March 31 Updates

Well here's the new crop of stuff sent in, wanted to get this done before I head off to Vegas for the Fan Faire. New Items: Sentinel's HelmBone Forge SpearAtesh-Ah Bonemail BeltCoral ClaymoreAnkexfen War SceptreJasper NecklaceMetamorphic RobesBow of the Sure ShotAlligator BracersTwisted Steel BeltKinetic BraceletKinetic Band

New Quests: Lvl 49 Epic for Druid, Ranger, Magician, MonkDark Elf Magician Lvl 20Human Freeport Rogue Lvl 07Elf Alchemist Lvl 49Widow Yourg

EQOA: A new threat descends on Norrath

Aside from the usual bug fixes and such, there is new content being added on March 23rd. Click on read more for info about it :) A new menace unleashes itself on Norrath. A plague is sweeping across Tunaria and Odus infecting all manner of creatures. This new plague seems to be incurable by all conventional means. As the plague spreads, concern grows in the cities and towns of good natured folks over how this vile infection can be stopped. Even bastions of healing, such as temples to Rodcet Nife, the Prime Healer, have been at a loss for a cure. A small glimmer of hope stems from the rise of a new organization - the Healers of Springview. While not able to root out the cause or provide a cure, the Healers of Springview (named for the canyon where their organization's Sanatorium resides) has sent healers to the many cities of Norrath in order to treat those afflicted and provide assistance for the unfortunate victims. What heroes will emerge to combat this new threat? What dangers lie ahead in uncovering the source of this plague and putting a stop to it further spreading? We will have to wait and see... EXCLUSIVE SCREENSHOTS BELOW!!!

An Auction Issue Leads to Account Closures

Bordael wanted me to pass this along to you guys so here it is. Recently, it came to our attention that there was an issue with the new Auction server that allowed people to obtain more Tunar than they were entitled. As soon as this was uncovered we moved on a correction that was updated to the servers with the downtime on Monday, March 8th. We are in the process of completing our investigation into accounts that took advantage of this situation for large profits by freezing those accounts until we can fully remove any Tunar that should never have existed in the first place. We intend to close accounts that were in the process of exploiting this issue for huge sums of Tunar. We regret the necessity of this action, but we are committed to maintaining the balance of EQOA. Such sums of Tunar could only have had harmful repercussions to the game. Some of the accounts frozen, where perhaps a single, or few, possibly accidental, issues arose, the Tunar will be removed and access restored. We anticipate our review with this incident will be completed by Wednesday, March 10th. If your account has been affected, you may want to make sure we have a valid email address for you on file. Visit to update your information. For future reference, as we outline in the Rules of Conduct, we ask that you not exploit bugs that you find in the game. If you encounter such an issue that you feel is "not right" or "too good to be true" please cease using it and notify us via the in game Help Request or the website Feedback Form as soon as possible. Our apologies for any affect this issue may have had on our customers and thanks in advance for your understanding. ~The EverQuest Online Adventure Team

Info About Buying and Selling Items

Bordael wanted us to help spread the word, so i'm spreading it like butta! (Sorry about the slang but it's late and i'm tired but it needed to be posted) Buying and Selling Stacks of Items If you thought that video games were not helping your scholastic abilities it is time to think again. Sharpen up your mental calculator! When using the newly improved Auction System to buy stacks of items, you will need to keep in mind that the price displayed is the price per item! For example, if you are bidding on a stack of 5 gems and the price is 2,000 Tunar, then if you win the auction you will end up spending 10,000 Tunar. Please keep this in mind when buying stacks of items. You will also want to keep it in mind when setting the opening price and buy it now price of stackable items you wish. These prices should revolve around an individual item in that stack, not prices for the whole stack. Happy buying and selling!

Patch Info For 3/3/04

Theres a ton of new features added with this patch. Have fun :) Looking for Group You can now "register" as Looking for a Group, in the Community - Group menu. From a keyboard you can also type /lfg on and /lfg off to toggle your LFG status. You can search through others registered as LFG via the Search section in the group sub menu under Community. Auction II You can now auction Lore and Stackable items Auction searches max level default is level 60 Mass Mail You can now specify multiple mail recipients. In the send-to area of your mail, separate each person's name to receive the mail with a comma Who You can view the list of players in your area by typing /who Who, Buddy and Guild lists can now be sorted by the various columns in those sections (name, class, etc) Additional "Slash" commands Added /buddy to add a player to your buddy list Added /ignore to add a player to your ignore list Reply Changed /reply to open a /tell to the last person to send you a tell, lessening the possibility of sending your reply to the wrong person. Quests Something evil emanates from the Dshinn's Redoubt region that even the bravest of adventurers fear to investigate. Corrected a faction issue with the level 13 Dwarf Warrior quest Corrected an issue with the Lavastorm level 55 quest that could possibly prevent completion. Also, increased number of scales abosian snappers can drop for this quest. NPC AI Lessened the possibility that NPCs can cast spells through walls Pet behavior modified so that they can detect attacks against group-members, as well as their owner. If the pet is in "neutral" mode, it will only attack a target if that target is directly assaulting its caster. If the pet is in "defensive" mode, it will attack any target that damages someone in the group. If the pet is in "aggressive" mode, it will attack any target being attacked by someone in the group. Abilities Changed the Monk +hp max +power max line to give an instant power replenish of 85% of the spells power cost. Previously they were giving an instant power replenish that made these less desirable to use. The lowest level version remains unchanged as it was the only one giving more instant power than the power cost. Changed the Dark Elven Racial Class Mastery "Chosen" ability "Spite" to be useable with any weapon equipped. To remove confusion, changed the ability icon for the Shadowknight Harm Touch line of abilities and mastery abilities to the hand with blue magic swirls around it. Plane of Sky Corrected an issue where an island in the 4th chain was being skipped Changed King Ruthra's spawning to be "less" farmable. NPCs Added a Spiritmaster to Highbourne to facilitate traversing that city Items Bonesteel Armor is now usable by Clerics The ring of everflame's stats are more appropriate for the useable classes. Gulam scout belt is now gnome useable

