Producer’s Letter: Enter the Den of Darkpaw Games

EQ1 and EQ2 is now developed by Darkpaw Games!




Welcome to our first bark as Darkpaw Games!

Unsurprisingly, our motto is “Never Give Up” given that our studio name is borne from our beloved in-game character, Fippy Darkpaw – the gnoll that won’t quit. For over 20 years he’s been fighting the good fight for his tribe. Same goes for our studio, our games, and our tenacious players.

We are the OG. The passionate. The dedicated. And the proud!  Grrr….Bark Bark…Grrr.

I’m sure you want to know what this change means…

Darkpaw Games will operate autonomously and focus on the EQ franchise, its community, and its future. I will be at the head of Darkpaw and Daybreak will be our publisher with its incredible support and operations teams we’ve come to know and love over the years.

We will work toward expanding the franchise and invest in our future as a studio.

Currently, nothing will change for your accounts and membership. No worries there.

Our staff has grown a bit and we’ll continue to adjust as Darkpaw evolves and grows into its development strategy and vision. What’s that, you ask? To create immersive entertainment that is socially driven and diverse, enriches lives and fuels imagination.

That vision comes from decades of working with and listening to our communities about how EverQuest games have impacted, changed, and enhanced their lives. We want to continue it. It’s what we do best.

Immediately, and in practical terms, our focus is on the fans and investing in our current games and the business of starting new ones. We’re already executing on the plans we had for 2020, like expansions and events for EQ and EQ2.

We’ll start evaluating the interest in, and logistics of, a fan faire and move forward with that as soon as possible. 

More than anything, we want to deliver on what players love and go even further. We are going to think outside the box a bit, so hold onto your tails!

This month, we plan to sell a limited run of our EverQuest 20th and EverQuest II 15th anniversary shirts on Amazon. If it goes well, we’ll keep exploring official product ideas. We’ll send out links and details as soon as we have them!

EverQuest’s first anniversary in its THIRD decade will come in March and we’ve got plans for that, so stay tuned! EverQuest II has its own plans that will roll out soon – Yeehaw!

Now, with all my heart, thank YOU! We hope you continue to embrace us as we grow into our indie paws. We want to communicate in new ways with our own Darkpaw voice, too. Many of you are familiar with our personalities and we want to live our best life as gamers and developers with you.

Join the pack! More news as it comes!

Sincerely, as ever,

Holly “Windstalker” Longdale

Executive Producer, Darkpaw Games

“Never Give Up”

EQ Update #2 and Jan 15, 2020 Patch

We've been pretty busy getting info done for ToV.

We also ran into some snags transferring the site over to a new cluster now running https.

We think we got most of the snags ironed out. There are some script updates that need to be made to get some things working correctly again and we'll get all of that updated soon.

Also big news for site owners running sites on https, our item tooltip now works on https enabled sites. But you'll need to update the script running in your pages and change your item links to start with https instead of http. Use the following code in your pages


January 15, 2020

*** Highlights ***

- Crusader Vraket in the Eastern Wastes is looking for adventurers who are willing to prove their crafting skills and pay tribute to Rallos Zek.

*** Items ***

- Corrected an issue where right-clicking the Compressed Banquet Complete Set would cause the item to poof with no reward if you didn't have a top level inventory slot open.
- Added a range value to Frostbite, Frost Strike, Spruce Berry Bow, and Sparkling Soul Bow.
- Berserkers can now use Mazicul's Magical Makeup.
- Velium Infused Gem of Striking now fits in all weapons and Reactive Velium Infused Gem of Striking and Complimentary Velium Infused Gem of Striking now fit in all items that have compatible equip slots.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Torment of Velious armor set charms from working correctly.
- Arctic Ornament is now named Arctic Orb, as it was not actually an Ornament.
- The cursed items offered by the yearning inhabitants on the 3rd floor of the Tower of Frozen Shadow are now lore and cannot be traded on free trade ruleset servers.

*** Collections ***

- Increased the drop rate of collectibles within the Broken Mirror mission 'The Head of the Snake'.
- Made the following changes to Torment of Velious collections:
- - All collections should now be acquirable.
- - The Restlessly Shattered collectibles drop from restless dwarves, giants, and orcs in Eastern Wastes.
- - The Useless Tools collectibles drop from restless kobolds and Coldain in the Seeking the Sorcerer mission in Velketor's Labyrinth.
- - Rare NPCs in Kael can now drop collectibles.
- - Geonids in Crystal Caverns no longer drop spider parts.

*** Tradeskills ***

- The tradeskill questline for Torment of Velious is now available.

*** Quests & Events ***

- You Can't Go Back Home - Fixed an issue that could cause the Restless Ry'Gorr to not appear if there was already one there. This prevented two people from completing the task at the same time and would make it so that the second person to scoop up Orctooth would not be able to continue the task without stealing the Restless Ry'Gorr from the other player(s).
- Last of the Storm Boars - Fixed issue that caused pets to sometimes prevent task updates.
- The Way Back Home - Made the following changes to this quest:
- - Reduced the experience and coin granted for completing this quest.
- - The NPC named a restless aged Coldain is no longer unique, which could have prevented her from spawning if multiple groups working on the quest at the same time.
- - The NPC named a restless aged Coldain now has an undead body type and uses a restless ice visual.
- Rustbottom, Grinder of Gears - Rustbottom is now immune to stun, mesmerization, charm, etc.
- Velium Coldain Insignia Ring (8th Ring) - The character that hands in the Marching Orders will now have loot rights for Chief Ry'Gorr.
- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Made the following changes:
- - Unbearable Heat and Magnificent Presence will no longer apply on aura entry. They will only be applied periodically.
- - In the final phase, suits of armor that spawn will always be of different types.
- - Added logic to have the suits of armor despawn themselves if the raid has been completed.
- - Reordered the logic for an Elemental Incompatibility penalty so that the messaging occurs before the penalty spell is applied.
- - When the Mark of buffs indicating which wing is safe are applied, all characters will also receive a buff that blocks up to 3 applications of Steaming Stone Scorch.

