Producer's Letter and August Patch


Hail Norrath! My friends!

We’ve had a thrilling first-half of the year thanks to you! After the 20th Anniversary game shenanigans and the thrill of the Comic-Con Museum exhibit in San Diego, we got right back into working on the next expansion coming this December!

Speaking of which, here’s a sneak preview of one of the as-yet-to-be-named-and-announced locations in a very icy place that may feel vaguely familiar.

One big difference? After 20 years EverQuest finally has an ice shader! It might seem silly, but those kinds of changes to a decades-old code base are significant and I’m so proud of the team! We hope our fans enjoy the chill!



And here are some frosty giants!


Speaking of expansions, when we release in December, we will be going up to level 115! With that in mind, last year’s expansion, The Burning Lands, is 50% off starting August 21. Go to and prepare for level 115!

Earlier this year, I mentioned putting together a fan event which we are exploring for next year. We have a survey here we’d love you to respond to here: LINK. We want to get an idea of how many players are interested and a couple of other questions. Please participate if you are interested in hanging with your EQ friends and family!

Also on tap this year is EverQuest II’s 15th anniversary on Nov. 9 which we will support in EverQuest with a new take on a progression server. Players will start as Level 85 Heroic Characters with experience gain at the same rate as live servers. Content up to the House of Thule expansion will be available at launch with expansions unlocking every 2 – 3 months. We’ll release more details as we get closer to that date!

For all those folks on the Mangler progression server, get prepared for the Scars of Velious expansion to unlock on August 28!

Also, the mystery Troll Heritage Crate is now available in the marketplace with armor sets, mount and more. I’d advise plugging your nose, eyes, and ears before opening one….

And finally, Labor Day is coming at the end of the month so look for an in-game bonus that weekend, ahem. Double down!

Until next time, Norrath, which won’t be long, I promise you!

Sincerely, as ever,

Holly “Windstalker” Longdale



August 21, 2019

*** Items ***

- To alleviate confusion with the 'Purified Nest Water', we updated the item not needed for progression to have the name 'Potable Nest Water'.
- Added equipment slots to Stone Eye of the Guardian from Stillmoon Temple.
- Added drakkin to many classic game items.
- Added vah shir to Hynid-Hide Bag and Tarnished Halberd.
- Fixed lore errors in The Burning Lands subsumptions and transmogrificants.
- Fixed some item spell descriptions that reported zero effect.
- Fixed the lore text for Inventor's Handbook.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Fixed many inconsistencies found with the spelling of recipes and items associated with those recipes.
- Aneuk NPC that can drop Aneuk Eye now drop it much more frequently.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Savage Lord's Totem (Beastlord Epic 1.5) - Moved the rares in Siren's Grotto that shared an encounter with the Ailing Walrus to a different encounter table and different spawn points. This should prevent rare spawn bonuses from preventing the Ailing Walrus from spawning.
- Origins of the Curse - It's no longer necessary to have a single character loot four Fragments of Zebeker's Bone Chips. They can be handed to Zebeker one at a time by anyone in the task.
- A Goblin's Escort - Made the following changes:
- - After a 13 year hiatus, Higglin Diggerchop has returned to the highest level version of this mission.
- - The escort NPCs are now PC friendly.
- - The escort NPCs now stop at their destination to prevent soft locking the task if they walked away before you interacted with the next escort NPC.
- - Increased the movement speed and health of the escort NPCs.
- - The task now updates when you confirm with an escort NPC that you are ready for them to move, and not on their hail.
- End the Return - Made the following adjustments to the steps that involve using the Glob of Oil or Burning Ember:
- - Increased the range at which these items will work on a nearby target by about 50%.
- - The check for closest valid target will now skip any targets which have already been affected.
- - The Z axis is no longer taken into account when determining nearest target.
- - Widened the valid area in Tomoko's room where the objects can be used so that it no longer says you're not in a valid area when up against the south wall.
- - It's now necessary to oil all the tools before any of them can be burned.
- - Burned tools now disappear.
- - Fixed the bug where you could burn multiple tools with one use of the ember but only get credit for 1.
- Restored the darkwater piranha spawn in Nektulos Forest so that Roary Fishpouncer's Kerran Fishing Spear quest can again be completed.
- Night at the Museum - Added a speculative fix to prevent the situation where multiple waves spawn simultaneously.
- Breakdown in Communication - It is now possible to complete the quest to receive another Stone of Entry from Councilman Sislono Nislan if you have deleted your Stone of Entry, but don't have credit for completing the Qinimi execution event.
- Rogue Epic 1.0 - Made some changes to Renux Herkanor's dialogues so that they can all be reached and some of the more obscure ones can be found more easily.
- Pyrique Redwing - It's no longer possible to identify the real from the fake Pyrique's Shadow by considering them.
- Keeper's Imbalance Achievement - Fixed the description for this achievement to match the actual requirement. You only have to push the keepers out of balance by 20 percent.

