EQ Update #13

Here are the various updates for the past week+


Click Read More to see all the updates.

April 2019 EQ Patch

Site News:

Spells have been updated.

I'll post an update this weekend with all the updates we've had over the past week.


Patch News:



April 17, 2019

*** Highlights ***

- There are no longer Progression Server specific spawns in open world zones for Classic, Kunark, Velious, or Luclin bosses. These bosses now spawn at an accelerated rate on all servers, roughly twice the rate that they previously spawned on Live servers. Fabled versions of these NPCs should now work correctly on Progression Servers.
- Added several statless mounts to the Marketplace for progression servers.
- - These new mounts are available for purchase starting with the unlock of Shadows of Luclin and will remain available until Omens of War unlocks, at which point standard Marketplace mounts become available for purchase. 
- - These new mounts are equivalent in speed to silk bridles.
- Removed the race specific restrictions on evolving items obtained from The Burning Lands. These evolving items will now gain experience from any experience-giving NPCs slain in The Burning Lands zones and Gnome Memorial Mountain.
- Increased the range that direct-damage and damage-over-time spell messages are reported from 75 feet to 200 feet.

*** Items ***

- Added the correct version of Soothing Breath to Transverse Yaw Stabilizer and Mana Battery Pendant.
- Fate's Accumulator and Blazing Utopia augments now drop in all The Burning Lands raid zones.
- - The chance for each of these to drop per kill has been reduced. 
- Fixed the spelling of Exceptional-Quality Scrap Metal.
- Removed the extraneous quest flag from the book Revenge on the Fallen.
- Added a minimum level to trigger combat activated spells from a handful of weapons and augments that lacked an appropriate required level.
- Added Cleave and Ferocity to The Burning Lands Cleric armor, and Ferocity to Shaman armor.
- Added a chance for NPCs in some The Burning Lands zones to drop Whispering Midnight augments.
- Added the appropriate click spells to The Burning Lands evolving ring and shoulder items that offer rewards.
- Changed the cast proc of Ascending Sun Devotional Staff to Sympathetic Arms of Holy Wrath VI.
- Attached the correct recourse to the Hand/Arms of Holy Wrath VI spells.
- Fixed the roman numeral in the name of Arms of Holy Wrath VI Recourse.
- Minion of Darkness effects will now work on Beastlord warders summoned between levels 56 and 75, when they previously only worked on warders summoned between levels 66 and 75.
- Beastlords can now use the Gloves of Dark Summoning.
- Added Ring of Scale power sources to The Burning Lands rares, and some basepop.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Sixth Anniversary Scavenger Hunt - Fixed a bug that prevented the Collector's Drachnid Web Sac from dropping from Dreadlands drachnids.
- Bristlebane Events - These events will run for two more weeks in late April this year. The Mischief continues!
- This Ain't Right - Bristlebane will appear when needed again.
- Danger Zone - Player spells will no longer heal ballistae.
- Danger Zone (Group mission) - It's again possible to request this task.
- Danger Zone (Group mission) - This task now allows up to 6 characters and mercenaries to participate.
- Dragon in the Works - Changed some of the warnings to use user event colors, and made the dragon immune to knockback effects.
- Dragon in the Works - Added an enrage mechanic. After 30 minutes of fighting, the dragon will grow stronger.
- Mechagnomic Whirlrender - Added an enrage mechanic. After 30 minutes of fighting, new enemies will begin to spawn.
- Mechagnomic Whirlrender - Added logic to prevent the boss from being stuck in the sky.
- Ironing Out the Legion - Allowing the Legendary Clockwork to be activated no longer has a chance to prevent the task from updating. All debuffs on the busy mechanics in the furnace room will be removed when they go back to work.
- Ironing Out the Legion - Added loot to Consul of Cooperation.
- Night at the Museum - Added a delay between when you get the warning that the roboboar is chasing you and the boar slams into you. This should allow you to get away if you are standing next to the boar when you get the warning.
- Night at the Museum - Fixed an issue that could cause the rattling roboboar to kill a seemingly random character when it starts its chase.
- Night at the Museum - Fixed a problem that prevented two of the large gold statues in the museum from respawning after an event reset.
- Trial of Stoning - Fixed a problem that was preventing the pitiless avengers from shooting the accused prisoners during the trial.
- Defending Knowledge - Removed erroneous particles from the zone.
- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Made the following balance changes to this raid event:
- - Lowered the boss's regeneration slightly.
- - Increased the damage done to mephits by bane abilities slightly.
- - Increased the amount of time between mephit waves in the final phase of the encounter.
- - Increased the amount of time between armor suit waves in the final phase of the encounter.
- - Decreased the number of mephit spawns per wave in the final phase of the encounter.
- The Mechanical Fortune Teller will now mention the cake-eating challenge if queried for details of 20th Anniversary events.
- Added rewards for the 20th-anniversary challenge and some Gnome Memorial Mountain achievements.

