Saturday February 4, 2012

DAoC Update

New Midgard Items: Ticket: Audliten to VasudheimTicket: Audliten to Ft. AtlaFort Veldon Protector's Runic HammerFort Veldon Protector's War AxeFort Veldon Protector's Moon FangFort Veldon Protector's War HammerFort Veldon Protector's LongswordFort Veldon Protector's SpearFort Veldon Protector's Claw GreaveFort Veldon Protector's Composite BowFort Veldon Protector's Great SwordFort Veldon Protector's Great HammerFort Veldon Protector's Great AxeFort Veldon Protector's Left AxeFort Veldon Protector's Arch Hammer

New Midgard Mobs: Dockmaster of AudlitenHagar Mildrslag

Updated Albion Items: Vine NecklaceAgeless Essence GemCalikana ReportWoman in Black ReportRing of the Seven Solstices (rejuv)Death Tainted BracerSys'sro Belt of ParryRing of the Watery UndergroundSonneteer BeltOrc Fin EarringPendant of TwistingJewel of ForebearanceOlivarius' ScepterTear of PetulanceGnoll's Bauble of PowerRing of the Seventh SicknessDrau'gyn Sphere Smiting JewelSoul Banishment CharmFell Day BeltCurate BracerOpposition PinBracer of Shaved BoneRing of the SwitchBlood Spire JewelEmerald Encrusted Belt
Updated Midgard Items: Pictish Runic Hammer (Mid - 15 DPS)Pictish War Axe (Mid - 13.5 DPS)Pictish War Axe (Mid - 16.5 DPS) Pictish Great Hammer (Mid - 16.5 DPS)Trow Toothed NecklaceTempestbound BeltCrusty Old BracerTomte Skin BraceletWatercast RingToe Bone Belt (Mid)
Updated Hibernia Items: Necklace of the WavesForestfriend RingRoyal Guardian PendantPaidrean NecklaceMother's KissRing of Mattering Minds
Updated All Items: Greater Speed of the HuntRiver Runner BracerRing of the Seven StormsEmpty Soul StoneStandard Nereid Potion

Updated Midgard Mobs: BoobrieGraki


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