*** Spells ***

- Fixed a bug that was preventing some NPCs from summoning their custom pets.
- Magician - Call of the Hero (including AA versions) can now only be cast on other players.

*** NPCs ***

- Bathouse Manager Hakvar is now Bathhouse Manager Hakvar, because he manages a house with baths and not a house for bats.
- Restored three missing rare spawns from the Broodlands.
- Removed the dragorn box and dragorn chest that would sometimes spawn upon killing an NPC in The Bloodfields.
- Made 1,052 NPCs immune to charm. These are rare NPCs and those with very long respawn times.
- The Bloodmoon Orcs that harry Gnome Memorial Mountain will now give positive faction hits with the Gnomelikes when the orcs are in their were-form.
- Bloodmoon Night-Orcs faction standing can now be viewed in the faction window in the Secrets of Faydwer Category.

*** Collections ***

- Removed an unreachable collection location in the Empires of Kunark version of Droga.
- Corrected an error that was preventing half of the collectibles in Skyfire (Ring of Scale) from spawning.

*** UI ***

- When inspecting a spell on an item, it will now correctly display the spell at the correct level.
- Corrected an issue where augmentation procs would not display the correct damage when viewed inside another item.
- Fixed the issue that broke the ability to invite someone to your DZ or task by clicking on their name in chat.
- Corrected an issue where leaving an item on a corpse would display an unformatted NPC name.
- Made the following changes to the Spell Display Window:
- - Added directional AE degrees, reflectability, and focused spell duration.
- - Added text samples of what is seen when the spell lands on you or others.
- - Increased precision of focused cast time.
- - Fixed a bug where Gift of Mana caused focused mana cost to display incorrectly.
- Cleaned up the tribute related windows. The current tier of a tribute will now be highlighted to clearly indicate which one is available. Each tier will also display information more clearly, much like the item display window.
- Adjusted the default location of the Mercenary Management window and the Tutorial Help window to not overlap with the Task Overlay window.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #21

Click Read More... to see all the updates since August 7th.

EQ Update #20

Here are the updates for the past month. Drewinette and Grizabelle have been busy updating all sorts of stuff.

Larth added a bunch of missing TBM achievements and added some wiki pages.

I myself have been busy with college, work and family. I have been keeping up with new comments through the month, which will be caught up by tomorrow from the last time I went through them. I've also been working on SPA info on spells. I've also set expansions on NPC's from the following expansions:

  1. Ring of Scale
  2. Empires of Kunark
  3. The Borken Mirror
  4. The Darkened Sea
  5. Call of the Forsaken
  6. Rain of Fear
  7. Veil of Alaris
  8. House of Thule
  9. Underfoot
  10. Seeds of Destruction
  11. Secrets of Faydwer
  12. The Buried Sea
  13. The Serpent's Spine
  14. Prophecy of Ro

I've added some by hand in Kunark zones but the early expansions contain NPC's from later expansions so some might need to be done by hand rather than by mass setting like I have been doing with these other expansions.


Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #19 and Summer, Summer, Summer Stuff!

Here are the updates for the past week+.

Click Read More to see all the updates.



Also starting today, Daybreak activated some cool stuff for us in game. Check it out!





Summer Spectacular!

Summer is here, the days are long, and that means it's time to celebrate. Start your July off right with in-game bonuses, member gifts, and deals! Everything begins July 1, 2019:

Bonus Rewards!

  • All XP, faction, and rare drop rewards will be increased by 76%.

Member Gifts!

  • Log in to claim your two timely and celebratory familiars: the Metamorph Totem: Murikaglider and the Metamorph Totem: Cernerder'Eh Murkglider. Look for these in your reward window once you log in. Members only.

Heritage Crates Return!

  • Make sure you check out the Marketplace, because the spectacular is a special opportunity to catch up on any of the Heritage Crates you might have missed. ALL Heritage Crates are back in the Marketplace throughout the event.

The Summer Spectacular begins at 12PM PT (noon) on July 1, 2019, and ends at 12PM PT (noon) on July 8, 2019.


EQ Update #18 and Patch

Many updates over the last week or so.

All Fabled items have been marked for the expansion that they have been released in. That should clear up item searches for earlier expansions where these items were showing up in.

Edit: Spells for the June patch have been updated.

Click Read More to see all the updates.


June 19, 2019




*** Items ***


- Fixed an issue that prevented focus effects on items that increase incoming healing from functioning as expected. Ex: Whispering Midnight Soothing, Blazing Euphoria Soothing.

- Stone of Tranquility will no longer drop from NPCs greater than level 114.

- Changed the attack animation for Blueogre's Blue Bastard Of Heroism Ornament to 1 hand to better fit the fact that it works in any weapon.

- Added Ondine Hero's Forge ornaments to Brilliant Jade.

- Increased the drop rate of Exultant Inhabited Muhbis and the following augments: Fate's Accumulator, Weeping Heaven, Secret Dawn, Whispering Midnight, and Blazing Euphoria.

- Increased the drop rate of several pieces of gear that drop from rare monsters in the Plane of Disease.

- The Burning Lands version of Nature's Fury now generates less hate.


*** Tradeskills ***


- Specified the class on emblems to match the class of the armor it makes, for easier classification.

- Adjusted old-style research drop tables.

- - Increased the chance to receive recipe components.

- - Decreased the chance to receive cash drops.

- - For example: Words of Possession is more likely to drop and Exquisite Platinum Embossed Rune is less likely to drop.


*** Quests And Events ***


- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Made the following changes to this raid event:

- - Fixed a bug that incorrectly allowed slow, root, and snare effects to land on the mephits and armors.

- - Reduced the melee damage output from the mephits.

- - Waves of mephits will no longer spawn during the window of time when it's necessary to flee to the correctly colored wing to avoid being struck by Elemental Incompatibility.

- Mechagnomic Whirlrender (Group and Raid) - Made the following changes:

- - The ballistae can no longer be reduced to negative health by the aerial combatbots.

- - Fixed a bug that shortened how long the boss was in its attackable state by 5 seconds.

- - NPCs will no longer refer to the boss as the Mechagnomatic Whirlrender.

- - Ratchet Bronzehead is now on beta neutral faction.

- - Ratchet Bronzehead can no longer be attacked.

- - Added a speculative fix to prevent the boss from tethering when it flies back into the sky.

- Gnome Memorial Mountain: Danger Zone (Raid) - Entering the zone should now place you near the current raid.

- The Darkness Howls and Ironing Out the Legion no longer share a lockout, so doing one will not prevent you from doing the other.

- Spear of Fate - Added a new path to Erud's Crossing that Ooglyn will follow to get out into the ocean so that she doesn't meander around the island for several minutes, heading in the wrong direction, before her long swim.

- Gram Dunnar no longer prevents adventurers from getting the benefits of telling him stories if the storyteller already has 30 or more AA points.


*** Spells ***


- NPCs will now remember damage credit when blurred or charmed.

