Renown Items Guide

Today we're releasing our Renown Items Guide ! This guide is intended to help you better understand how useful Renown items are and how they are acquired as you level in Renown experience. Thanks to our Community Manager Snout for building this guide!

You'll notice the guide is organized nicely by careers, so you can directly select your career and understand what Renown items you'll have access to.  This is a living document like any other in our wiki, so we'll be updating this on a regular basis, and hope you will too !

Free Character Transfers - Rounds 2 & 3

Rounds 2 & 3 for character transfers have begun! Here is your chance to move to another server with a higher population:

Round 2 & 3 of today's Free Character Transfers has started! Players of the following realms are now able to login to the Mythic Account Center to begin transfer of their characters. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully! There are cases where you may lose items if you do not properly prepare your character for transfer. This also applies to the Guild Transfer functionality.

Click "More..." below to see Round 2 & 3's server list.  We've also included the list in our forums.

Dev Diary - The Reikland Factory

Lead Artist Russell walks us through how artwork was created for the latest Scenario: The Reikland Factory in this Dev Diary :

RvR is the core of this game. This is illustrated by the fact that the game facilitates making a new character, queuing into a scenario at the tender age of rank 1, and putting fools to the sword. You could easily gain the first 10 ranks of your career doing just that. I love the idea of people experiencing RvR before the T4 campaigns. Nobody shows up late to the party at rank 40 and says, “Ok, what’s this RvR noise about?” The war should be felt throughout your time spent here.

Click "More..." below to view the rest of the diary! Artwork and other commentary are included at WAR Herald.

Free Character Transfers - Round 1

For those of you waiting to begin character transfers, the following servers in Round 1 of this process has been implemented!

The Free Character Transfers have begun! Players of the following realms are now able to login to the Mythic Account Center to begin transfer of their characters. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully! There are cases where you may lose items if you do not properly prepare your character for transfer . This also applies to the Guild Transfer functionality.

Source Servers: Heldenhammer, Sea of Malice, Thorgrim, Tower of Doom

Destination Servers: Gorfang, Magnus, Monolith, Ungrim

Click "More..." below to read the Free Character Transfer FAQ and other releated information.  We've also included the details in our forums.

Zealot Career Guide

Since the release of the site we've introduced over 30 different guides, ranging from zone starter guides to information on bestiary unlocks.  To celebrate our second career guide we are introducing the Zealot Career Guide !

Zealots are a healing career that rely on other group members to survive, while in turn keeping those group members alive through their powerful heals. Armor equipment is even less effective than your arch nemesis, the Witch Hunter, so no heavy steel plate outfits here. Keep to the back of the group and keep your tank alive and you'll be loved by all, except the enemy of course.

Click here to check out the Zealot career guide.  The rest of our guides can be found here.  If you have any suggestions for updates to existing guides or entire new guides you wish to see produced, please send in your suggestions ! You may also discuss the guide and your Zealot career tips here.

Hot Fixes - 10/30/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: Witching Night, Content, Items, and Quests & Public Events.

There are a lot of pathfinding fixes, as well as spawning and loot resolutions.  Witching Night tweaks as well!

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

EA Q2 Losses Grow, Layoffs for 6% of Staff Coming

The Associated Press is reporting EA's income is falling, and layoffs of 6% of jobs at the game developer's studio will occur!

Video game publisher Electronic Arts Inc. posted a wider quarterly net loss Thursday and said it is laying off about 6 percent of its work force to cut costs as it heads into the most lucrative season for the games industry.

Higher development and marketing costs led to the bigger loss for the July-September period. The quarter's revenue surpassed Wall Street's forecast thanks to the success of games like "Spore" and "Madden NFL 09," but the company did not exude the cheery optimism that has characterized the video game industry in the past few months even amid the economic turmoil.

"Considering the slowdown at retail we've seen in October, we are cautious in the short term," said John Riccitiello, chief executive, in a statement. "Longer term, we are very bullish on the game sector overall and on EA in particular."

What this means for Warhammer Online remains to be seen!

Free Character Transfers

Details on Free Character Transfers has arrived for those looking to move to higher population servers, as well as some details on the Guild Transfer system!

We are pleased to announce that in the coming days we will be offering Free Character Transfers from our servers with lower populations to a set of servers with higher populations. To help you better prepare for these transfers we have provided additional details below.

Players on select servers will be able to transfer their characters via the Mythic Account Center. When the service is enabled in the coming days, players will see a Character Transfer button below "Activate a Key" and "Validate your Email Address."

To view the complete details and which servers are affected, click "More..." below. We've also included a copy of the details in our forums.

Experience Enhancements: Phase IV

There have been additional experience enhancements announced today, focusing on experience awarded for capturing enemy BOs, as well as Renown increases for healers!:

As the battle for the Warhammer world rages on, we continue to listen to your feedback and look for ways to improve the game. Among our highest priorities is making RvR as rewarding an experience as possible, and with that in mind, we are pleased to announce Phase IV of our ongoing Experience Enhancements. Today, as you may have read in the 1.0.4 Patch Notes, we have made the following changes to experience rewards:

•    The successful capture of an enemy battlefield objective now rewards the capturing players with experience.
•    In response to player feedback, the amount of renown earned from healing players has been increased.

We've included this phase of experience enhancements in our forums.  You can also check it out at WAR Herald.

Hot Fixes - 10/29/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: Capital Cities, Content, Items, and Realm vs. Realm.

There are a ton of fixes based on higher level NPCs, as well for several of the boss mobs.  The pathfinding tweaks to the Fortress Lords and their guards is a welcome change as well.

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.