*** Spells ***

- Damage-over-time spells once again display a twincast message when the spell first lands, and no longer reassociate with their caster if they zone or die.
- PvP: Damage shield damage received from attacking players will now deal a maximum of 5% of the attacker's health per hit. Damage shield damage received from non-player targets is unchanged.
- Beastlord - Ogre Beastlord warders are now a little bit larger by default.
- Ranger - Corrected the name of the Irae Faycite Shard that adds damage to the Hornet Swarm spell.
- Enchanter - Adjusted the stacking of Night's Endless Terror to better coexist with a number of other abilities.
- Druid - Lowered the required level to cast Zephyr: Lavastorm to 47. Lowered the spell difficulty and price. Moved the scroll from Wanderer Frardok to Wanderer Qenda. 
- Reduced the effectiveness of Crippling Snare.

*** NPCs ***

- All racnors are now racnars.
- Added coin to Gnome Memorial Mountain NPCs.
- Tinzenwen Geargoggler has now been given the title 'Overseer of Repairs'.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Increased some of the statistics of The Burning Lands mercenary items.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Agent of Change instance in Great Divide - The 10th Ring War is now started by handing in the Declaration of War and the Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring to Sentry Badain in the instance.
- The Blade of the Black Dragon Eye will be available for a brief period starting a few weeks after Ruins of Kunark launches.
- Fabled NPCs are now eligible to spawn in Agent of Change instances.
- Added the appropriate teleportation item to Collectors of Transference in the Nexus and Overthere on Selo.
- Added vendors in Overthere and Firiona Vie that sell melee tomes for disciplines that were previously available in Kunark as commands.
- Updated the dates for Legend of Ykesha unlock to run on the same day as the Planes of Power unlock on Mangler.
- Changed a number of quest items to not drop until the proper expansion has unlocked:
- - Ruined Blackburrow Gnoll Pelt drops have been restricted to the unlock of Planes of Power.
- - Scalded Rat Skin drops have been restricted to the unlock of Gates of Discord. They will now only drop from rats in Dagnor's Cauldron.
- - Essence of Shadow, Moonlight, Sunlight, and Winter drops have been restricted to the unlock of Shadows of Luclin.
- - Quest drops for Escape to Norrath tasks no longer drop until Dragons of Norrath has unlocked on the server.
- - Many quest items for Planes of Power era newbie quests no longer drop until Planes of Power has unlocked on the server.
- - Removed many Planes of Power era quest items from low level zones.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Corrected an issue where /nod would cause you to disagree wholeheartedly (/no).
- Players who log in on their character's birthday will have a rainbow colored name for the day. Updated the /played command to include your age in Norrath.
- Fixed spelling and grammar errors in the 20th Anniversary achievement challenge.
- Fixed an issue with the Rallos Zek Puppet's name changing back after using a Potion of Familiar's Amnesia to change its name.

*** UI ***

- Attempting to open the Faction Window while shrouded will no longer cause a client crash.
- If a task rewards a faction change, the Task Window will now correctly link to that faction in your Faction Window.
- Disabled the context menu to move the main chat tab into another chat window.
- Fixed an issue that prevented audio triggers from matching text that contains formatting data such as spell or item links.
- Riposte messages are now reported before their resulting hit damage.
- Added the ability to customize the color that chat windows are highlighted with when displaying a new message.
- Dealing direct-damage with spells now reports the caster as 'You' rather than your name.
- Fixed a messaging issue where non-song spells activated by bards would report as the bard 'singing' the spell.
- Moved spell reflect messages to the spell failures chat filter.
- Changed a number of places where the name of a spell is displayed in chat to have that name function as a link to the spell description:
- - Spell interrupts, fizzles, and reflect messages now contain the name of the spell that failed.
- - Messages indicating the start of a spell cast now include a link to the spell description.
- - Messages indicating that a spell has worn off now include a link to the spell description.
- - The spell name in damage reporting messages will now function as a link to the spell description.