- When the owner of a charmed pet teleports, charm will break.

- Translocation spells can no longer be activated or accepted while in combat.

- Magician - Made the following changes to fire pets:

- - While Frenzied Burnout is active, the pet will cast their Elemental Bolt spell additional times instead of casting Frenzied Elemental Bolt spells. 

- - Pets summoned with higher foci will do more damage with their Elemental Bolt spells.


*** NPCs ***


- NPCs spawned by old-style quests are now loot locked.

- - An NPC that is loot locked is indicated by an asterisk preceding their name and an added '(loot locked)' to their consider message.

- - The NPC is loot locked to the player who did the turn in for thirty minutes.

- - During this window if the NPC is killed by anyone, the player who spawned it will be given kill credit and have access to the loot.

- - These NPCs will not reward experience. 

- - If the player who spawned the NPC is not in the zone but is in a group or raid, then the group or raid will receive kill credit and the original player will have access to the loot when zoning back in. 

- - If the player is not in the zone and is not part of a group or raid, then kill credit is handled normally (as if the NPC is not loot locked). Normal loot rules apply after the NPC is killed.


*** Progression Servers ***


- Corrected an issue where you could not open the Extended Target Window after reaching level 20.


*** Miscellaneous ***


- Added a potential fix for corpses not saving properly when moved.

- The Advanced Loot Window now displays the correct luck values when multiple copies of the same item with different luck values are listed.

- Removed the no longer in use command /survey.

- Relaxed some overly strict naming rules in regards to multiple consonants in a row.

- The preview model displayed when placing an NPC in a real estate should now more closely match the appearance of the NPC when placed.

- Moved a collectible spawn in the Temple of Droga so that it is accessible.

- Fixed grammar and spelling in Arms of Power and Arms of Power II tribute descriptions.

- Removed the word (Temporary) from the seasonal Appreciation Bonus achievements. 

- Made the following changes to Guild Banners and Fellowship Campfires in an effort to improve their usability and the desirability of the buffs they grant:

- - Consolidated all buffs and tiers into a single 'empowered' banner/campfire that grants the combined effects of all the previous options; with the ability to choose whether you want the empowered banner/campfire to also offer an illusion effect.

- - Increased the duration of the empowered banner/campfire from 1 hour to 6 hours to match the duration of the non-empowered version.

- - Increased the distance that the empowered banner/campfire will grant its buff from 100 to 1000 feet.

- - Simplified the various tiers and types of banner/campfire components down to 2 items: 'Guild Banner Materials' and 'Fellowship Campfire Materials'.

- - Items previously used as banner/campfire components have been flagged as deprecated and have been changed to allow you to sell them back to a merchant to recoup their initial value.


*** UI ***


- Fixed an issue that caused formatting data to be printed to log files when considering a rare creature.

- Fixed a bug with the advanced loot window that prevented 'Link All' from functioning.

- The Spell Damage filter should be working again.

- - Spell damage messages from NPCs casting on others now display resist type and the spell name, and the spell emote is displayed on a separate line, similar to player direct damage spells.

- - Scripted spell damage dealt to other players is now visible.

- The chat filter for Pet Spells now respects if you have Pet Spells set to hide in the options.

- Corrected an issue where kill shots were not being reported.

- The 'Highlight New Messages' chat tab option will now persist between logging in and out.

- Increased the displayed precision of self-only hit points, mana, endurance, and experience.


- Changed -






- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #17

Here are the updates since the 1st. 

New Comments have been updated regularly. If you see something that needs to be updated, please post on whatever it is and let us know. We mostly stay on top of the new comments and get things updated.

I've been updating for the last month or so some of the PoP newbie armor quests, items, quest items, and NPC's involved with them. I think these originally were tagged LoY when they first came out but since progression servers bundle LoY in with PoP I just set it as PoP.