*** Spells ***

- Scribing a new rank of a spell will now try to auto-memorize the spell for you.
- Scribing reward set spells will always close your spellbook if updating your memorized spell list.
- Damaging Aura spells now report last hit damage to players who did not receive kill credit.
- Elemental Minion III will now summon the intended pet.

*** AA ***

- All - Fixed numerous description errors.
- All - Fixed an issue where Glyphs were unavailable at levels 69, 84, 99, and 114.
- All - Adjusted the levels that ranks 11-12 of each classes' Synergy ability can be purchased to match the required level of the spell or combat ability that triggers the ability.
- Bard - Improved the duration extension of all ranks of Selo's Sonata from 2 to 5 minutes.
- Beastlord - Improved the resist modifier for ranks 11-18 and 23-28 of Raven's Claw and Gorilla Smash.
- Berserker - Changed Binding Axe to trigger Lingering Wound when fading for any reason rather than only when fading to duration.
- Enchanter - Updated all ranks of Tashan's Lingering Cry to focus spells up to level 115.
- Enchanter - Self Stasis will now count down in buff-held zones.
- Enchanter - Changed the spell landed message on all ranks of Mental Contortion to differ from the Mind Shatter spell line.
- Enchanter - Changed the spell worn off messages for all ranks of Chromatic Haze and Gift of Chromatic Haze to be more unique.
- Magician - Updated all ranks of Steel Vengeance to include Shock of Burning Steel.
- Magician - Updated ranks 5-6 of Flames of Power to include Chaotic Pyroclasm.
- Necromancer - Updated all ranks of Funeral Pyre to focus spells up to level 115.
- Paladin - Fixed an issue where the duration of Inquisitor's Judgment ranks 16+ was less than intended.
- Rogue - Fixed ranks 7-8 of Focus: Exuberant Dagger-Throw to properly include Powerful Dagger-Throw.
- Shadowknight - Updated all ranks of Focused Bites to include Vulak's Bite.
- Shadowknight - Fixed an issue where the duration of Veil of Darkness ranks 2+ was less than was intended.
- Shaman - Inconspicuous Totem will now count down in buff-held zones.
- Warrior - Improved the resist modifier for all ranks of Gut Punch and Gut Punch Strike.
- Wizard - Updated ranks 3+ of Trifurcating Magic to allow Cryomancy to overwrite Arcane Disjunction Aura Effect.

*** NPCs ***

- Corrected an issue where pets and mounts could be left behind when their owner left the zone.
- Re-tuned rare spawns throughout Torment of Velious to address some that were spawning too frequently or too rarely.
- Zombies in Torment of Velious Great Divide now use newer zombie models.
- Thosgromri, and other rare creatures in Torment of Velious, will no longer equip the weapon augment Arctic Ornament and use it as a makeshift blender.
- Fixed a problem with some gargoyles in Velketor's Labyrinth that caused them to have a low chance to land attacks.
- Removed a rare that was spawning in the Kael Drakkel instance erroneously.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Guild teleport merchants will no longer sell Brilliant Frigid Gemstone until Torment of Velious unlocks.
- Veteran Reward AA abilities have been updated for progression servers to more closely reflect the timeline of their introduction.
- - The ability to claim Veteran Rewards on a character has been moved from Gates of Discord to Dragons of Norrath.
- - Abilities for years 1-7 (Lesson of the Devoted, Infusion of the Faithful, Chaotic Jester, Expedient Recovery, Steadfast Servant, Staunch Recovery, and Intensity of the Resolute) will now be usable starting with the release of Dragons of Norrath.
- - The 8th year ability, Throne of Heroes, will be usable with the release of Prophecy of Ro.
- - The 9th year ability, Armor of Experience, will be usable with the release of The Buried Sea.
- - The 10th year ability, Summon Resupply Agent, will be usable with the release of Secrets of Faydwer.
- - The 11th year ability, Summon Clockwork Banker, will be usable with the release of Seeds of Destruction.
- - The 12th year ability, Summon Permutation Peddler, will be usable with the release of Underfoot.
- - The 13th year ability, Summon Tribute Master, will be usable with the release of House of Thule.
- - The 14th year ability, Blessing of the Devoted, will be usable with the release of Veil of Alaris.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Special locations that allow the use of Bind Affinity on melee classes will now display a message when entering and exiting their boundaries.
- Addressed an issue that would cause the client to appear hung when it should have just closed due to graphics issues.
- Achievement links in tells now log correctly.
- Corrected an issue where Heroic Characters would not always have their AAs auto-granted.
- Added achievements for reaching level 115 skill caps.

*** UI ***

- Corrected an issue where the AA window wouldn't always update if Can Purchase was enabled.
- Corrected an issue where critical nukes caused by the innate wizard critical hit chance were not reported as critical hits.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team



Click Read more to see all the updates.


EQ Update #1

Edit: The item collector has been patched.

I hope everyone had a good time during the holidays. I know I enjoyed spending time with the family and watching my kiddo open his presents.

We've been busy plugging along Torment of Velious info on the site. Lots of people have chipped in to help piece all this information together and we greatly appreciate it! We still have plenty to do so stay tuned as we get everything caught up. If you haven't noticed, our Torment of Velious Wiki is mostly open for viewing. I'm still working on pieceing together tradeskills but we don't have a working item collector yet so I can't make some recipes without the items.

ToV armor pieces and weapons and shields should all now have their level and raid tags and say if they are a crafted item.

All ToV weapons and shields should all have a screenshot uploaded for them. They are all showcased here.

ToV Ultra Rare items have a Ultra Rare tag so now they are searchable in our advanced item search tool or you can see them all by looking at the ToV wiki.

We'll be rolling out a new cluster for the site soonish. This new cluster will finally be running HTTPS (secure) and we hope this will fix our item tooltips links running on HTTPS sites. I'll let everyone know when we roll that out.


Click Read More to see all the updates.

Torment of Velious is open for business!


Torment of Velious is now open for business on the live servers! If you haven't purchased the expansion, you can do so here or click on the image above.