*** Previously Updated ***

- Fixed an issue that caused the Tsaph Katta Leather Ornaments set to glow neon blue.
- Fixed an issue where characters would fail to create but the name would still appear in use. 
- Gnome Memorial Mountain - Removed chance that some items could spawn where characters could not go at the lowest level of the zone. 
- Gnome Mountain Raids - Fixed some errors that were preventing travel between the raids. 
- Gnome Mountain Raids - NPCs will no longer drop loot that they were not intended to drop. They will also not remain to hold loot between events that they should not. 
- Increased the AA experience rate on Selo.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #12

Many more GMM items have been uploaded, we're still tagging them all.

Most East Freeport NPC's have been updated as well with expansion tags and other info.


Click on Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #11

Lots of updates! We're catching up on TBL content and getting GMM content in as well.

Gnomish Heritage Crate quest entry is finished and has all the items that we are aware of that come with it.

Drewinette and Grizabelle have been busy plugging in TBL recipes and 20th anniversary content.

Oxgoad was busy uploading a bunch of items for us and updating a few things.

Cylius helped update a bunch of GMM content as well.


Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #10

Here are the last 9 days of updates. Many TBL recipes were created and many other TBL items were tagged thanks to Drewinette, and Grizabelle.

We also entered in 20th anniversary quests and achievements thanks to Larth. We'll get the quests filled in. We'll get the item collector patched soon so people can upload those 20th anniversary items.

I've been busy with fixes in certain areas. I worked on the advanced item search tool so it should be more reliable in finding the items you are looking for.

Edit: 3-24-19 Item Collector is patched for the March update.


Click Read More to see all the updates.


Happy 20th Everquest!

Happy 20th Everquest from all of us at Allakhazam. We have had a blast serving up content over the years to all of those that love EQ.



The day has finally arrived, and EverQuest has turned an impressive 20 years old! We’re be kicking off the 20th Anniversary celebrations in-game on Saturday, March 16, 2018, and you're invited to join in on all the fun!

While this will provide you with a glimpse of what we have going on in the game, be sure to keep a look out all day for even more announcements and fun!


Gnome Memorial Mountain - Preserving the Past

Gnome Memorial Mountain is a new open world zone full of quests, collections, and raids, and has arrived just in time for the 20th Anniversary!

The gnomelikes are thrilled to bring outsiders in to tour the memorial that they have kept preserved for so many years - finally, they are able to honor their makers. But beyond the museum walls, threats of destruction loom. 

Keep a diligent eye out for Belira Blastil, a gnomelike who orchestrates defense for the entire mountain. Should she find you trustworthy, she's likely to ask for your aid in defending her people and the memorial that they've preserved for so many years - whether this involves defeating wereorcs and the Iron Legion, studying up on clockworks that aren't running quite like they should, or lending a helping hand wherever else you can.

If you're looking to learn more, you can revisit the Gnome Memorial Mountain story or review the Preserving the Past overview.

Selo and Mangler Progression Servers

As we come together to celebrate this momentous anniversary, it's the perfect time to begin a brand new adventure in Norrath and relive the earliest days of the game.

Players will be given TWO new opportunities to reexperience EverQuest's history when the Selo and Mangler Progression Servers launch on Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 12 PM PT

Selo is a Fast Progression Server, with faster experience and faction gain, shorter instance timers, and monthly expansion unlocks. The Selo server will start in the Luclin era, and is a perfect place for any player that wants to fly through 20 years of EverQuest content. Mangler is a Standard Progression server that will start in classic EverQuest. Expansion unlocks will happen every 12 weeks, and standard experience rates, will keep the server's pace more leisurely for anyone that wants to play at a more relaxed speed.

If you have yet to learn about these exciting new servers, take a look at the most recent announcement post here.


New Pack Offerings

The EQ Anniversary Pack (Twentieth Anniversary Starter Pack) and the EQ Anniversary Bundle (Twentieth Anniversary Starter Pack + New Player Starter Pack) are now available for purchase online and in-game!

The Anniversary Pack contains one 40-slot 100% weight reducing bag and three Bottle of Adventure II's. If you're looking to upgrade, the Anniversary Bundle includes everything in the Anniversary Pack plus two additional 20-slot 50% weight reduction bags, two additional Bottle of Adventure II's, and an assortment of other potions. These items can be claimed on ANY server you play on, including the new Selo and Mangler Progression Servers!

