RaveWAAAGH Friday Podcast Available

Last night I was honored to tune into my first ever Ravecast on air over at Online Gaming Radio !  Leonai took her first steps into WAR, and I had to be sure she wasn't going to complain about it!  Her co-host, Luxx, informed me that the podcast is now available from the OGR site, so you can listen in to all the fun we had!

PART1 for this episode of OGR’s Ravecast contains a wee bit-o-news regarding the delay of LittleBigWorld due to Quran references. Spore expansions to be released.

PART2 we start Leonai’s first ever Warhammer character. Will she choose the Orderly Orderlies or the Destructive Destructonauts? Listen to find out (oh, so exciting!).

PART3 is a continuation of Leonai’s WAR experience. Lots of “Cap it! Cap that freaking flag!” - “I know, I’m trying! Noooo I’m dead.”

I had the most fun I've had in an out of game social situation, and I encourage you to check out!  Of course, the Ravecast is on every Friday, and you can join in via our IRC room, in #OGR!  Hopefully we'll see you there next week!  Don't forget the WAR show: Podcast of Reckoning every Monday at 4pm!

The WAR on snake-oil tweaks

I'm a huge PC enthusiast, so when it comes to playing games like WAR I ensure I have the hardware and software necessary to run the game as smooth as a knife cutting through warm butter.

Here is an article from a favorite tech site of my, The Tech Report, that talks about WAR and your PC.  Definitely worth a read for any MMO gamer:

Gamers will do anything to squeeze a few extra frames per second from their computers. With the recent releases of several high-profile PC games, the echo chamber effect for what I would call snake oil fixes has increased dramatically. I've been playing a good amount of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR from here on out) lately, and like most new PC games, it's got some room for optimization.

Click "More..." below for the rest of the article.  Visit our forums to post your PC system upgrade questions or concerns on current performance.  Stay tuned tomorrow for our weekly performance guide update on further PC tweaks related specifically to WAR.  Waaagh!

First Month of WAR

The Warhammer Online team would like to thank the community for supporting the game during this fantastic time of growth and great start in the industry.  Our thanks to them for such a terrific game!

It's hard to believe that it's already been a month since the gates of WAR were opened and the world experienced its first steps in the game we had created.

It's been an awesome ride and the future is proving to be even brighter. If you haven't yet you should read Mark Jacob's State of The Game as he addresses where we are and what's to come!

We want to thank all of you again for choosing WAR to be your new MMO home, and we look forward to sharing in your adventures and victories for years to come.

Click here to view the entire letter at WAR Herald.  Remember that tomorrow marks the end of many of your free trial periods, so read further on how to register for WAR. Waaagh!

Weekly Realm Population Bonuses

Another week of realm population bonuses has arrived. This week there are even a couple of Destruction servers in the mix!

The bonuses are temporary boosts to help new players get into the game and strengthen their allies' efforts on servers where their realm struggles to keep up with the growing armies of their enemy.

To view the complete list of current realm population bonuses click here.

State of The Game - Mark Jacobs

Mark Jacobs goes through the past month of WAR and gives us an account of how successful the game has become, how well it's doing in terms of performance on your PC, and what we can look forward to down the road.  No mention of an expansion yet... /doh!

After over three years of work and one of the smoothest launches in MMORPG history, WAR is moving quickly towards the end of its first month.  This is a perfect time to take a look at where we were, where we are and where we are going.  First, on behalf of everyone at Mythic, I would like to thank you for your interest in our game.  While it is impossible for me to personally thank all 750K+ worldwide account holders, please know that we are grateful for your support to date and the support we hope you will show us in the future.  It’s been a long road to get where we are today but it has been a worthwhile journey.  While I might be tempted to say that the future’s so bright we have to wear shades, as you’ve seen from our podcasts, we’ll even wear those indoors.

We've included Mark Jacob's letter in our forums.  You can also view it at WAR Herald.

Additional Hot Fixes - 10/16/08

Some additional hot fixes have been released this evening!:

Combat and Careers

Magus: Daemonic Infestation - Will once again detonate when enemies are nearby.

Engineer: Land Mine - Will once again detonate when enemies are nearby.

Hot Fixes - 10/16/08

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include High-Level Encounter Adjustments, Capital Cities, Content, Items, and Realm vs Realm.  A lot of general quest objective bugs have been resolved!

We've got another great list of fixes for you as we head into the weekend, we hope you enjoy these and 1.0.3. We've got even more great things in the works for the coming weeks and as always stay tuned to the Herald for all the latest updates and information!

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

Guide to Bestiary Unlocks

To celebrate the recent announcement of our additional WAR CM, Snout is releasing today a Guide to Bestiary Unlocks, giving you unlock information to several of the starting zones and juicy details on how unlocks essentially work. 

We'll be further building this guide as more information is received, so send in anything you have that we may be able to add! You can also submit feedback in our forums for the guide.

Client Update - 10/15/08

If you've had some issues with Flight Masters, they may now be taken care of!:

A new client is now available for patching that should resolve issues players are experiencing when using Flight Masters.

If you are experiencing these issues please log out, run the patcher, and log in again to download the new client.

Guild Standards Guide

There have been many discussions in the community regarding Guild Standards, how they are deployed and what effects they bring to your guild while in battle.  What are Standards capable of and how can I take advantage of them while in RvR?

Today we're introducing a Guild Standards Guide that brings together all the Standards information you may have read about on WAR Herald and experienced in the game.  We hope this will give you a better perspective on how to obtain a Standard, what to do with it when you have one, and how to protect it so it doesn't fall into enemy hands.

We also have a forum discussion that has a conglomeration of this information.  Please respond to the thread with your comments of our guide, what you think of Standards, and how we can improve both!