We have been busy collecting information from beta and here is what we have so far.

All class spells level 111 to 115 have a ToV expansion tag.

All items we uploaded from beta have a ToV tag as well.

All achievements should be created and ToV tagged.

Many quests have been created as well.

A large majority of NPC's are entered in and are ToV tagged. If you have drops for these NPC's, feel free to post on their npc page with the drop name.

We'll work on getting items linked where they need to go.

Our ToV wiki still needs some work but we went ahead and opened up some pages for viewing for now. We'll open the rest when we get more info on them.



December 18, 2019

*** Torment of Velious ***

- The lands and denizens of the continent of Velious are suffering. The icy landscape has seemingly come to life and is flowing oddly upward toward the sky. This restless ice is infecting and animating the inhabitants it touches, turning them into zombie-like beings with a strange icy infection that appears alive in its own way – moving and shifting over their bodies. What has caused this strange turn? And what could it mean? All adventurers are called upon to unravel the chilling mysteries that are the Torment of Velious.
- See Belinda in Northern Desert of Ro to get there.
- Increased the maximum level cap to 115.
- Added a new key ring for Hero's Forge armor pieces and suits.

*** Items ***

- New items for level 111 to 115 characters.
- Fixed an art issue with two Marketplace housing items: White Frontier Door and White Frontier Shack.

*** Tradeskills ***

- New crafting recipes for baking, brewing, tailoring, smithing, research, fishing, fletching, alchemy, tinkering, poison making, jewelry making, and pottery.

*** Quests And Events ***

- New Raids, Quests, and Missions for Torment of Velious!
- - Tier 1 raids are unlocking 30 days after the expansion launches.
- - Tier 2 raids are unlocking 60 days after the expansion launches.
- - Tier 3 raids are unlocking 90 days after the expansion launches.
- End of Empire (Raid) - Fixed a bug that prevented the shield from creating the protective aura.
- Counting Shadows - Improved operation of the task. It should be nearly impossible to be blocked by doing the steps out of order.
- Velishan's Revenge - Corrected a bug that would make it impossible to force the dragon to change forms.
- Braxi Roundup - You can now select a Snowstorm Ornamentation as a reward even if you've already received a Snowstorm Ornamentation in the past.

*** Spells ***

- Added new spells and combat abilities for level 111 to 115 characters.
- Scribing new ranks of spells will now un-memorize the spells that are a lower rank in that same group.
- Many long term buffs for levels 111 to 115 have been changed from three ranks to one powerful rank, available on vendors alongside other rank 1 spells.
- Level 111 to 115 hybrid class healing spells will now target an ally or the target's target, meaning you do not need to switch targets to heal.
- Cleric - Divine Alliance now modifies spells up to level 115.
- Druid - Bosquetender's Alliance now modifies spells up to level 115.
- Druid - Skin to Sumac now modifies spells up to level 115.
- Paladin - Harmonious Blessing now reacts to spells up to level 115. Harmonious Illumination can now stun targets up to level 115.
- Paladin - Remorseful Effect (from Remorse for the Fallen) now affects spells up to level 115.
- Shadowknight - Remorselessness (from Remorseless Demeanor) now affects spells up to level 115.
- Shaman - Ancient Alliance now modifies spells up to level 115.

*** AA ***

- New AA abilities for level 111 to 115 characters.
- All - Adjusted the AA ability window descriptions and spell descriptions for all ranks of every AA line that was upgraded with new ranks for Torment of Velious to include spell description links and more accurate information regarding how each ability functions.
- Multiple - Made the following changes to Cleric's Exquisite Benediction, Druid's Nature's Boon, and Shaman's Call of the Ancients:
- - Reduced the initial reuse time from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.
- - Granted the ward immunity from damage so that it cannot be killed early.
- - Changed the healing spells cast by the ward from a heal over time cast every 10 seconds to a direct heal cast every 6 seconds and increased the base value of the heal.
- - Increased the range of the ward's heal from 60 to 100 feet.
- Bard - Changed Selo's Sonata to cast the highest rank of Selo's Accelerando that you have scribed and added a passive effect that extends the duration of Selo's Accelerando by 2 minutes.
- Cleric - Adjusted buff stacking on Divine Avatar to reduce conflicts with other buffs.
- Magician - Changed the pet summoned by all ranks of Servant of Ro to follow the caster when out of combat, improved its survivability, and increased the damage done by all ranks.
- Necromancer - Changed Gathering Dusk from a delayed damage over time effect that is applied after an initial hatred generation period to an activated damage over time effect that blesses the caster with a buff that both increases DoT damage and negates Spell Casting Subtlety for 24 seconds.
- Necromancer - Added additional ranks of Embalmer's Carapace from levels 85 to 110, reduced the damage absorption total of the existing ranks, and reduced the reuse time from 20 minutes to 15 minutes. Extended the duration of the buff and removed the hit limit from all ranks. Replaced the self damaging component that was previously triggered after the rune expired with a self damaging component that is active during damage absorption. Removed the critical DoT damage modifier from this line and increased the critical DoT damage modifier for ranks 7+ of Spire of Necromancy.
- Necromancer - Renamed Gift of Deathly Resolve to Heretic's Twincast and modified the functionality of this ability to match that of Improved Twincast.
- Paladin - Changed Marr's Salvation from a single target buff to a targeted group buff. Increased the duration of all ranks to 10 minutes and the recast time of all ranks to 5 minutes. Adjusted the levels and expansions that each rank is made available to more closely match the Shadowknight ability Voice of Thule.
- Ranger - Consolidated Outrider's Attack to be ranks of Outrider's Accuracy and modified all ranks to grant the bonuses of each ability. Adjusted the levels and expansions that each rank becomes available for purchase.
- Rogue - Changed all ranks of Envenomed Blades to a toggled passive ability and adjusted the damage based on its previous uptime.
- Shaman - Adjusted buff stacking on Rabid Bear to reduce conflicts with other buffs.
- Warrior - Removed the self damaging component of Warlord's Tenacity.