To see all the contents of the bundles and purchase yours, you can visit the online shop here.


Returning Anniversary Content

All of the modern anniversary content from the 14th - 19th anniversaries will go live along with Gnome Memorial Mountain and Preserving the Past content on Saturday, March 16, 2019.

On Friday, April 12, 2019 legacy content from the 5th - 13th anniversaries will return! All Anniversary content and events will be accessible in game until Friday, May 10, 2018.

A Formal Dinner Party

If you're celebrating this year's anniversary on one of our Progression Servers, any Anniversary content will be made available in the era that it originally unlocked.

To find out more about these events, speak to the Mechanical Fortune Teller in the Plane of Knowledge.


Bonus Experience

Starting today, players will earn 50% more experience for the rest of March!

Bonus Experience

This special experience bonus will continue to run through Saturday, March 31, 2018.


Looking for even more information on ALL of the EverQuest anniversary content? See Fanra’s Wiki for a more detailed look at in-game content from over the years!


We appreciate your continued support for EverQuest over these 20 years, and we’re thrilled to have reached this milestone with each and every one of you. Be sure to keep an eye out for more celebrations, headed your way today and throughout the rest of March!

Server Downtime: Wed, March 13th @ 3:00 AM PT


All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 at 3:00 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 8 hours.

Patch notes for this update will be found in the Game Update Notes section of the forums once they are available.

*Convert to your local time
March 13, 2019

*** Highlights ***

- Added tabs to chat windows. See the UI section for more details.
- Look to the Marketplace this month for the Gnomish Heritage Crate. Each crate contains a random item. Trade these Gnomish Heritage items to your friends or collect them all yourself!
- Added new emotes. See Miscellaneous for more information below.
- Updated the appearance of the Gloomingdeep Mines.
- This Saturday the 16th, keep an eye out for brand new progression servers and new content featuring: Gnome Memorial Mountain!

*** Items ***

- Corrected the spell description of Drogan Goblin Familiar.
- The evolving Efreeti Boots and White Satin Gloves will now accept Hero's Forge ornaments in their evolved state.
- Look to the Marketplace this month for the Gnomish Heritage Crate. Each crate contains a random item. Trade these Gnomish Heritage items to your friends or collect them all yourself!
- Corrected the cast proc on Bloodstaff to the higher damage Sympathetic Blaze of Fire VI. 
- Corrected both the proc and cast proc on Deep Cavern's Shard to the lesser Spike of Corruption VIII.
- As a temporary solution until the core issues with real estate items can be solved we've implemented the following functionality for real estate anchors:
- - Activating a Primary Anchor Transport Device or Secondary Anchor Transport Device without possessing the corresponding Anchor item will now give you a replacement Anchor.
- - Druids and wizards whose Guild Hall Anchor has gone missing will be granted a replacement when logging in.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Secret Dawn Mace Muhbis will now return Trillion Cut Elder Mist Diamond and Oval Cut Elder Mist Diamond on failure.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Celestial Fists (Monk Epic) - The spawn in Karnor's Castle that has a chance to be a drolvarg pawbuster no longer shares an encounter with a drolvarg warlord. The remaining spawns in the room have a higher chance of being a drolvarg warlord.
- Prince Ralaifin (Mission) - A Giant Lapillus Lava Spiderling no longer summons.
- Lost but Not Forgotten - Added an out of character message when speaking to Dismas Kaneriti that indicates that Lost but Not Forgotten is a two group mission.
- Death, Death, Death - This event will be available for four weeks a year now, up from two.
- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Removed particle effects from Unbearable Heat and Magnificent Presence.
- Fight Fire - Fixed an issue that prevented the Leading a Charmed Life achievement from completing.
- Delivery - The Duende Female Mold is no longer lost upon zoning.
- Defending Knowledge - Fixed a problem that prevented the horn from appearing near Bjerg Sen the Tranquil. 

*** Spells ***

- Changed Whispering Midnight Casting Fire, Whispering Midnight Casting Magic, Blazing Euphoria Casting Fire, and Blazing Euphoria Casting Magic to only work with spells that do damage.
- Corrected the spell description for Hand of Holy Wrath VI.
- Corrected a rounding error that caused critical spells to deal one less point of damage/healing than intended.
- Percentage heal spells now display their name in healing messages.

