This template makes it possible for us to link items NOW without worrying whether we might get a db one day and have to edit them all manually. Later, when we have a namespace, one edit, here, will fix all of them!
Usage: {{RiftItem|quality|ItemName|ItemNameDisplay|nolink=}}
- Add the rarity name. (|Trash, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Relic, Transcendent and Questitem}}
- The Item Name exactly as it appears, or should appear, in the DB.
- Name of the item exactly as you want it displayed, including any quantity and plurality. so if this is a Navy Dye and you have 2 of them ItemName could be "2 Navy Dyes"
- Should be used only when you want text to appear in a specific item quality color but are not actually linking a specific item. Useful when you want to colorize the name of a group of items but not create a link because it is not the name of a specific item.
If quality is not specified, (Common White) is used.
- 3/17/2011 - Corrected for DB-style links -Bludwyng
This page last modified 2011-03-18 00:13:26.