Patch 1.0.3 - Arrives 10/15/08!

The first two major patches have added some important updates and fixes to the game that have made a lot of players happy.  Check out what Patch 1.0.3 has to offer!

Tomorrow morning (10/15/085) at 6AM EDT all North American Servers will be coming down to begin the update to  version 1.0.3.!

Oceanic servers will follow at 9AM EDT, we anticipate all servers to be back online by 2PM EDT.

While these notes are subject to change they'll give you a taste of what you have to look forward to as 1.0.3 approaches!

To view the list of changes, click on "More..." below.  As always, we've included a copy in our forums.

Experience Enhancements - Phase II

Phase 2 for experience enhancements has begun!

A few days ago we introduced Phase 1 of our Experience Enhancements, boosting quest experience in Tiers 3 and 4, adding repeatable quests to key chapters and increasing the experience awarded for killing an enemy player in an RvR lake by 50 percent!

Today, we launch Phase 2 of this ongoing effort. Players who capture an RvR keep previously received only renown. As of today, players of the appropriate rank (actual, not bolstered) will also earn an experience bonus for successfully defeating a keep lord.

Click "More..." below to understand how this experience is to be implemented.

Hot Fixes - 10/14/08

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include General Changes and Bug Fixes, Content, and Realm vs. Realm.  A lot of general quest completion bugs have been resolved!

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

Oceanic Server Maintenance - 10/14/08

A few hours of maintenance for the Oceanic servers today:

We will be bringing down all Oceanic servers at 2:00PM EDT today for network maintenance. This downtime is scheduled to last until 5:00PM EDT.

As always please check the Herald for all of your up to the minute WAR News.

Hot Fixes - 10/13/08

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include Capital Cities, Combat and Careers in the Engineer and Marauder careers, and general Content fixes:

The development team has been working hard as usual to make sure that your gameplay experience is what it should be. Here are our most recent Hot Fixes for your reading enjoyment!

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

Spin your Tale!

Have a creative writing thumb?  Check out the offer at the WAR Herald on submitting your WAR stories!:

If you have a story about your character that you’d like to share with the Warhammer Community, send it in! We’ll be publishing your lore weekly right here on the Herald. Send your submissions to Be sure to put LORE-Order or LORE-Destruction in the Subject, and include the title of the story and your character name and server if you’d like recognition. Any stories submitted become the property of Mythic Entertainment. We can’t wait to read your tales!

Feel free to share your stories and adventures in our forums as well.  Writings can range from simple quotes, dialog pieces, to entire short stories!

Mount Gunbad Guide

Our own Tyrandor has developed a fantastic Mount Gunbad Guide, explaining how to get a great start in the zone and what to expect as you reach its inner depths.

The guide is a work in progress.  Tyrandor told me he has to work up his strength (by this he means his courage I think) in the game before he explores the last parts to gain enough information to complete the guide. 

As with any wiki article feel free to help contribute to our Mount Gunbad Guide directly, or discuss it in our forums.  Check out the rest of our WAR guides here !

High Level Content Adjustments

The Annihilator and Conqueror armor sets have been adjusted some:

High-Level Encounter and Armor Set Adjustments
Based on our observations and your feedback, we have determined that Fortress Lords and contested capital city guards are not providing the intended level of challenge. These enemies are among the most dangerous in the game, and battles against these deadly adversaries should be nothing short of epic.

Click the "More..." link below to view the change list.

Experience Enhancements: Phase 1

Some experience enhancements are headed our way!  Most of them involve quests being offered multiple times.

As part of our ongoing effort to tweak Warhammer Online based on player play patterns, we are making some adjustments to the rate and manner of experience gain in certain parts of the game. We continually analyze the data from our in-game metrics tool and as a result, we  have made some changes to WAR.  These changes will ensure that you will see a noticeable improvement to the rate at which you gain experience in tiers 3 and 4.

To view the experience enhancement list for phase 1, click on the "More..." link below! You may view the complete article at the WAR Herald as well.

750,000 Players Registered!

Not only has it been an awesome experience seeing Warhammer Online develop into a fantastic MMO, the community growth around the game has been simply incredible as well.  Hundreds of new players are registering for WAR every day.  I'm excited that the official registration count for WAR has breached 750,000 !

Everyone here at Mythic Entertainment is beaming with pride at the current success of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning! The WAR is raging, players are having a great time, and today we announced that we have 750,000 players registered. This is an incredible number just three short weeks after launch. We want to thank each and every one of you for your support, and we look forward to standing shoulder to shoulder with all of you as our numbers continue to grow!

To keep up with the growth in the community, we're continually adding new content to our database, wiki, forums and more. Any suggestions you have on making WAR a better experience for you, let us know !