*** NPCs ***

- Rare spawn bonuses will no longer prevent Telgrith, Black Legion Captain from spawning in Direwind.
- Capped strikethrough values on non-raid NPCs from Underfoot to Torment of Velious. You should see fewer strikethroughs, especially from higher level NPCs.
- The ghostly student in the Tower of Frozen Shadow who appears in odd places on the 6th floor has found his way back to the 2nd floor library.
- Spells cast by NPCs in Heroic Adventures will scale more appropriately at higher levels.
- Level 106-110 NPCs in Heroic Adventures now base their stats on tier 1 Ring of Scale instead of tier 1 Empires of Kunark.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Increased the abilities of level 111 to 115 mercenaries.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Accelerated the unlock schedule of Rain of Fear and Call of the Forsaken later tiered content.
- Decreased turn-ins required to unlock the druid rings in Shard's Landing.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Customers browsing a Buyer or Trader in the Bazaar will be prompted to re-open the Merchant/Barter Window if there is a price change before they are allowed to complete a transaction.
- Vex Thal - Fixed a bug that would send players to the zone in if they got too close to some walls in the rooms where the various Khaas Thox Aten Ha Ra hang out.
- Fixed a crash that can occur at the server select screen.
- Fixed a problem in Valdeholm that was causing characters to fall through the world if LoD bias was set to low.
- Granted access to Ring of Scale content for free to play players.

*** UI ***

- Corrected an issue where right-clicking an AA hotbutton would not always go to the correct AA description.
- Corrected an issue where avoiding a hit by a lucky riposte would not display that it was lucky.
- Corrected an issue where a twinproc would cause additional procs from the same cast to report incorrectly as twincasts.
- Corrected an issue where the Marketplace did not always display a membership discount correctly at the character select screen.
- Moved spell emotes from heal messages to their own line of text instead of at the beginning of a heal line.
- - Removed the spell emote that made it look like the caster of a lifetap was hit by the spell.
- Added the ShowHeader property for the ListBox control to allow for hiding the header via XML.

- Added -

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team

Brad McQuaid has passed away

It is with sad news to report that Brad McQuaid passed away in his home last night.


I just wanted to say something because Brad meant so much to so many people, including myself.

His love and passion for creating new worlds allowed people from all over the world to experience something beyond just a game. His games formed communities that saw players come together to help each other not only in game but out of game. That love spread to so many people. Some of these very same people have branched out into other games and they have created imaginative worlds because they too were able to experience Brad's gift. Thank you for sharing your gift with us Brad, you will be remembered.

Our hearts go out to his family.

EQ Update #25

Login services are now available. Sorry about that folks.

The new TLP server Miragul will be launching on Tuesday November 5th, 2019. If you haven't seen what this server is all about, check out the official FAQ from Daybreak Games here. You can also check out info for this server on our progression server wiki here.

We have been pretty busy over the past month updating all sorts of content. Also with Torment of Velious beta currently in progress we have been busy getting info and inputting everything. I have slowly been building up the wiki pages for ToV and have posted some tradeskill recipes on our ToV beta forums.

Other ToV beta info we're working on:

  • NPC general population is mostly created. We're still filling in other various info for them and screenshots. 
  • Many solo quests have been entered, we still need info to complete them.
  • Recipes will be created once we get items uploaded to the site, for now check out the beta forums for recipes.
Once achievements, spells, and AA's are live on beta, we'll get info on those.
Click Read More to see all the updates.

Torment of Velious & Patch Notes



Happy days, Norrathians!

It’s that time of year again! We’ve got a lot coming up, so let’s get right to it.
EverQuest: Torment of Velious


The team has been heads-down on the latest expansion for quite some time now and we’re
heading into Beta next week! That means pre-orders will begin next Wednesday, Oct. 23, between 10 AM and 12 PM (Noon) PDT. If you pre-order, you will get access to Beta.
As the expansion name suggests, we’re heading back into Velious though events there have significantly altered the landscape. After 20 years, the devs have brought you a new ice shader – for obvious reasons. What a difference it makes! More on the story and events of Velious as we continue.

Torment of Velious brings you a level increase from 110 to 115 with new spells and AAs, gear, and content with 6 new zones, and quests, raids and more. The team will share more info as we go through Beta and get through the final stages of finishing up this expansion which will launch in December. We’ll firm up the final launch date as we get closer.
We have added a new expansion bundle option you’ll see next week that is geared toward Family and Friends. In addition to getting all the items included with the Standard, Collector’s, and Premium editions, it also includes:

  • TRADABLE Standard Torment of Velious Expansion
  • TRADABLE versions of the Collector’s and Premium Edition mounts
  • TRADABLE heroic character boost
  • Gnomish Legendary Bundle which will grant you:
    • Clockwork rhino mount
    • Gnomework illusion
    • And your choice of all three of the following:
      • A full suit of gnomish appearance gear
      • A gnomish heritage teleporter
      • A gnomish heritage familiar
    • 40-slot bag
    • 2 shared 50% experience potions.

The bundle is set at a high price point but is a good deal as a package overall. We made it because we’ve been asked for this type of package for years and wanted to try it out for those players who have multiple accounts, play with families, guildmates who support friends, and others. It’s an experiment and we’re interested to see where you go with it as players.


Miragul Server: A New Type of Progression!

Looking to join a new community on a new type of server?

On November 5, in support of EverQuest II’s 15th anniversary, we are going to be launching a new type of progression server, named Miragul, that will start at the House of Thule expansion that launched in 2010. What does that mean?

You start as a Level 85 Heroic Character with live server experience rates, and all the trappings of a server that starts with a level cap of 90 with in-game housing, loads of raids, over 800 AAs, and more.
The server requires a membership to play and that’s it!

What Else?

Keep an eye out for other news in November. We’ve got EQ2’s 15th Anniversary as well as other announcements around that time that will further define our commitment to EverQuest and EverQuest II! We’re also toying with selling limited edition EQ and EQ2 anniversary shirts on the internets. More on that soon!