New Stuff For March 1

First off a News Blurb from Bordael: For those that missed our earlier announcements, the EQOA development team has been working on our next client and server update for a while now. Some features of this exciting update include: * New Looking for Group tool - This should reduce the process of finding a group and allow players to more quickly get to the fun of adventuring. * Auction II - Improvements to the existing auction system including selling and buying of Lore and Stackable items * Mass Mail - Improvements to the in game mail system to send out a single mail to multiple recipients. This makes organizing events a snap! Given the many system changes involved with these larger updates, even the smallest of issues can lead to problems once in a live environment. That and there are a number of systems and processes that have to be ready and in sync to do such an update. So, all the excuses aside, we want an extra couple of days and are going to push the update out into early next week. Also, if we do, we might be able to get in a few other content things finished up and in to make the update that much better. So, thanks for your patience and understanding. We want to bring the update to you as much as I'm sure you all want to play it! ~ The EverQuest Online Adventures Team Now the New items in the system: New Items: Coral HammerOrc Fang StaffStaff of FireCoral TridentSnotblockScimitar of RendingForest Kin's BracersLunaric GlovesLunaric BootsHeroic GreavesHeroic GauntletsHigik's Circlet

Las Vegas Fan Faire

SOE is having a Fan Faire this year in Las Vegas , NV. This is chance to meet and greet the Devs of EQoA, EQ(PC) and other involved with the community. FOr more information, and for the registration pages, go to the link below.

New Items and Quests For Feb. 19th

New Patch Stuff

New batch of patch day goodness, or badness depending on who and what you like. There's more when you click on the read more button. 2/19/04 Continuing our efforts to expand hunting areas for characters 50+ The Elephant Graveyard region in south central Tunaria has been revamped. Take care when passing through this area as things are definitely not as they were before! Quests that previous had elements found in this area have been changed accordingly to maintain their difficulty. Have fun! All armorcrafting armor and shields have been updated with the changes proposed on the EQOA website. These changes were the result of player feedback to increase the desirability of this tradeskill and the resulting products. For a complete list of of changes visit Abilities: Bard's Gypsy Master Class ability: Light Fingers can now be used with any weapon equipped. Druid and Wizard Portal changes: Changed the Circle of Kerra druid spell to Circle of Barren Coast. Changed the Kerra Isle Wizard Portal to Barren Coast Portal. Sage Wythin has been moved to the South Barren Coast region. The Druid/Wizard quest associated with Sage Wythin has been changed to fit his new spawn location. To correct the previous problems with the Mug line of Rogue Class Masteries, the following changes have been implemented: Created Mastery MugIII that requires Level 46, Mug 1 and that they have Assault. This is the condition rogues in the "broken" state are in Created Mastery MugIV that requires MugIII and level 60. This allows rogues in the broken state to complete the Mug line on this "alternate" path. Rogues will only be able to progress through the current Mug progression or the alternate Mug progression, but not both. Quests: Improved the following level 57 and level 59 quest rewards to better suit the quest: boots of the kedge, emberscale tunic, starshimmer bracers, welahi pouncer boots Further revised the quests involved with Cedric the missing fisherman for clarity and do-ability. Changed quests in the Theatre Bizarre region to have a timer of 20 mins instead of an hour. This should reduce confusion where previously players would complete event in under the 1 hour timeframe but not be able to finish the quest because the NPC wouldn't react properly until the timer was up. Items: Removed Magician, Necromancer, Enchanter, and Wizard from the takish suede robe as appropriate for a leather robe. The Spirit maker's robe no longer drops in game. The items statistics have not changed. A new, caster appropriate, robe now drops in its place. NPCs: Changed the aggro range of several mobs on the Night chain in Plane of Sky to reduce the chance of them being aggro'd through the walls and floors. We re-evaluated some aspects of Lord Nagafen's loot and encounter. This encounter is one of the most difficult in the game and the items obtainable through it are rewards to match. Remember, meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup! (Haggan's note: I used to have a bumper sticker that said that! hehehe)

New Items and Quests for Feb. 5th

Some people have been emailing me asking when i'm going to update next with the new items and such. I wait until I have a number of items and quest to make a good update before I actually do one. The only way I get a good number on a consistant basis is for you people visiting this site to send in the info. Send in ANY info for items and quests, doesn't matter is the item is vendor trash or not, send it in. Full details on how to send in items and quests is located in the FAQ, conviently located on your left hand column. New Items: Tidian Prophet RobeStonepeak RobeRobe of ForestGreen Silken RobeClaok of MightChanneler's RobeMuddy BootsEssence of NewtBlessed ShieldBadmoon TotemRobe of the EyesAnkextet Executioner BladeShroud of the PassingOmnipotent RobeDawnblaze MaceShimmering Robe (Lvl 37)Imperial Forged RanseurImperial Staff of WarImperial Insignia of WarImperial Forged ShieldImperial Shield of WarImperial GirdleImperial HelmImperial LegplatesForbidden Ring of TukarWyrm Hide BraceletAnketet Iron BracersShooting Star SabreCraknek Chain Tunic

New Quests: Ogre Warrior Lvl 15Ogre Warrior Lvl 20Gnome Cleric Lvl 07Ogre Shadowknight Lvl 13Ogre Shaman Lvl 10Elf Alchemist Lvl 40Ogre Necromancer Lvl 05Ogre Necromancer Lvl 07