Letter From The Producer

Letter From The Producer

There is a new Producer's letter from Stuart Zissu posted over on the Camelot Herald. In it he touches on; the new quests recently introduced to the Battlegrounds, new quests in the lands of Atlantis, new realm titles, and even a teaser on the ongoing live event with The Picts. Check it out:

Hey Everyone,

It's Valentine’s Day, arrows fill the air in the current Live Event, and the DAoC team is hard at work bringing love to the game (in the form of updates and bug fixes). Back in October we rolled out some new content for new and returning players. Since then, we have a renewed focus on our veteran players and the continuation of our anniversary celebration. We've got a lot in store for you, so sit back, grab a snack and read on.

One of the things we learned from our New User Journey back a few months back is that players really enjoyed the quest content that we added to the Battlegrounds. Not only did the content bring new people into the Battlegrounds and therefore more action, but it also gave people something to do if no one else was in the area to fight. It's basically a win/win scenario. We took this idea and brought it to the Frontiers. If you are running solo, or if the action in the Frontiers is not to your liking at the moment, you can talk to the Royal Emissaries to pick up these quests. Just be careful, because the Frontiers are dangerous lands and even though you are not out for player blood, they may be out for yours.

Along the same lines, we have added new quests to the lands of Atlantis in order give players options on how they progress. These new quests reward players with Atlantean Glass which can be used to purchase MasterLevels as well as other things of interest to the players. Obviously, the old ways of obtaining glass are still valid, but these new quests give players an option on how they wish to achieve their goals.

Enough about what we have done, now let's talk about what is coming in the near future. In the next few months we will be rolling out the next phase of the Live Event.  We hope you folks have been having fun with the Pict encampments, because things are going to turn ugly. These camps you see now are just the beginning, the beachhead so to speak. The Picts will be upping the ante and will start to become more aggressive in achieving their goals. What are their goals exactly? Well, you will need to figure that out for yourselves. But mark my words, no realm is safe!

In addition, we are adding a bunch of new titles to mark this triumphant time in DAoC history. Throughout the year, you will find new titles hallmarking the 10 year anniversary, as well as the year-long celebration. Of course there will also be new titles for the next phase of the Live Event; more soon on what these new titles are and how you may obtain them. We are also adding a special 10 year trophy that should hold a special place on your house wall, so expect to see this show up sometime in our next few patches.

These are just some of the additions we have in store for you. As always we are continuously re-examining many of the systems and features in DAoC and are looking for ways to improve them where applicable. Right now we have a keen eye on the RvR experience and we hope to have some exciting changes to talk to you about in the coming months.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone that we have our first, of hopefully many, video contests up and running. We have seen some of the great videos to come from you, the players, and we hope you will use those talents to win a spot on our Wikia page. Right now, we are asking for videos that explain the 3 Realms of Camelot and why you think your realm is the best. For full rules and information, please visit our Facebook page or the Camelot Herald and get that creativity flowing!

See you in the Frontiers!

Stuart Zissu


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