See you in Velious, friends!

Sincerely, as always,

Holly “Windstalker” Longdale


October 16, 2019

*** Highlights ***

- Made significant changes to fade and leap abilities. See the AA section for details.
- When using Search in the Barter Window, the results will only display the most expensive buy line from each buyer per unique item matched from the search.

*** Items ***

- Increased the proc rate of Whispering Midnight Defending Fire, Whispering Midnight Defending Magic, Blazing Euphoria Defending Fire, and Blazing Euphoria Defending Magic.
- Adjusted the spell stacking on Illusion Benefit Greater Jann to coexist with the Enchanter spell Night's Endless Terror.
- Corrected the spell descriptions for the Mana Preservation focus on the high tier ring and shoulder chase items from The Burning Lands.
- Corrected Sebilisian ornament descriptions.

*** Quests and Events ***

- Antraygus, the Sporali King - Antraygus will only spawn once in the instance.
- General Reparm (Raid) - Put in a speculative fix for the Bone Burners spawning more than 3 times.
- The Darkness Howls and Ironing Out the Legion - Aggressive NPCs will grant experience where they were not before.
- Guntrik's quests - Sven and Philicia Drinn have had their difficulty reduced dramatically. Tattered Parchment now drops from some NPCs in Rathe Mountains and Innothule Swamp.

*** Spells ***

- All melee classes - Hiatus can now be activated in combat. It still has the melee speed penalty and endurance cap.
- Corrected melee abilities that were listed under incorrect timers in the right-click menu. For example, Bestial Savagery was listed under Disciplines->Timer 3 when it is Timer 7.
- Ranger - Drifting Smoke is now flagged outdoor-only as intended.
- Rogue - All three ranks of Waylay can now be found under Combat Abilities->Stun.

