the Frontiers is not to your liking at the moment, you can talk to the Royal Emissaries to pick up these quests. Just be careful, because the Frontiers are dangerous lands and even though you are not out for player blood, they may be out for yours.

Monday February 13, 2012

Friday February 10, 2012

Thursday February 9, 2012

Arrows Are in the Air - Valentine's Event Starts

Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching, and with it comes DAoC's lovelorn NPC's in dire need of assistance. From now until February 22nd, you can log in and try your hand at being DAoC's Dr. Love:

While arrows filling the sky is a common occurance on the battlefields in Albion, Hibernia and Midgard, today begins that time of year when not all arrows are enemy fire. There will be some love in the air, mixing in with the well known sounds of clashing armies.

The Valentine's Day event starts today, February 8th and will run until Wednesday, February 22nd.

It brings back these familiar quests to players:


Tuesday February 7, 2012

Help to Brag – Contest I

The details for DAoC's first video contest has been released. So now is the time to brush up on your videographer skills and tell BioMythic your take on the three realms, and why yours is the best!

Have you readied your weapons, wisdom, magic and video editing tools? Our first DAoC video contest starts today.

And the topic is: "The 3 Realms of Dark Age of Camelot".

Give us an introduction to what these realms stand for and what makes yours so special. Pick one side and explain why someone should choose Albion, Hibernia or Midgard over the others. Why are the bucket heads, the tree huggers or the stinkers your hated enemies? Let this video inspire you and have fun with it. Go and be creative, and let the other realms know who’s best! There will be one winner for each Realm.

Saturday February 4, 2012

New Midgard Items: Ticket: Audliten to VasudheimTicket: Audliten to Ft. AtlaFort Veldon Protector's Runic HammerFort Veldon Protector's War AxeFort Veldon Protector's Moon FangFort Veldon Protector's War HammerFort Veldon Protector's LongswordFort Veldon Protector's SpearFort Veldon Protector's Claw GreaveFort Veldon Protector's Composite BowFort Veldon Protector's Great SwordFort Veldon Protector's Great HammerFort Veldon Protector's Great AxeFort Veldon Protector's Left AxeFort Veldon Protector's Arch Hammer

New Midgard Mobs: Dockmaster of AudlitenHagar Mildrslag

Updated Albion Items: Vine NecklaceAgeless Essence GemCalikana ReportWoman in Black ReportRing of the Seven Solstices (rejuv)Death Tainted BracerSys'sro Belt of ParryRing of the Watery UndergroundSonneteer BeltOrc Fin EarringPendant of TwistingJewel of ForebearanceOlivarius' ScepterTear of PetulanceGnoll's Bauble of PowerRing of the Seventh SicknessDrau'gyn Sphere Smiting JewelSoul Banishment CharmFell Day BeltCurate BracerOpposition PinBracer of Shaved BoneRing of the SwitchBlood Spire JewelEmerald Encrusted Belt
Updated Midgard Items: Pictish Runic Hammer (Mid - 15 DPS)Pictish War Axe (Mid - 13.5 DPS)Pictish War Axe (Mid - 16.5 DPS) Pictish Great Hammer (Mid - 16.5 DPS)Trow Toothed NecklaceTempestbound BeltCrusty Old BracerTomte Skin BraceletWatercast RingToe Bone Belt (Mid)
Updated Hibernia Items: Necklace of the WavesForestfriend RingRoyal Guardian PendantPaidrean NecklaceMother's KissRing of Mattering Minds
Updated All Items: Greater Speed of the HuntRiver Runner BracerRing of the Seven StormsEmpty Soul StoneStandard Nereid Potion

Updated Midgard Mobs: BoobrieGraki

Friday February 3, 2012

New Midgard Items: Fort Veldon Protector's Tunic (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Tunic (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Gloves (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Helmet (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Leggings (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Tunic (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Gloves (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Leggings (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Leggings (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's HelmFort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (chain)Fort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Gloves (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Helmet (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's ChaussesFort Veldon Protector's CapFort Veldon Protector's Gloves (chain)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (chain)Fort Veldon Protector's ChestpieceTicket to Vindsaul FasteTicket to DvalinTicket to Vasudheim

New Midgard Mobs: GrakiGjullvarLoremistress LilesaLoremistress VinalmaLoremistress EnariTidlos EnFrifnirSvedEdnoraConsul DrokiKhazarVofingAlattaIgraJelandaDreidHanmaerPaneriUlo (Bonedancer Trainer)HaudrekFirgnarTrakAlesa

New Midgard Quests: Lesson: Protecting the WeakLesson: Enemies of the Realm

DAoC Video Contest

BioMythic is hosting a Video Contest to give fans a chance to show what they know. Video's will be posted on their Wiki site and the winner will gain the title "Councelor" for all of their characters. To learn the details on the how to and requirements, read on:

Do you want to combine knowledge, skill, and willingness to help with some bragging? Dark Age of Camelot now offers you the opportunity to do exactly that. We are looking for your creative minds to produce shorts video for our Wiki to familiarize new players - but also long-established veterans - with the different aspects of the game.

We seek your creativity about topics specified by us. You will have three weeks to create your work, we will then select the best video with the help of the community.

The winner gets the special title "Councelor" unlocked for all characters of his account and the winning videos get posted to our Wiki site for all to enjoy.

Are you up for the challenge?