Public Test Server Prepares for WAR!

Excitement is surrounding what is set to be the biggest update yet for WAR, and it's coming to the new test server for you to preview!

All currently subscribed players will have the opportunity to experience and test everything that 1.0.5 has to offer, and most importantly provide us with their feedback and bug reports to make patch day even smoother when 1.0.5 arrives on live servers.

In order to make testing even easier and better, and so that you can see how the changes impact you directly, all players will be able to copy their existing characters on the Live Servers to the Public Test Server.

Free Character Transfers - Round 6

Round 6 for character transfers has begun!

Round 6 of our Free Character Transfers has started! Players of the following servers are now able to login to the Mythic Account Center to begin transfer of their characters. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully! There are cases where you may lose items if you do not properly prepare your character for transfer. This also applies to the Guild Transfer functionality

Click "More..." below to view which servers are in Round 6. We've included the list of all six rounds in our forums.

Witching Night has Ceased

As of this morning Witching Night has ceased.  I hope you had a ghoulish time in WAR!

The ghouls fade from view and the Withered Crones pack their cauldrons and vanish into nothing once more. We hope that you enjoyed the quests and rewards that came with our first Live Event! As we said yesterday, the Event Heralds will remain for a few days to hand out the rewards you may have earned. They can be found near the Flight Masters in Altdorf and The Inevitable City. Witching Night has come to an end for now, but be sure to check out our Live Events page and keep an eye here on the Herald for upcoming events!

Hot Fixes - 11/4/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: Capital Cities, Combat and Careers, Content, Items, and Quests & Public Quests.

To view the list of Hot Fixes, click "More..." below.  We've also included the list in our forums.

The Witching Night is Waning

Tomorrow morning is the last day of Witching Night!

Your chance to seek out the ghosts, witches and horrors that plague the land and put an end to their wicked doings is nearing its end. The Witching Night will end tomorrow morning, November 5th, bringing our first Live Event to a close. This means that today and tonight are your last chance to earn any rewards for the Witching Night. The event Heralds will remain in game for a few days after the close of the event to allow you time to collect your rewards. Click here for more information about Witching Night!

Weekly Site Update - 11/03/2008

This is our third site update, where we share with you the latest information regarding WAR Allakhazam, as well as review important announcements you may have missed earlier last week.

Categories include: News Highlights, Forum Discussions, WIKI/DB Updates, and Guide Updates.  We'll keep this short and sweet, so click "More..." below to view a summary of each category!

Server Population Bonuses

Upcoming bonuses will be enacted on several of the destination servers in a few days!:

As many players begin adjusting to their new homes we wanted to help you and your new neighbors settle into the changes as easily as possible.

With this in mind all players on the previously announced destination servers will receive a 20% bonus to experience and renown when killing enemy monsters and players.

Click "More..." below to view the list of servers for these bonuses.  We've included the list in our forums as well.

Free Character Transfers - Round 5

Round 5 for character transfers has begun!

Round 5 of our Free Character Transfers has started! We are pleased to make these transfers available to players on Open RvR servers. Players of the following servers are now able to login to the Mythic Account Center to begin transfer of their characters. Please be sure to read all instructions carefully! There are cases where you may lose items if you do not properly prepare your character for transfer. This also applies to the Guild Transfer functionality.

Source Servers: Eerie Downs, Wurtbad

Destination Servers: Hochland, Praag

We've included the list of all five rounds in our forums.

MMO Calendar Will Benefit St. Jude Hospital

MMO Portal has put together its 2009 MMO Calendar featuring autographed artwork from numerous games. The list includes Age of Conan, DC Universe Online, Dofus, EVE Online, EverQuest II, Free Realms, Guild Wars, Pirates of the Burning Sea, RuneScape, The Agency, Warhammer Online and World of Warcraft.

All of the proceeds go directly to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, which treats children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases.

Also, everyone who purchases a calendar will be entered to win one of 10 prizes for each game, including boxed copies, premium accounts, 30- and 60-day passes, closed beta accounts and more. More information can be found here.

Free Character Transfers - Round 4

Round 4 for character transfers has begun!

Oceanic - Core & Role Play Servers

Source Servers: Lucan, Lustria, Marius

Destination Servers: Darklands, Ironclaw

We've included the list of all four rounds in our forums.