Battles > Tier 1 > Thugawug Bumbler!
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| Goals | |
| | Primary: Defeat the Thugawug Bumbler | 10 | | |
| | | | Don't get knocked out 5 times! | |
Help: for Users • for Contributors
The "Members Only Reward" for this minigame is 23 .
Prize Wheel Rewards
General Purpose
The Bumbler calls in two waves of Fumblers during the fight, three each time.
- He knocks you back with a stun just before he calls in his Fumblers.
- While you are fighting each wave he complains that they are hitting HIM with rocks. Each time, he calls in a lone Fumbler, which you cannot target or attack, then knocks it out himself.
- Since you can only get six knockouts max per encounter, you will have to repeat the battle in order to fulfill your contract.
This page last modified 2013-03-03 13:27:55.