Friday February 3, 2012

DAoC Update

New Midgard Items: Fort Veldon Protector's Tunic (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Tunic (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Gloves (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Helmet (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Leggings (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Tunic (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Gloves (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Leggings (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Leggings (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's HelmFort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (chain)Fort Veldon Protector's Sleeves (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's Gloves (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Helmet (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (studded)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (leather)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (cloth)Fort Veldon Protector's ChaussesFort Veldon Protector's CapFort Veldon Protector's Gloves (chain)Fort Veldon Protector's Boots (chain)Fort Veldon Protector's ChestpieceTicket to Vindsaul FasteTicket to DvalinTicket to Vasudheim

New Midgard Mobs: GrakiGjullvarLoremistress LilesaLoremistress VinalmaLoremistress EnariTidlos EnFrifnirSvedEdnoraConsul DrokiKhazarVofingAlattaIgraJelandaDreidHanmaerPaneriUlo (Bonedancer Trainer)HaudrekFirgnarTrakAlesa

New Midgard Quests: Lesson: Protecting the WeakLesson: Enemies of the Realm

Updated Midgard Items: Ticket to Vasudheim (quest)Ticket to Huginfel
Updated All Items: Protector's Mighty GemstoneProtector's Shrouded GemstoneProtector's RingProtector's BeltProtector's Mystic GemstoneProtector's Cloak (lvl 20)Protector's Shrouded NecklaceProtector's Mighty NecklaceProtector's Mystic NecklaceProtector's Large ShieldProtector's Medium ShieldProtector's Small ShieldProtector's Fist WrapProtector's BracerProtector's Mystic StaffProtector's Weighted StaffFull Buffs Token (1g 60s)

Updated Midgard Mobs: FraglockHuldaGaron


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