*** AA ***

- All - Made the following changes to fade abilities for retuning and to provide a more consistent experience:
-- All AA escape abilities now have a 100% chance to succeed on opponents up to 5 levels above the caster.
-- Escape abilities trigger their secondary invisibility or sanctuary buffs regardless of proximity to attackers.
-- Escape abilities will reduce the amount of hatred any NPC the caster fails to escape from by 1 million points.
-- Escape abilities now have higher reuse times and resource costs for most classes, as this better reflects our vision for these abilities.
- - Pet Users - Summon Companion - Rank 2 now provides a 100% chance for your pet to escape combat from all NPCs. Removed ranks 3 and 4 of this ability and made rank 2 available in Underfoot. Ranks 1 and 2 now consume 1% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Bard - Fading Memories - Removed ranks 4-40. Ranks 1-3 now consume 12, 6, and 2% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Beastlord - Falsified Death - This ability is now available at level 80 in Underfoot. This ability consumes 2% of your maximum mana to feign death, allows you to escape combat from NPCs up to 5 levels higher than you, allows your warder to escape combat from all NPCs, triggers Evader's Invisibility, and has a 2.5-minute reuse time.
- - Berserker - Self Preservation - Removed the self-stun component of this ability. Removed ranks 4-11 and adjusted the hastening so that this ability has a 10-minute reuse by rank 3 at level 85 (up from 6 minutes at level 100). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum endurance to activate.
- - Cleric - Divine Peace - Set the reuse time of this ability to be 10 minutes (up from 3 minutes), removed the 0.25 second cast time, and made the ability available in Underfoot at level 85 (previously Veil of Alaris at level 91). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Druid - Veil of the Underbrush - Set the reuse time of this ability to be 10 minutes (up from 3 minutes), and made the ability available in Underfoot at level 85 (previously Veil of Alaris at level 95). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Enchanter - Friendly Stasis - Fixed the mesmerize duration to be 18 seconds rather than 30 seconds. This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Enchanter - Self Stasis - Removed ranks 5-11 and adjusted the hastening so that this ability has a 5-minute reuse by rank 4 at level 85 (down from 6 minutes at level 105). Fixed the mesmerize duration to be 18 seconds rather than 30 seconds. This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Magician - Drape of Shadows - Removed ranks 2-14 and set the reuse time of this ability to be 10 minutes (up from 3 minutes at 105). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Monk - Imitate Death - Reduced the reuse of ranks 1-8 by 30 seconds. Rank 9 is now available in Underfoot (previously House of Thule). This ability now consumes 2% of your maximum endurance to activate.
- - Necromancer - Death's Effigy - Ranks 1-4 are now available in Underfoot (previously House of Thule for rank 1 and Call of the Forsaken for ranks 2-4). This ability now consumes 2% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Paladin - Balefire Burst - Increased the reuse time to 10 minutes (up from 3 minutes), removed the 0.5 second cast time, and made the ability available at level 85 in Underfoot (previously House of Thule). The ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Ranger - Cover Tracks - Removed ranks 4-15 and adjusted the hastening so that this ability has a 10-minute reuse by rank 3 at level 85 (up from 3 minutes at level 100). This ability now consumes 8% of your mana to activate.
- - Rogue - Escape - Reduced the reuse of ranks 3-11 and added rank 12 resulting in a 1.5-minute reuse timer at level 85. This ability now consumes 2% of your maximum endurance to activate.
- - Shadowknight - Death's Effigy - This ability now consumes 2% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Shaman - Inconspicuous Totem - Removed ranks 4-13 and adjusted the hastening so that this ability has a 10-minute reuse by rank 3 at level 85 (up from 4 minutes at level 105). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- - Warrior - Howl of the Warlord - Removed the 0.5 second cast time. Removed ranks 2-5 and adjusted rank 1 so that this ability has a 10-minute reuse time (up from 3 minutes) at level 85 and is available in Underfoot (previously House of Thule). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum endurance to activate.
- - Wizard - A Hole in Space - Set the reuse time of this ability to be 10 minutes (up from 2.5 minutes), and made the ability available in Underfoot at level 85 (previously Veil of Alaris at level 95). This ability now consumes 8% of your maximum mana to activate.
- All - AA abilities that allow characters to leap forward have been normalized with improved reuse times, distances, new abilities for some classes, and reduced level and expansions to obtain:
- - Bard - Increased the distance that Lyre Leap allows you to travel from 160 to 315 feet.
- - Beastlord - Reduced the level required to purchase Cheetah's Pounce and made the ability available in Underfoot.
- - Berserker - Changed all ranks of Furious Leap to function like other leap abilities rather than relying on applying force to the caster. The reworked ability will now allow you to travel up to 234 feet forward. Reduced the initial reuse time of this ability from 60 seconds to 40 seconds and modified ranks 2-5 to reduce the reuse time by 5 seconds per rank rather than 10 seconds per rank, resulting in the final rank matching the existing reuse time of 20 seconds.
- - Cleric - Added the ability Holy Step available at level 85 in Underfoot which allows you to teleport forward by 160 feet every 20 seconds.
- - Druid - Reduced the initial reuse time of Mistwalk from 30 to 20 seconds and made rank 1 available at level 85 in Underfoot.
- - Enchanter - Added the ability Phantasmal Step available at level 85 in Underfoot which allows you to teleport forward by 160 feet every 20 seconds.
- - Monk - Reduced the initial reuse time of Neshika's Blink from 30 seconds to 25 seconds, made rank 4 available in House of Thule, made rank 5 available in Veil of Alaris, and removed ranks 6-10.
- - Necromancer - Increased the distance that ranks 1-6 of Whisper Step allows you to travel from 234 to 315 feet.
- - Paladin - Reduced the level required to purchase ranks 2-7 of Leap of Faith and made ranks 6-7 available in Rain of Fear.
- - Ranger - Reduced the level required to purchase ranks 2-6 of Gladestrider's Leap, made ranks 2-4 available in House of Thule, and made ranks 5-6 available in Rain of Fear.
- - Rogue - Added new ranks 1 and 2 to Whisper Step at level 85 in Underfoot and 87 in House of Thule making the current rank 1 into rank 3 thereby reducing the final reuse time of this ability from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, increased the distance that all ranks allow you to travel from 104 to 234 feet, and made the final rank of this ability available in Rain of Fear.
- - Shadowknight - Reduced the level required to purchase ranks 2-4 and 6-7 of Hate Step and made ranks 6-7 available in Veil of Alaris.
- - Shaman - Reduced the level required to purchase Spirit Leap and made the ability available in Underfoot.
- - Warrior - Changed all ranks of Furious Leap function like other leap abilities rather than relying on applying force to the caster. The reworked ability will now allow you to travel up to 234 feet forward. Reduced the initial reuse time of this ability from 60 seconds to 40 seconds and modified ranks 2-5 to reduce the reuse time by 5 seconds per rank rather than 10 seconds per rank, resulting in the final rank matching the existing reuse time of 20 seconds.
- - Wizard - Increased the distance that Netherstep allows you to travel from 160 to 315 feet and added 2 additional hastening ranks bringing the final reuse time down to 10 seconds at level 95.
- Multiple - AA abilities that reduce that chance that your root spells will break (ex: Druid - Enhanced Root, Enchanter - Clinging Root, etc.) will now only apply that improvement to root spells cast by that caster. Previously, when a caster with one of these abilities would cast a root spell, the improved break chance would apply to all root spells on that target.
- Bard - Corrected an issue with rank 43 of Boastful Bellow that caused the maximum level target that can be stunned to go down to 106 rather than up to 109.
- Enchanter - Increased the effectiveness of rank 17 of Gather Mana from 37,000 instant mana and 750 mana regeneration for 1 minute to 40,000 instant mana and 1,000 mana regeneration for 1 minute.
- Magician - Refunded all ranks of Intrinsic Efficiency, which was intended to be done when ranks 13-15 and 19-21 of Conjurer's Efficiency were consolidated.
- Necromancer - Refunded all ranks of Intrinsic Efficiency, which was intended to be done when ranks 2-7 of Embalmer's Efficiency were consolidated.
- Shadowknight - Refunded all ranks of Intrinsic Efficiency, which was intended to be done when ranks 2-7 of Embalmer's Efficiency were consolidated.
- Paladin - Hand of Tunare - Increased the number of counters on this ability to 20 to account for the fact that a successful twinheal focused with the mana penalty will consume 2 charges per cast. Reduced the duration of the ability from 6 minutes to 5 minutes and reduced the reuse time of the ability from 18 minutes to 15 minutes. Updated the ability so that the healing component of your Denouncement and Valiant Deflection line of spells will continue to be twincast, but the initial mana cost of these spells will be increased to compensate.
- Wizard - Ranks 1-5 of Mirror Mirror now increase the resist modifier of the reflected spell by 20 points per rank.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Messages sent using tell windows are now logged correctly.
- /pick will now send players and group members to the evac point of a zone.
- Corrected an issue where days entitled could be incorrect when logging in by bypassing the LaunchPad, resulting in issues with claiming veteran rewards and easily becoming marked as spam.

*** UI ***

- Fixed a crash that can occur when there are multiple entries for the same ChatWindowX_ContainerIndex saved in the UI configuration file. This should help in some of the cases where you had to delete your ini files in order to login.
- Corrected a crash bug from moving a tab left of Main Chat.
- Removed some no longer used UI elements from the Marketplace window.
- When using Search in the Barter Window, the results will only display the most expensive buy line from each buyer per unique item matched from the search.
- When searching for items in both the Bazaar Search Window and Barter Window, results over the transaction cap (2000000 platinum) will not be displayed.
- Fixed a bug where you could not disable tribute benefits when running out of favor.

- Changed -

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #24

Here are the updates since September 21st.

Drewinette has been busy updating a ton of different things and helping keep new comments up to date.

Grizabelle updated a ton of poison recipes.

The VoA Armor wiki page has been finished with all the armor pieces and new html tables were put in place of the wiki tables to make it a little easier to look at.

I've started work on changing up the personal tribute wiki page since the tribute changes.


Click Read More to see all the updates.