*** AA ***

- Improved the rate that mercenary alternate advancement experience is gained.
- - The mercenary AA experience granted by completing Clayton Teek's daily bonus tasks has been extended to cover levels 106-110.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Updated the expansion unlock dates for The Broken Mirror and onward to reflect the normal extra time in The Darkened Sea for a level increase expansion.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- The water in Trials of Smoke is now also stocked with Primordial Lion Fish.
- Added the following new emotes: /airlute, /facepalm, /faint, /fight, /fistbump, /freakout, /growl, /maybe, /no, /pie, /pizza, /rps, /ttth, and /yes.
- Fixed a bug when looting items in a raid that would display the number of items remaining on the body rather than the number of items looted.
- Fixed an issue where the event calendar would report that events end 59 minutes later than their actual end time.
- Corrected an issue where melee attacks against slain targets would sometimes report as misses.
- Updated the appearance of the Gloomingdeep Mines.
- Updated various character models to better reflect lighting and detailing.

*** UI ***

- Corrected an issue where DoT damage on players would display the victim's name instead of the caster's name.
- Improved the layout of the Marketplace window.
- Direct damage spells caused by a twincast now have a flag at the end of the damage message instead of a separate twincast message. Twincasts of melee abilities are now indicated as twinstrikes.
- Added the option to blink the active chat window when you begin typing.
- Added tabs for chat. All existing chat windows will be put into new tabbed chat windows and will appear where they were placed before.
- - You can move tabs around in the existing windows, or send the tabs to other windows.
- - When using tell windows, by default all of the tells will go into a single tell window in separate tabs instead of opening a new window for each tell.

- Added - 

- Changed -

*** Previously Updated ***

- Trials of Smoke - Fixed an issue that prevented looting of the sigils in the Trial of the Speaker's Amphitheater.
- Spear of Fate - Corrected an issue where Ooglyn would sometimes fail to initiate the Test of Patience.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #9

In this update, plenty more TBL recipes were added.

Also 20th anniversary achievements have been added along with quest entries thanks to Larth. We'll get the quest entries filled in when they are actually released live on the 16th.


Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #8

Here are the updates for the last 8 days. Many of the last few days updates are from our now functional item collector, thanks Rswiders!

We're getting caught up on TBL items and getting them tagged and put where they need to go, we'll get there. I'm trying to focus on creating TBL armor recipes first and then I'll branch out to other stuff. Drewinette has been busy as well helping out with TBL items and recipes.

We had some login issues late Friday night and Saturday, that has been fixed. Sorry about that.

Anniversary is coming up and we plan on getting any new content up here on the site as soon as we see it.


Click Read More to see all the updates.


EQ Update #7, Patch and More...

I was busy this week fixing issues the site has had. We narrowed down the issues and figured out why they were happening. More work needs to be done on fixing other areas that slow the site down but we'll continue to work on those.

However updates were still done to content such as going back over West Freeport NPC's and setting their titles and adding those titles to be searchable as well. New comments also have been regularly updated by us admins within the past few days, I'll let those pile up a few more days and go back in and update them.

Also today the modified rulesets for Mangler and Selo were anounced. You can get news on that here. I'll be creating the server pages for them soon in the progression wiki guide.

Spells were updated the day of the patch. And the item collector is currently being worked on so we hope that will be available for everyone soon.

Click Read More to see all the updates.



February 20, 2019

*** Highlights ***
- Dramatically increased the chance to gain skills when your current skill level is less than your class' skill cap from 5 or 10 levels less than your current level.
- Made various changes to evolving items. See the Items section for details.
- Made various improvements to the Coldain ring quests. See the Quests and Events section for details.

