Vana'diel Time: 06/06/1469 (Windsday) 18:21 74% (Waxing Gibbous)


Submitted by:atherisch
Start Area: Windurst Woods
Start NPC:Any Gate Guard
Prerequisites:Awakening of the Gods
Related Areas:Davoi
Monastic Cavern
Windurst Waters
Related Mobs:Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk
Moreno-Toeno (L - 6)
Sedal-Godjal (J - 9)
Mission:8 - 1
Min Level:65
Max Level:75
(Average from 2 ratings)
Items Required:Curse Wand
Title Obtained:Fugitive Minister Bounty Hunter
This Mission is Not Skippable
Last Updated: Thu Aug 20 06:00:36 2009

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Mission Orders


The gate guard will direct you to the Aurastery. At the Aurastery, speak to Moreno-Toeno for a cutscene, and receive the key item "Star Seeker" (a magic doll).

There are two parts to this mission - the first part can be done solo. For part one: Go to H-6 in Ro'Maeve and examine Qu'Hau Spring. If you've never been to Ro'Maeve, the area is overrun with everything imaginable that agros to magic, so Silent Oil is an absolute necessity. After examining Qu'Hau Spring, you will get a small cutscene.

Part two (the part that requires an alliance - at least 12 people @ 65+ recommended): Go to Davoi. At H-11, zone into Monastic Cavern. Go through Monastic Cavern - at I-8, zone back into Davoi. You'll see a house up on a hill when you zone back into Davoi - this is where you're headed. To get there, continue north along the path; it will wrap around the house and lead to an elevator. Take the elevator to the top and go inside the house. Inside will be 2-3 assorted Orcs - Champions, Warriors, etc. - which need to be cleared. The NM you must fight is also in the room, so be wary.

The NM is Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk, a level 71 Black Mage. He'll open the fight with a nice area effect damager, so pulling with Elemental Seal + Silence is the way to go. He'll spawn on top of what appears to be a bed against the far wall of the room from the entrance. Once defeated, he'll drop two Curse Wands - every Windurstian on the mission needs one of these, so you'll probably have to fight him several times. Respawn time is 15-20 minutes.

Once you've finished with the NM, head over to J-8 and speak to Sedal-Godjal (the taru from the orb quest for the level 60 cap quest). Speak to him until he asks for a Curse Wand, then trade him the wand for a cutscene.

Return to Moreno-Toeno in the Aurastery to complete the mission.

To read the spoilers for this mission, please refer to the Vain Spoilers page.

Mission Series

This mission is part of the Windurst rank series. The complete mission series includes:

This page last modified 2008-08-08 20:18:35.
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Tough Guy
# Nov 10 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
732 posts
VeloriumCamper wrote
Melee attacks (barring WS) are probably not going to stun the NM,

True, save your TP for big spells. Used Smash Axe and stunned Stone IV.

I just want to say that we did this yesterday and the Diaga on the mob behind the house trick does not work so scratch that idea completely. I tried it in every nook and cranny behidn that house and it never worked. Here is a Strat that WILL work. You need close to a full party for this. Last night we did this with


All DD build TP to >100% on the mobs outside the house. They will not link the mobs inside the house or the NM. Once everyone is up to >100% and the mobs outside the house are dead, have your Mage stand outside the house and target one of the normal mobs inside the house with "Sleepga" or whichever works for you. Needs a be an AoE sleep though. At the same time, the DD's should bum rush the NM and beat him down. Stun stun, WS stun just go crazy on him. After he is dead which should be quick with all that TP built up, take out the lessers in the house that should be slept. Dont save TP on these guys, all three will repop again before the NM does. Once you kill them, rest and relax. Enjoy the inside of that house because its not often you get to see the inside of it.

The Farkiller, Champion, and Dreadnaught will pop inside the house. I didn't see any Dragoon's pop in there, only outside the house. Build TP on the last two and wait for the NM to pop. He will always pop on his chair in that room every 30 minutes. Rinse and repeat.
# Feb 01 2008 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
Just Duoed this:

75RDM/37NIN - Garruk
75WHM/37NIN - Me (Simonuk)