I've also been busy still with upgrading all of the server side software with the latest versions which has required a bunch of research and testing due to a big leap in versions. This has required switching to different libraries, finding new mods to replace old mods, new configurations, a ton of changes in current configuration files, many swear words, way too much coffee but new knowledge of how these things work.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #16

Here a collection of updates since May 17th. Drewinette has been busy getting recipes updated and helping out with the new comments and many other things, thanks! 

KoryuRagestorm updated some TBL raid items and linked them to the raids they are related to.

Larth has been updating the TBL wiki pages.

I'll try to get these updates back on a regular schedule here soon. If you would like to see daily updates (if there are any), join our Discord channel!

Click on Read More to see all the updates.

Memorial Weekend!



Hail, Norrathians!

This upcoming Memorial Day in the United States is a time for us to remember that many of our players – from all across the globe – have loved ones and friends who have served their countries and given the ultimate sacrifice. We are a fantasy game thoroughly not set in this real world, but we are also a community of real friendships that extend well beyond Norrath. We wanted to take a moment to remember, pay tribute, and offer an opportunity for all of us to come together this weekend.

This weekend, we will be commemorating Memorial Day with in-game bonuses. Take advantage of these bonuses on all servers:

  • +50% Experience
  • +50% Faction
  • +50% Rares

We will also enable a 20% off sale for all Members in the marketplace. We wish you all a safe and happy weekend!

The bonus weekend will begin at 12PM PT on Friday, May 24, 2019, and will end at 12PM PT on Tuesday, May 28, 2019.

EQ Update #15 and May 2019 patch notes

Site News:

Spells Updated and plenty of other updates.

Edit: 5-19-19 - Item Collector is updated.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

May 15, 2019

*** Highlights ***

- Mounts now show their speed in the item display window.
- Progression servers that have not reached Underfoot now allow players at level 20 and higher to use the Extended Target Window.
- Track now indicates whether your target is above or below you.

*** Items ***

- Fixed a client crash when inspecting items such as the Silkfang Pack.
- Mounts now show their speed in the item display window.
- Fragment of the Citadel Key, Fragment of the Apitarx Key, and Calix Quirinus' Key now stack to 100.
- Set the luck on the tank-melee version of Djarn's Gold Amethyst Ring to 5 to match other rings.
- Changed the Consigned Silken Bridle horses to the correct Silk speed.
- Increased the drop rate of several pieces of gear that drop from rare monsters in the Plane of Disease.
- Reduced the effect of Crippling Guard and Tendon Slicer.
- Added a chance for Weeping Heaven augments to drop from standard mobs in some Burning Lands zones.
- Removed Overdrive Boon from Dynamometric Timing Chain and Fractured Gear Set and added Overdrive Punch and Boon of the Seeress as separate spells.
- Increased the AC on the rings from Gnome Memorial Mountain: Finger Band of Phases, Steel Banded Collar, Prime Healers Trinket, Whirling Torsion Spring, Fitted Rat-ling Control Board, and Etched Retention Bearing.
- Improved the click area for the Hovering Ball Familiar.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Fixed a bug that was causing raid challenge achievements to always be granted.
- Raid events from Veil of Alaris and later will now grant more progression keys after they have been open for 3, 6, and 9 months on all servers.
- - Previously this would begin after 6 months. On progression servers these events will grant more progression keys as soon as the expansion unlocks, and add additional bonuses after each of the next two expansions unlock or at 3 month intervals, whichever is faster.
- Dragon in the Works - Slowed the rate that the dilapidated mechanics spawn. Reduced the amount that they heal the dragon. Also lowered the hit points of the mechanics a bit.
- Mechagnomic Whirlrender (Raid and Group) - Made a number of bug fixes, messaging improvements, and mechanic changes to this event.
- - Fixed a bug that prevented simultaneously fired ballistae bolts from causing the boss to spend more time grounded.
- - Fixed a bug that caused the boss to spam a message while he was grounded.
- - Fixed bugs that caused some NPC models to look wrong.
- - Fixed bugs that caused Whirlrender Mortar and Seeker Rocket to not work properly.
- - Fixed a bug that caused the boss to cast Static Blast instead of Slashing Claws and vice versa.
- - Changed the Claw Attack mechanic. The boss will now warn periodically that he is using a left or right claw attack, 10 seconds before hitting everyone on his left or right, respectively. The player tanking the boss should be immune to this attack.
- - Changed the Static Blast mechanic. The ability will now land on a random character on the boss's hatelist, and will only choose the player tanking the boss if there are no other players on the boss's hate list. The player struck with the Static Blast spell will have a decal indicating the spread radius of Static Blast. Reduced the spread radius. Note that the duration of the decal is not associated with the duration of the debuff and the decal will not spread with the debuff.
- - Improved messaging for the event. All important event messages should use the Event Messages filter. Added many messages, such as indicating how many ballista bolts struck the boss. Changed the rocket attack message to indicate to the entire zone who is being targeted. Fixed some typos. Any message sent to a pop up should also be sent to chat.
- - Mechagnomic Whirlrender (Raid) - Increased NPC spell resistances, NPC melee damage output, and spell damage.
- Raid chests in House of Thule will now drop more key items.
- End of Empire (mission) - Fixed a bug that could prevent the soulfeasters from activating properly.
- Greatest Gnome Hunters - The correct amount of parts will now always drop.
- Spear of Fate - Lowered the Truespirit faction threshold required to speak to Spirit Sentinel after handing in the Sparkling Gem.

