quest log  

See also: Quests
The Quest page of the Tome functions as Warhammer Online's Quest Log. Quests are added as you take them, and objectives are tracked automatically.

Column 1

This column shows the completion of the quest. Quests that have been completed will have an 'X'. Quests with no objectives to track (for example, a quest that asks you to go the next town and talk to an NPC) will also show as being completed.

Column 2

This column shows the Quest Type of the quest.

Column 3

This column shows the name of the quest.

Column 4

This column shows the zone or zones in which the quest takes place. The zone where the quest is picked up is shown first, followed by any other pertinent zones.

Column 5

This column shows whether or not the quest appears on the quest tracker. Checking this box will add the quest to the tracker if there is sufficient room. Unchecking it will remove it.

Column 6

This column shows whether or not quest objectives appear on the map (both the minimap and the zone map). Checking this box will add the quest's objectives to the map. Unchecking it will remove them.

This page last modified 2009-10-13 21:56:14.