Grab Bag No. 2 - Featuring Guild Commands!

So many questions and thankfully so many answers are in this second grab bag.  Guild leveling confusion, an official patch notes page, group system enhancements, and more are included:

Q. Your answer in the previous Grab Bag regarding guild leveling was confusing. Can you please clarify exactly how guild experience is calculated, and what constitutes an ‘active’ character in a guild?

A. While it’s against our policy to share exact formulas (in order to keep guilds from gaming the system), we do want to be sure and clarify these mechanics to the best of our ability for those guilds who are concerned about how guild leveling actually works. The total number of members in a guild does not impact Guild XP gain directly. It's based on characters who have recently contributed experience. The system takes into account the characters’ level, and is balanced in a way to allow guilds of all sizes to level up at comparable (but not necessarily equal) rates.

Click "More..." below to view this grab bag.  We've also included it in our forums here.  To view the complete Grab Bag at the WAR Herald, grab it here !

Realm Population Bonuses - 10/10/08

New servers have been added to the list! We started with one yesterday and quickly grew to over a half dozen!  At this time they are all Order realms, with all but one Type being Core based:

We are pleased to announce the addition of new servers to our Realm Population Bonus. As explained previously, for one week, these chosen servers will bestow divine gifts upon the designated realm to help swell their ranks and give them the power to try and turn the tides of battle. Players who join the vanguard will receive a 20% bonus to renown and experience!

We've also updated our own list in the forums.  To view the complete list at The Herald, click here.

Mount Bloodhorn Starter Guide

Our sixth and last starter guide is for the Mount Bloodhorn starting area. We've updated all starter guides to feature additional details about their respective zones, as well as how to proceed to the next zone.

If you have any input into the guides we would love to hear your suggestions on how we can fill out the series more.  Stay tuned for guides related to details on PQs, Tomb Unlocks, Careers and more!

Realms down

Update: Realms are back up!

All North American and Ocean servers will be coming down immediately at 3:30 PM EDT. We will update with an ETA as soon as more information is available. Please keep an eye here for updates, thanks!

Server are expected to return at 6:30pm EST.

Realm Population Bonuses - 10/09/08

The WAR Herald has introduced Realm Population Bonuses ! I'm always happy to receive rewards when accomplishing a great battle against the enemy realm, so the more the merrier!:

We are pleased to introduce Realm Population Bonuses. These bonuses are temporary boosts to help new players get into the game and strengthen their allies’ efforts on servers where their realm struggles to keep up with the growing armies of their enemy.

To view the current realm population bonuses, click on the "More..." link below.  We've also setup a post in our forums for the bonuses that we'll be updating on a regular basis.

Game Update 1.0.2

Game Update 1.0.2 has been posted at the WAR Herald!  Highlights and other updates include the war against gold spammers, players going AFK in scenario areas, and UI updates just to name a few:

The team here at Mythic has been busy this week making improvements and fixes based on your feedback to further enhance your gameplay experience. While these may change read on to check out the latest of these exciting updates coming to a server near you!

To view the complete list click on "More..." below.  We've also included a copy in our forums.

Developer Chat This Friday at Xfire

A developer chat has been schedule with the Xfire team for tomorrrow!  A lot of the developers will be attending, so you don't want to miss out if you have some questions to ask them!:

Join some of the faces behind Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning this Friday, October 3rd at 4:00PM EDT for an exclusive developer chat at Xfire. This is your chance to ask those burning questions you have about the continuing WAR and hang out with the rest of the community! Developers Josh Drescher, Dan Enwright and Adam Gershowitz are scheduled to join the chat. Jeff Hickman may even make an appearance! We hope to see you all there.

- When: Friday, October 3rd 4:00PM EDT.
- What: Warhammer Online Developer Chat
- Where: Xfire

PunkBuster Message Error

An announcement on the PunkBuster system causing abnormal in-game messaging:

Currently PunkBuster is causing some players to receive a lot of in game messaging. We apologize for this inconvenience and ask that you please log out and re-run your patcher. The issue should now be corrected.

There are still several issues that have become apparent after today's patch. Rest assured we're working diligently to resolve them as quickly as possible.

Further information about PunkBuster and its release are below in the "More..." section.

Scenario Performance Fix

The dev team responds about your concerns regarding Scenario performance issues:

We have been listening to the Warhammer Community about performance issues players are having while they were in scenarios. While we had the servers down today, we applied a number of fixes designed to improve play in scenarios and make the experience better overall. Our goal is to make scenarios the best possible experience for our players.

Be sure to let the devs know of any additional concerns you have through their feedback form . There is also a forum discussion here to talk about the changes.

Server Update 1.01 - All Servers

Most of the servers are online as of now!:

Status: All servers online except the following: Tor Elyr, Dark Crag, Bretonnia, Drifting Castle, Ironfist, Middenheim, Reikland, Tor Achere. We are working to bring these servers online as soon as possible.

On October 2nd, 2008 North American servers will be coming down for an update to version 1.01 at 8AM EDT. Oceanic servers are scheduled to follow at 9:30AM EDT. Estimated downtime is four hours (12PM EDT for NA servers, 1:30PM EDT for Oceanic servers).

We have a lot of great updates in store, you can read all about them here .

Click "More..." below for previous updates regarding this announcement.