New Careers and Live Event Announced!

A new event and with it two new careers! We announced earlier the Black Guard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun were going live soon.  Here is the scoop on this updated announcement:

We're excited to announce the upcoming Heavy Metal event, which will introduce two new careers to the fray:

While the servers are offline, read up on these two exciting additions to the game, coming in December! More detailed information on the Heavy Metal event and the new careers is available in this month's Newsletter. To sign up for the Newsletter, click here.

The original press release announcement can be found in our forums.  Have a great time at the event! Waaagh!

WAR Patch 1.0.4 - Arrives 10/29/2008!

Straight from The Herald !

Game Update 1.0.4 is upon us!

We've got a bunch of great stuff inside most notably being the start of our first Live Event: Witching Night!

Wednesday, October 29th at 7:00AM EDT all North American Servers will be brought down to begin the update. Oceanic servers will follow at 9:00AM EDT. We expect servers to be online by 1PM EDT.

Please note that during the first 40 minutes of downtime the Mythic Account Center may be unavailable while it is updated as well.

Read on for the notes!

Show us your WAAAAGH For Halloween!

The WAR team would like to see your Halloween pumpkin carvings, costumes, and other creations you are creating for this Halloween season:

Here at Mythic Entertainment we all enjoy a good time, and when the good time includes a gaggle (yes, gaggle) of fans sending in pics of their absolute devotion, all the better! That’s where you come in. Halloween is coming up, and we know there is at least one Squig Herder munchkin out there. We know that the urge to carve your pumpkin into the Bloody Sun Boyz emblem is overpowering. We know that many of you will be strapping on your shields and grabbing your axes and pillaging your neighborhoods in the name of chocolate—and we want to see PROOF!  Send pictures of your WAR-related Halloween costumes and pumpkin carvings to We’ll choose our favorites and send a selection of winners a WAR prize pack!

Remember, by sending in your entries you agree to allow us to post your image here on the Herald. Send in your pictures by Midnight (EST) on Sunday, November 2, 2008.  We can’t wait to see what’s in store!

And we want to see them too! Tell us about your creepy Halloween stories and creations here.

Witching Night is Nigh!

With the Halloween weekend approaching, we're beginning to see MMOs introduce some fantastic (and scary!) Halloween themes.  WAR today has announced their event!

Greetings all travelers and adventurers,

As the nights grow colder and the days run shorter the shadows become longer. The night is no longer claimed by the living and for the next few days the dead will rule the dark!

Join us as we tip-toe into the twilight and explore the mysteries of Witching Night. Slay foul beasts, complete epic Public Quests and receive the gifts of the damned.

Witching Night comes Wednesday, October 29, 2008 with the arrival of Game Update 1.0.4 and will run until November 2nd.

Take advantage of all the great activities and special events occurring throughout the world for players of any level. Check out the Live Events page for all the info:

Welcome To Witching Night

Reclaim the darkness...if you dare!

What are your Halloween plans ?

Hot Fixes - 10/27/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: Content, Lost Vale, Combat & Careers, Items, and Realm vs. Realm.

Probably the most important fix, the Phoenix Gate Scenario Destruction Spawn location improper access issue has been resolved.

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

Weekly Site Update - 10/27/2008

This is our second site update where we share with you the latest information regarding WAR Allakhazam, as well as review important announcements you may have missed earlier last week.

Categories include: News Highlights, Forum Discussions, WIKI/DB Updates, and Guide Updates.  We'll keep this short and sweet, so click "More..." below to view a summary of each category!

One item I want to reiterate here is the uniqueness of our WIKI and database.  Take a moment to search them and you'll notice they are linked together! Efficient convergeance between the two allows you to explore everything about a topic under one search pass.

Addition Hot Fix - 10/24/08

Hopefully it's the last tweak before the weekend. Thanks to Catt for keeping us up to date!


We have an additional Hot Fix for today, thank you!

Combat and Careers


Chaotic Rift: This ability will no longer effect an unlimited number of players, and follows the same target restrictions shared by all other Area of Effect spells

Hot Fixes - 10/24/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: Content... and more Content! Quest and Dungeon fixes are the focus.

Fortunately the Uthorin Raidlord in the quest "Heads Will Roll" will no longer kill the NPCs that you are supposed to target.  A good thing as it was annoying having all those heads rolling around prematurely!

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

Weekly Realm Population Bonuses

Looks like there won't be any Realm Population Bonuses for this week due to the Character Transfer service:

Due to the pending Character Transfers we announced yesterday there will be no new Realm Population Bonuses for the upcoming week.

Once players have settled down on their new servers we'll begin offering these incentives again when we have an accurate view of what servers and realms need them the most.

Have a great weekend all and stay tuned for more details on the Character Transfer program!

Grab Bag No. 3 - Armor Sets!

So many questions and thankfully so many answers are in this third grab bag.  "Grade" effects on armor, guild level achievement through alternative methods, and a ton of general game information is included:

Q. I have spent three points in a Mastery path, but have not received the first Mastery ability.  The bars have reached the ability, but there is nothing in my spellbook.  Am I doing something wrong?

A. Reaching the ability on the bar unlocks the ability to be purchased. From there, you must spend another point to purchase the ability. You can do this by clicking on the ability to highlight it, then clicking the train button. When you do this, it should spend a point and the ability will appear in your ability book.

Click "More..." below to view the rest of the Grab Gag which features more Q&A, Armor Set visuals, and gameplay Tips!  We've also included a copy in our forums.