*** Items ***

- All equipped evolving items will gain full experience rather than splitting between them.
- Corrected an issue where classes that were not plate couldn't claim the reward for several The Burning Lands evolving items.
- The Burning Lands evolving item rewards will offer the correct items, and offer options if more than one item is available to your class.
- The current fifth tier of The Burning Lands evolving items will have reduced stats and an attached reward set. This attached reward set will offer a sixth tier of items that have the stats that the old tier five had. You must have all The Burning Lands achievements to earn this sixth tier.
- Corrected the reward set name offered by Silver Efreeti Boots.
- Swapping augments no longer requires a specific solvent and instead looks for a solvent of equal or higher level, like removing an augment.
- Items with spent charges that are sold to a vendor now display the correct amount of charges remaining in the purchase tab.
- Increased the proc rate of: Ascending Sun Arcane Staff, Ascending Sun Devotional Staff, Ascending Sun Mace, Bloodstaff, Breaker Bar, Divine Bludgeon of the Inferno, Enraptured Bludgeon, Harmonious Tightener, Heavy Onyx Heart Scepter, Mute Spiral, Premier Staff, Ralaifin's Dogma, Rustdown, Secret Dawn Arcane Staff, Secret Dawn Devotional Staff, Secret Dawn Mace, Sun's Golden Orb, and Vanda Glow.
- The Burning Lands charms that increase in power from class armor now benefit from The Burning Lands evolving boots and gloves at levels 3 and higher.
- Added disease and corruption focus to Ice Star, Hoarfrosted Bow, and Arc of the Saffron Sky.
- Added icons to Immortal Curio of Ondine Force and Elemental Curio of Ondine Force.
- Updated the descriptions of the Whispering Midnight Casting spells on the items of the same name.
- Added spaces to the name of the recourses of the Hand Of Holy Wrath spells on healer weapons.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Sagacious Great Jade no longer sells Etching Tools.

*** Quests And Events ***

- The Conflagration Generals (Raid) - Increased the size of the area that's checked when the bosses need to be positioned near the towers.
- Tyrant of Fire - The mission will no longer be in an unwinnable state if one or more of the adventurer NPCs runs away.
- Remodeling and Delivery - An update to these tasks will not happen when speaking to Unrepentant Sunrise or entering the instance. This was a bug and may have been a cause of other issues in these missions.
- Prince Ralaifin (Raid) - Volcanic Billow Shards are removed from players when the raid resets, and must finish their casting time to activate a tower.
- Prince Ralaifin (Raid) - Improved the messaging on the billow mechanic.
- Prince Ralaifin (Raid) - All of the spiderlings will despawn on reset.
- Prince Ralaifin (Mission) - Added a message when a player is struck by the billow, thus failing the All Safe achievement. Only one player is mentioned, even if more than one player is struck.
- End of Empire (Raid) - Fixed a bug that could cause the Unhammered and No Outbreaks achievements to fail when they should not.
- Brass Palace - Discipline of Flame will now shout a warning when casting Spreading Heat. This spell no longer targets pets.
- Trials of Smoke - Trial of the Wending Ways: Added a message when failing the Don't Trip achievement.
- Trials of Smoke - The reward chest in the Trial of Three will no longer try to appear over and over again (though it was failing to actually do so).
- Trials of Smoke - The Trial of Three will no longer reset after success.
- Trials of Smoke - Trial of the Ashes of Rusted Cliff's Glory: Fixed an error that would allow completion of the All Alone achievement when there were ashen elementals alive when Indomitable Onyx was defeated.
- Trials of Smoke - If you have a lockout for any trial, you will no longer be able to loot items from the chest for that trial.
- Contract of War (Raid) - The binding breeze NPCs will now spawn at the location of an adventurer near Radiant Fog Evening instead of a random person in the zone. In addition, the binding breezes will not choose to spawn at the location of the person tanking Radiant Fog Evening, unless there is no one else nearby.
- The Rise of Smoke (Raid) - Leashing the mephits in the Trial of Three will now cause them to cast their spells faster.
- Royal Visits - Fixed an error where Heart of Flawless Brass refers to Aalishai as the home of the djinn.
- Relic Raider - Moving to the top of the steps will now be safe for everyone.
- Sky Orchid Understanding in Esianti will now respond to [continue] properly.
- All raid events in Underfoot will now drop more items, keys, and backflag items.
- Spear of Fate - It is no longer possible to bypass steps in this epic quest by completing early steps multiple times.
- - Hand-ins for this quest can no longer be multiquested.
- 10th Ring Questline - Made the following changes:
- - Hand-ins for the Coldain ring quests can no longer be multiquested.
- - Key NPCs that are being protected or escorted are now flagged as PC Friendly. This applies to Boridain Glacierbane (2nd ring quest), Tain Hammerfrost (4th ring quest), Corbin Blackwell (7th ring quest), Gloradin Coldheart (8th ring quest), and Garadain Glacierbane (8th ring quest). Icefang (6th ring quest) was already set to friendly during its escort.
- - Several dialogue triggers are bracketed that weren't previously.
- - Fixed many minor bugs and typos.
- - 2nd ring quest - It's now necessary to have the Copper Coldain Insignia Ring to receive the Dull Bladed Axe from Garadain Glacierbane.
- - 4th ring quest - It's now necessary to have the Gold Coldain Insignia Ring to receive the Note to Tain from Garadain Glacierbane or to loot the Frozen Elixir. Tain Hammerfrost no longer drops the Note to Tain when killed. Handing the Note to Tain to Tain Hammerfrost now triggers the attack wave instead of one of his dialogues. The Note to Tain is now lore and no trade.
- - 5th ring quest - It's now necessary to have the Platinum Coldain Insignia Ring to hand in the Ry`Gorr Invasion Plans to a coldain lookout. Only someone who has handed in the Invasion Plans can loot the Head of Scarbrow.
- - 6th ring quest - It's now necessary to have the Obsidian Coldain Insignia Ring to loot the Note from Kromrif.
- - 7th ring quest - Only someone who has handed in the Shackle Key and Mithril Coldain Insignia Ring to Corbin Blackwell can hand in the Mithril Coldain Insignia Ring to Dobbin Crossaxe.
- - 8th ring quest - Only someone who has handed in the Adamantium Coldain Insignia Ring to Garadain Glacierbane can loot Chief Ry`Gorr's Head. Garadain Glacierbane now stays up after the attack on the Ry`Gorr fort much longer. Handing in Chief Ry`Gorr's Head to Garadain Glacierbane no longer despawns Garadain Glacierbane.
- - 10th ring quest - Only someone who has handed in the Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring and the Declaration of War to Sentry Badain can loot Narandi's Head.