EQ Update #23 & Sept 2019 Patch

The September patch hit yesterday. It looks like some old bugs and some new were fixed. Dzarn has been busy it looks like as we got another round of AA changes that rolled out. I'm always glad to see that amount of work still being poured into the game.

Plenty of updates have happened to the site since the 2nd, largely done by Drewinette. Check them out by clicking on the Read More link below.

All NPC's in all expansions/zones should now have an expansion tag except for Plane of Knowledge. We'll need to go over that zone by hand to figure out the correct expansions for those NPC's. All Fabled NPC's should now be set to the expansions they release in as well. If you play on the progression servers and see we have a NPC set to the incorrect expansion, let us know please by posting on the NPC's forum.

All quests that had a minimum level of 0 are now set to level 1. The Troll Heritage Crate quest entry has been updated with most of the items that come in it.

The item collector was worked on by SwiftyMUSE and most new items have been uploaded. We hope to release that to everyone soonish after he's been able to patch it for the latest game update.

Edit: 9-27-2019 - The item collector is now patched.




September 10, 2019

*** Items ***

- Removed the stacking on 5 Dose Potion of the Bone Field and 10 Dose Potion of the Bone Field items. Changed Toy Eye Ball to one charge.
- Fixed a typo in the lore of Overgrowth Shears.
- Restored mana preservation to The Burning Lands evolving shoulders that include classes with mana.
- Consolidated the various mount blessings. In nearly all cases, the new buff is equal to or an improvement over the previous buff, with the exception of Mount Blessing Izah which has had its AC value reduced to be in line with the other mount blessings.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Guntrik's quests - Sven and Philicia Drinn are no longer merchants and can be killed.
- Strange Magic - Pets and mercenaries will no longer flee right after the first golem is defeated.
- Destroy Marnek's Wand - If a character who has handed in the wand loses their Suncrest Isle instance, the fisherman will offer a new instance.
- Gnome Memorial Mountain - Adjusted the risk vs reward for Heroic Adventures in GMM.

*** Spells ***

- Buffs that absorb hits (up to a maximum damage value) will no longer fully negate resistible spells. These buffs will continue to properly block the intended amount of damage from spell and melee attacks.
- Corrected an issue that allowed certain types of pets (Cleric hammers, Wizard swords, Magician runes, etc) to be hit by detrimental spells. They are now immune to all spells as intended.
- Bard - Added a target limit of 5 to the Denon's Desperate Dirge line of AE damage songs.
- Cleric - Sacred Word and Stun Command now have their target limit explicitly defined on the spell.
- Druid - The Heliacal Flare and Lunar Chill lines of targeted AE spells now have their target limit explicitly defined on the spell.
- Magician - Fixed an error that caused pets that used Fire Elemental Bolt I-VII to deal less damage when focused. Increased the power all ranks of Fire Elemental Bolt VI and VII.
- Magician - Corrected an error that made fire pets on Progression servers deal more damage than expected in Kunark, Velious, and Luclin eras.
- Wizard - Thunderbolt now has its target limit explicitly defined on the spell.

*** AA ***

- All - Refunded Identify as this ability is redundant now that item descriptions are displayed when inspecting items at level 50+.
- All - Fixed a typo in the description of Veteran's Enhancement that errantly stated the ability increased your worn mana regeneration cap rather than your worn health regeneration cap.
- Multiple - Renamed the non-pet class ability 'Pet Discipline' to 'Companion's Discipline' to be in line with the naming used for pet classes.
- Bard - Refunded all ranks of Steady Hands and increased the base pick lock skill cap for bards for levels 80+ by 40 points. The skill bonus was reduced from 60 points to correct a few level span where bards had a higher skill cap than rogues. The skill cap increase is being granted at level 80 rather than level 70 due to the ability initially releasing with Secrets of Faydwer.
- Bard - Capped the maximum number of opponents that can be hit by Vainglorious Shout to 6 and increased the endurance cost for all ranks of this ability by 50%.
- Bard - Granted the ability to use Double Riposte as Bards were the only class with the skill that did not have access to this ability.
- Bard - Refunded all ranks of Tune of Pursuance and increased the base tracking skill cap for Bards for levels 65 and 96-100+.
- Berserker - Refunded all ranks of Student of War and increased the base frenzy skill cap for Berserkers for levels 101+.
- Berserker - Refunded all ranks of Weapon Proficiency and increased the base weapon skill caps for Berserkers for levels 85-105+.
- Berserker - Renamed Cry of Battle to Mass Group Buff.
- Cleric - Removed the undead-only restriction from Repel the Wicked.
- Cleric - Fixed a typo in the description for all ranks of Channeling the Divine that stated the ability granted a 50% twincast chance rather than a 100% chance.
- Cleric - Shield of Reverence has been changed to a passive ability.
- Druid - Refunded all ranks of Advanced Tracking and increased the base tracking skill cap for Druids for levels 65+.
- Enchanter - Renamed the enchant metal abilities to include the quantity as a suffix rather than prefix. Ex: 'Mass Enchant Feymetal' is now titled 'Enchant Feymetal (x10)'. Refunded 'Enchant Palladium (x3)' and 'Enchant Palladium (x20)' as they were inconsistent with the rest of the abilities.
- Magician - Call Hither has been renamed Summoner's Step and is now a teleport-forward ability similar to Netherstep or Whisperwind. Reduced the level and expansion required to obtain ranks 4 and 5 of this ability.
- Magician - Updated Turn Summoned to deal direct damage rather than damage over time and updated Infusion of Elemental Light to always deal instant critical damage that will no longer block other instances of Infusion of Elemental Light from landing.
- Magician - Updated the buff icon for Thaumaturge's Focus.
- Monk - Consolidated Hastened Crane Stance and Focus: Crane Stance into a single line, Improved Crane Stance, and added an additional rank that was intended to go live with The Burning Lands.
- Necromancer - Call to Corpse has been renamed Summon Corpse. This ability now has 9 ranks and will cast the highest rank of your equivalent level summon corpse spell with a 10 second reuse time.
- Necromancer - Refunded Self Sacrifice as its initial purpose of dealing damage to the caster in order to benefit from other abilities is no longer required.
- Necromancer - Summon Remains now consumes 4 Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffins when cast.
- Paladin - Hand of Tunare no longer triggers Tunare's Fatigue after fading but will now instead increase the mana cost of twincast healing spells by 100%.
- Paladin - Moved Holy Warhorse from the Class tab to the Special tab in the AA window.
- Paladin - Shield of Brilliance has been changed to a passive ability.
- Paladin - Refunded all ranks of Glorious Reflection as this ability provided no benefit given the existence of Healing Adept.
- Paladin - Consolidated Restoration of Life to be rank 2 of Gift of Resurrection. Rank 2+ will now restore 96% experience. Reduced the hastening offered by rank 5 by 1 second and increased the mana cost of ranks 2+ by 100 points.
- Ranger - Refunded all ranks of Tracking Mastery and increased the base tracking skill cap for Rangers for levels 66-70+.
- Rogue - Refunded all ranks of Weapon Proficiency and increased the base weapon skill caps for Rogues for levels 96 and 101-105+.
- Rogue - Fixed an error with ranks 5 and 6 of 'Focus: Hack' that prevented the ability from focusing the combat ability 'Slice'.
- Shadowknight - Moved Unholy Warhorse from the Class tab to the Special tab in the AA window.
- Shadowknight - Summon Remains now consumes 4 Tiny Jade Inlaid Coffins when cast.
- Shaman - Improved Pure Spirit has been changed from a passive focus ability to an activated ability that casts the best rank of Pure Spirit that you have scribed.
- Shaman - Turgur's Virulent Swarm will no longer land on PCs (including yourself).
- Shaman - Feral Bite, the damage triggered by Rabid Bear, has had its damage over time component consolidated into its direct damage component.
- Wizard - Ward of Destruction now summons a stationary aura rather than a ward. As an aura, Ward of Destruction will no longer be susceptible to damage and any opponents hit by Silent Fire will now credit the wizard as the attacker. Changed all ranks of Silent Fire from a 12 second damage over time spell to a direct damage spell that will not break root.
- Wizard - Updated Arcane Fusion to always deal critical damage and fixed an issue that allowed the ability to trigger on beneficial spells.
- Wizard - Corrected an issue that prevented Mirror Mirror from functioning as expected.
- Wizard - Refunded Translocational Anchor and updated all ranks of Cryomancy to include gate suppression as part of Cryomantic Stasis.

