Game Updates for Feb. 4th

Quests: Quests are now available for new Druid and Wizard portal spells that will take them to more remote Frontiers high level experience hunting areas. Hopefully, this will make these areas more popular with the convenience of a teleport to reach them. Corrected a problem where players were not properly flagged to start the Rathe 55 quest after killing Grundle. Yevran Ty'Rizeth spawns more frequently Alecia Fishwife's quest is now completeable Items: We have changed a number of items that were too powerful for the difficulty with which they could be obtained. We hate doing this after the fact, but hopefully everyone can understand that obtaining very powerful items off of relatively easy monsters just sort of blows everything out of whack. For example, you and your guild spend weeks of work to finally overcome Lord Nagafen, the red dragon in the heart of the Lavastorm Mountains and you find that some of the treasure you obtain is not as good as a "broken" item you got off a common monster in the Kerra Island region. It certainly cheapens the experience. In order to maintain the planned item power progression in Frontiers, we have changed the following sets of items that dropped off of Kerrans and Nymphs in the Kerra Isle region and replaced them with new, rebalanced items: Coralsteel, Foamweave, Islespirit and Isleguard armor sets Fathomdweller's shroud, Coralsteel crown, deepsong wand, totem of the deep, tidal essence wand, fathomwalker's scimitar, charm, circlet, shield and totem of the isle spirit, crest and eye of the jaguar, and the welahi-nai talisman. As an apology to our customers who had these items, Collector Garner in Highpass will allow you to turn these changed items in for a significant amount of experience. Items that dropped at a common rate reward enough exp for 1 CM if at 500 total CMs, items that dropped at an uncommon rate reward enough exp for 1 CM at 700, 1 CM at 800 for and item that was Rare, and 1 CM at 900 for Ultra-rares. Tradeskill Leather robes have been updated to be Alchemist useable stonebound axe, an SK only weapon, is now usable by Ogres. deathfist magi's wand is now usable by Wizards. Abilities: Removed the sta/ac portion of NatureForm Druid Class Mastery and replaced it with a significant Heal over Time regeneration component. Altered necro gather shadows and druid's grp camoflage spells to prevent shape change removal and the possibility of the invisibility not going into effect. Bard Master Class Gyspy's Light Fingers ability no longer requires a specific weapon to be equipped to use. Mug 1 will now remove the old Lvl29 Assault ability. Older rogues may have this version of Assault (and not be able to get rid of it). Rogues in this situation can now remove Mug 1 which will allow them to purchase further Mug abilities that they were previously not able to do.

Game Updates for Jan. 29th

From Bordael: NPCs: A distant flapping of fiery wings from the lava torn lands north of Klick'Anon announce the Dragon's return. The NPC Yevran Ty`Rizeth in the south barren coast region now spawns at an uncommon rate and their treasure has been improved to match this change. Updated several other unique npc spawns in Frontiers that were not spawning and dropping loot at their correct rates Class Mastery: Corrected an issue that was preventing Necromancers from properly casting their pet class mastery invisibility ability on the level 60 pet. Reduced power cost of Bravo's Blade Dance Bravo Poise ability will now work with all weapons and stacks properly with other buffs Increased the power cost of the Hunter's ability Trueshot and added a hate component to be in line with the damage dealt by this ability Abilities: Updated all Druid, cleric, and Enchanter group and AoE buffs to only buff characters of the appropriate level for the spell. Alchemist level 47 invisibility potions are tradeable. Improved Invis and Superior Invis will now correctly hide the target of these spells. As a result of this change, the helm and held items of those affected will still be visible to other players. Please note that the visibility of the helm or held items does not affect a monsters chance to detect a player. All invisibility spells function the same in that regard. Improved and Superior Invis offer longer durations with less randomness over lower level versions. Items: gold ingot changed to make the item more desirable to tank classes as originally intended

Patch Notes for Jan. 22nd

We have a few changes to report with today's update to EverQuest Online Adventures. Here are the details: 1/22/04 Abilities: Alchemist Invisibility Potions now work as follows -Level 7, Faulty Sublimation. Potion casts Ethereal Mists (1-10 minute invis). No Trade, No Rent. -Level 27, Sublimation. Potion casts Ethereal Haze (5-10 minute invis). Tradeable, No Rent. -Level 47, Volatile Sublimation. Potion casts Ethereal Fog (9-11 minute invis). Tradeable, No Rent. The Elf racial mastery, Pure Heart is no longer removed when entering combat. NPCs: Several Master Craftsman have made their way to Odus in search of new components, and other practitioners, to advance their craft. Overcoming monsters that give you positive faction with the Citizens of Dark Solace now give you positive faction with the Disciples of Plague also found in Dark Solace. A fletching merchant has taken up shop in Arcadin. Overcoming many of the kobolds that roam Odus will be looked upon favorably by the Citizens of Morthalis. Chimeron the Tyrant now spawns less frequently New "experience" camps have been added in The Hunt, for those brave enough to adventure there. Items: Alchemist class specific Isle of Dread armor has been added. Odan's bonded gloves, the alchemist epic item has been changed from 20 disease resist to 20 poison resist. This helps them with their draught potions. Naga Scale Belt, Naga Hide Leggings, Naga Scale Boots are now tradeable items. Quests: Players should have less difficulty finding the Gyropick in the Lavastorm Mountains.