*** Spells ***

- Paladin - Corrected bad descriptions for several spells in the Ward of Tunare line.
- Druid - Fixed a problem that prevented the enervation heals from the Remote Manaflux and Remote Moonfire lines of spells from landing on pets and mercenaries.
- Enchanters - Corrected a problem that prevented the Arcane Disjunction Aura debuff from landing on most NPCs.
- Fixed several spell scrolls from The Buried Sea that were not able to be scribed correctly.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Made a first pass at improving level 106 to 110 Mercenaries. There will be further tuning in future updates.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Drowned Katta Castrum Powerstone is now available when The Darkened Sea unlocks.
- Erollisi Day - Fixed an issue that was preventing Gilbina from spawning while the event is running on servers that had not yet unlocked The Darkened Sea.
- Released revamped poison making components and recipes when Seeds of Destruction opens.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Dramatically increased the chance to gain skills when your current skill level is less than your class' skill cap from 5 or 10 levels less than your current level.
- - Ex: A level 50 ranger with a 1-Hand Blunt skill less than 210 will gain skill at 16 times the normal rate.
- - These bonuses do not apply to tradeskills.
- The Broken Mirror and Empires of Kunark are now free to play on all servers.
- Fixed an issue that could cause taunt to report that your target is too far away, despite being in melee range.
- Names that were rejected when creating a new character will now display more information about why.
- Removed some legacy experience code so that experience-per-level is now uniform for all races/classes. Warriors, Rogues, and Halflings will no longer gain experience faster than other classes/races.

*** UI ***

- Removed the evolving items tab in the inventory window now that the concept of 'active' vs 'inactive' evolving items has been deprecated.
- Evolving items will now display their evolution progress percentage in the lower left corner of the item's icon, similar to activated items with charges.
- Fixed a UI error regarding the shared bank window on progression servers.
- Added a (Riposte) tag to hits and misses that occurred due to a riposte.
- Throwing damage is now reported as a hit instead of a shot.
- Updated the Alternate Currency page of the inventory window to include an expansion name and brief description for each of the point types.
- You can now change the color and filter for faction links and messages. They will no longer go to the Other filter.
- Added the spell name and resist type to spell damage messages.
- Strikethrough messages are now reported at the end of a hit message instead of in a separate line. The Strikethrough chat filter has also been removed.
- Mana and endurance regeneration from bard songs will no longer incorrectly display the focused amount in the Stats window.
- Made the following changes to DoT reporting:
- - DoT filters should be working again.
- - If the caster of a DoT dies, their damage will now be reported as being cast by their corpse.
- - If the caster zones or is charmed, their damage will be reported without a caster's name, and the damage will not be focused.
- - If the caster returns to the zone or is resurrected, these DoT messages will once again associate with them and be focused.
- - NPCs awakened by a DoT cast by someone who has left the zone or died will now display a message.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team