*** NPCs ***

- Moved a spiderling in the Broodlands that was spawning inside of a tree.
- In Stoneroot Falls, a witheran named Slubber with unique items now has a chance to spawn.
- In the Ruins of Illsalin, Overseer Xygern now drops unique items instead of the same items that Battlemage Ristyr drops.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Access to Gnome Memorial Mountain now requires that The Burning Lands is unlocked on your server.
- Corrected an error that made fire pets on Progression servers deal more damage than expected in Kunark, Velious, and Luclin eras.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- The /safelock command now requires typing the full command in order to function to prevent accidental locking of the game. This should help in real life when kerrans are frisking your keyboard and manage to lock the game with a secret safelock password.
- You can no longer block, parry, dodge, or riposte an attack that would have missed.
- Made multiple adjustments to Tribute and Guild Tribute:
- - Merged the various "II" lines into their parent line as additional ranks. This results in ranks above 10 for some tribute lines.
- - Reduced the cost of ranks 5 to 13 of the tribute lines: Power of Will, Visions of Suffering, Twinge of Pain, Expeditious Aid, Persistent Boon, Power of Sight, Power of Recovery, Power of Conservation, Power of Alacrity, Visions of Command, Commanding Presence, and Power of Suffering.
- - Increased the effectiveness of rank 12 of Bulwark of Honor, Strength of Body, Strength of Mind, and Strength of Will.
- - Increased the effectiveness of rank 13 of Arm of Power, Body of Divinity, Symphony of the Rabbit, Juggler's Grace, Sage's Requital, Sage's Comprehension, and Countenance of Ardor.
- - Reduced the cost of ranks 6 to 13 of the guild tribute lines: Aura of Preservation, Power of Will, Visions of Suffering, Twinge of Pain, Expeditious Aid, Persistent Boon, Power of Sight, Power of Recovery, Power of Conservation, Power of Alacrity, Visions of Command, Commanding Presence, and Power of Suffering.
- - Guild Tribute: Added String Resonance to rank 8 of Symphony of Replenishment.
- Removed the Hero's Forge - Tinker's Clockwork and Hero's Forge - Memorial Clockwork achievements. The items are not currently available.
- Housing Explorer (Achievement) - Visiting Evantil's Abode, Hermit's Hideaway, and Bixie Hive houses are now optional for completing this achievement.
- Guild Locals Explorer (Achievement) - Visiting Grand, Modest, and Palatial Guild Halls are now optional for completing this achievement.

*** UI ***

- Made improvements to taunt messages:
- - Taunt messages are sent to all players in the area, and include the name of the NPC being taunted.
- - Added a new chat filter for taunt messages.
- - Failing to capture your target's attention is more clearly indicated as a partial success.
- - Added a message when a player obtains aggro using an aggro lock ability (Ex: Undivided Attention).
- - Taunt spells are no longer blocked by spells locking an NPC's aggro.
- - Sends a single message to players in the area when someone uses an area effect taunt (Ex: Area Taunt).
- NPC tells are now formatted as 'Soandso told you' while player tells (including cross server tells) appear as 'Soandso tells you.'
- Removed an extra space from raid chat messages.
- Changed the format of tells from tell windows when writing to the log. They now use the same format as regular tells.

*** Previously Updated ***

- Shield of Spines reports the correct amount of healing on the item description.
- Staff of the Serpent (Enchanter epic 1.0) - The spectral librarian in Kaesora can again be charmed.
- Veeshan's Peak access - The NPCs that drop medallion pieces can no longer be charmed.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #22

Here are all the updates since August 17th.


Click Read More to see all the updates.