New Items and Quests for Jan. 20th

Info About Sharing Accounts

This is from Bordael: We have seen a rise in problems resulting from people sharing accounts and are hoping more awareness about the risks involved will help. Additionally, more information about our policies on it can be found at Be careful with your account log-in information. While it may be tempting to allow a friend to play on your account, doing so is not only in violation of the License Agreement, but opens you up to losing all of your hard earned items. Please, keep your account secure and your password known only by you. Account security is the responsibility of the owner. Also, SOE employees will NEVER ask you for, or need, your account's password. If someone asks you for it, don't give it out. Thanks!

Pre-order Final Fantasy XI / Hard Drive on

For those of you thinking of purchasing the PS2 version of FFXI with the new hard drive, please consider purchasing it through our link to Besides helping out the site, non-premium members receive a free 30 day trial account here with their purchase. Even better, premium members get an exclusive 10% discount off the game by using your coupon. That's a $10.00 savings, which is more than the cost of the 3 month membership. If you want to learn more about the game, check out our FFXI Site. Use this link to order.

Some New Items and Quests

Sorry for not posted in a long time. Gotta catch up :) This is just some of what's in my inbox, more when i'm feeling better. New Items: Rowen'Dal Alchemist's GlovesHallowed Plate TunicShield of Blue FlameElegant DirkGreen Silken NecklaceGlistening ShieldRock Dented Banded LeggingsStitched Leather GlovesHand Punded LeggingsWorn Fabric TunicTarnished Ankexfen NaginataTarnished Ankexfen DaggerStarlit RingClub of ConversionBoar Ring GlovesBone Spirit Greatsword

New Quests: Lvl 53 QuestDwarf Warrior Lvl 30

New Patch Notes

From Bordael: All these updates will go into effect after the game update scheduled for 8 AM Pacific on Wednesday, January 14th. 1/14/04 NPCs: Adjusted the average spawn time of Skahyir down to be, on average, slightly more frequent than Lady Vox. Keep in mind that this is not a guarantee that one will be seen more often than the other, but rather a guideline as to what was changed. To further address concerns over Skahyir's rarity and other monsters associated with the quest to access the Plane of Sky, please keep in mind that the Plane of Sky is not designed as a single group adventure area. Rather, it is set up for multiple group raid forces and has a rather linear progression, that doesn't support multiple raids particularly well. So, while we know that everyone capable of it wants to explore this exciting region, the rarity of the entrance components is by design to reduce congestion in this area. Also, keep in mind that just a few (or even one) Plane of Sky equipped Wizards or Druids could conceivably take everyone who wanted to go up there. So, while we know that not everyone enjoys hunting for rare monsters, they do serve a purpose and play a role in such content. Other NPC changes: Faction can now be gained with Arcadin and the Stone of Morthalis by fighting creatures that threaten those locations Quests: Fixed a problem with the Level 40 alchemist path quest where a pop-up dialogue wasn't triggering like it should Costume Maker Leboi has been moved to a more appropriately accessible location The Kerran disguise involved in an Odus level 57 side quest will no longer hide your true identity to other creatures in Norrath When directed to speak with the Anvil of Saerk in a quest, be sure to approach it cautiously and slowly to avoid simply being slain outright Class Mastery: Changed the Mage Aeromancy 5 CM to summon a lvl 54 pet Druid Storm Coat masteries are now group instead of target spells Abilities: Hawk Eye Ranger bow path spec spell now works properly Level 47 Alchemist spell, Volatile Sublimation, now summons the correct potion that grants invisibility Items: Level 53 Melee, Caster and Priest Quest item rewards have been retuned to make them more desirable All tradeskill crafted stilettos are now caster usable Mercurial leggings are now equipable Magma Coated Shield now has 12200 item HPs. Shortsword of Fire is now Bard usable Necrapede oil is no longer lore, allowing it to be stacked Darcianik's Leggings is now wearable by all classes that can use leather or better Goldstar bracers are now equipable in the proper location Boltug's Blade is now Troll and Warrior usable Belt of blackened sands now has a more appropriate durability Fathomsteel shield now has an appropriate graphic Fathomsteel ring, earring, bracelet, and amulet were adjusted to be more appropriate for their level

Jan. 2nd Updates

Nothing like starting the new year off with a few corrections. Below are the details of the changes that went into effect on the EverQuest Online Adventures servers Friday, January 2nd. 1/2/04 Quests: An error in the level 57 "Arios the Battered" quest has been fixed. A portion of the quest that required the player to get a dialogue "pop-up" wasn't working as well as it could have. It should now be much easier to get this pop-up. The rune dervish now drops its quest item properly. Items: Firescale belt is now wearable in the waist slot. Ironweave leggings, coat, and wristguards now increase strength instead of agility. Firesong chestguard has had its stats increased to match its level. NPCs: A few creatures in Solusek's Eye have been modified to match their intended difficulty. They should also drop treasure more frequently now.

Dec. 19 Updates

It's a snowball fight! Men made of snow have been found with wondrous clumps of snow that miraculously do not melt and are fun to throw at your friends! No, they don't remove invisibility anymore. Have fun! Wild rumors and tall tails spread up the coast of Odus from the Abysmal Sea. It seems that a merman of legendary proportions has been spotted in the deep waters of that region. Abilities: SK spell Clinging Darkness now includes a damage component Alchemist lvl 54 spell Alchemic Condensation is now properly labeled as such. Previously, it was labeled as lvl 51 and dropped as such. Alchemist lvl 51 spell now drops correctly. Alchemist lvl 46 spell effect Icy Mixture set to the proper level NPCs: Lusana in the Hunt region now drops more appropriate treasures Tuned the Geomancer's Citadel region for better hunting at levels 55 and up.