*** Spells ***

- Corrected an issue where spell guard effects were being applied to direct damage spells twice.
- Fixed the spell description text for the Hovering Ball Familiar.

*** AA ***

- Necromancer - Added a passive component to Scent of Terris that improves the resist modifier of all Corruption, Fire, and Magic spells.
- Wizard - Corrected an issue that prevented Arcomancy Debuff from triggering when using Arcomancy.
- Shaman - Corrected a bug where rank 32 of Malaise was attempting to trigger the best known version of Malosinata rather than Malosenete.

*** NPCs ***

- The denizens of Gnome Memorial Mountain are no longer carrying pods of water.
- Removed a stray NPC (Iceweaver Sjeon) from Stratos.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Progression servers that have not reached Underfoot now allow players at level 20 and higher to use the Extended Target Window.
- Lord Yelinak should spawn properly in the open world and Agent of Change instances.
- Restricted the spawns of a few Kunark era dark elves in Kithicor to the unlock of Ruins of Kunark.
- The Emissaries that give out Sun Shard quests should be available and give out their quests as soon as Ayonae Ro has been defeated, and remain until the Two Gods raid has been completed.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Many Veil of Alaris and Rain of Fear zones now have load balancing enabled.
- Track now indicates whether your target is above or below you.
- Corrected an issue where you would crash when attempting to convert an augment inside another item.
- Fixed a problem that caused some of the Gnome Heritage armor textures to be brighter than intended

*** UI ***

- Adjusted the Tribute Master window to allow the description pane to be resized.
- Items with limited charges will now display the remaining number of charges when placed in a keyring.
- - Hotbuttons made from keyring items will now display recast time and remaining number of charges.
- Added a message in the chat window when players are invited to an instance.

- Changed -

*** Previously Updated ***

- Defending Knowledge - Fixed a problem that prevented the horn from appearing near Bjerg Sen the Tranquil.
- Addressed an issue that would cause some machines to not be able to login.
- Temporarily, all beings in Gnome Memorial Mountain that have a chance to drop coin will also drop a pod of water.
- Lord Yelinak will now spawn correctly in the Agent of Chance instance.
- Master Yael will once again appear in the instanced versions of The Ruins of Old Paineel.
- Prince Ralaifin Raid - Made another speculative fix for the 'Success on aggro' bug.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #14

Here are updates for the past umm week and a half. 

A large majority of original world zones NPC's should now have an expansion tag. Many will probably need adjusting to their correct expansion as I know there are quest mobs and such that were placed in those zones from later expansions. Let us know if you spot any.

Click Read More to see all the updates.