Hard fight but we had a good tactic. Garruk pulled the NM with Diaga from the bottom and caught the NM though the house. He then ran to the zone and i (simonuk) pulled the NM with Flash and ran to the bridge just east of the zone with no links. I held it off for a while tanking, i was lucky not to get any hard -ga spells apart from blizzard which did 917 Damage with stonekin and NI up. Garruk then zoned back and acted as a 'mage' staying away from the AoE. Garruk de-buffed the NM with Slow II, Blind, Bio, Posion and Paralyze and kept them up at all times . i kept 100% TP and above until he used a -ga spell and i used Brainshaker which stunned his spell, i got TP up pretty fast and used it every time he used a -ga spell but the times i was either casting stoneskin or TP wasnt ready Garruk cured me as soon as the -ga spell hit me, each -ga spell that actully hit me did about 500+ damage and Garruk cured me to full and i carried on fighting. Was a fairly long fight took about 10 mins+ but we did it. RDM & WHM ftw.
What do you need, exactly?
# Jul 15 2007 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Do you suppose this would be possible with just three 75 BLMs? We've been doing everything up this point alright. :/

Edited, Jul 16th 2007 3:04am by Lazrical
# Mar 20 2007 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Just duo'd this with 75SAM/NIN and 75 WHM/BLM (Me).

First time, I went /NIN. Was okay, till we got to the house. SAM opened the door by mistake and they saw us. I tried making it back to the zone, but we died. We weren't ready at that point, he didn't mean to open the door. Obviously, I didn't have RR up. I HP'd, and so did he, cause he didn't feel like having me coming back to raise him at the door's house.

We went back. But this time, I was /BLM, with INT gears. We cleared everything from zone to the door's house, so we could have the elevators clear for the way back. In front of the house, I ES'd and Invi'd. He opened the doors for me. I Sleepga'd everything. I got 1 resist and the NM. I was able to make it to the levers, because the BLM was still casting something. I triggered first lever. Then the both of them got on the elevator with me.

Then, I was running towards the zone, but let me tell you, I'm a WHM. I'm weak and not much HP. They had gone through my Stoneskin and Blink already. I was down to 75 HP and I knew I couldn't make it to the zone. So I Benediction'd and zoned. I came out and only the NM was left. SAM attacked, and 2 HR'd it. Then it was dead.

So yeah, the NM is weak. I tried silencing him, but I got resisted. Hopefully he killed it on his last WS. I was still at full MP, so I guess we could have cope with some damage.

The only pain is to get there, and getting the NM without the 30 orcs =)

Edited, Mar 21st 2007 12:38am by Sissiae
# Mar 12 2007 at 8:11 AM Rating: Good
521 posts
Duo'd this as:

75BST/NIN <- Me
73RDM/WHM <- Telliani

Zoned in to Davoi from Monastic, and killed the Orcish Farkiller to the left. Then after waiting for call beast to cooldown the rdm buffed up and cast diaga on one of the mobs around the house once it was close enough to the mobs inside. She did this from the lower path behind the house, didn't have to go up the elevator. Diaga hit things inside the house, everything linked up, as she ran to zone I grabbed the nm with Carrie and pulled it to where the farkiller we killed was.

Once the rdm zoned everything despawned and she zoned back in to help with the nm. Didn't end up needing another crab, although it was close. Had to reward once.

Good luck!

Edited, Mar 12th 2007 12:13pm by Enyyx
Duoed: BRD75WHM and RDM75/NIN
# Feb 06 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
This was not an easy fight, we were unable to stun, but here's how we did it.
Our setup:
RDM75/NIN (Mithra) Merrited
75BRD/WHM (Hume) only with Nightingale and 2 MP merrits (Me)

After wiping trying to pull and zone everything in the zone the first time, we decided to clear the path to the elevator and the orc who sits on the elevator upper entrance. The orcs are easily duoable up there, although they have a lot of HP so it takes a few for each one. We were tossing hoard lullaby because of links for the first few fights in the tunnel because we had 5 orcs on us. They weren�&#8364;&#8482;t a problem though.

Before going up for the pull, in the tunnel we buffed, highest Protect and Shell, along with Stoneskin, Phalanx, and favored method of Blink. I put up Reraise on myself and then we rested to full. Next we put on melee DD gear (Nash body, Warwolf belt, Minstrel�&#8364;&#8482;s Earring, and Hornetneedle for me and [Since RDM has a lot more options] good RDM DD/tanking gear)

At the top of the elevator, with the path now cleared back to the cave, we put up the following buffs: Barwind on Rdm, Fire Carol, Ice Carol, and Barwatera. The NM will cast a Teir 3 �&#8364;&#8220;ga spell as his first attack on the pull usually. This gave a little extra protection (without it aeroga does over 700 dmg to a buffed RDM)

I stayed on the elevator ready to send it back down to the tunnel entrance while my friend pulled it and then we rode down, taking a few extra orcs with him. At the cave entrance he zoned and I put elegy on the NM to keep him in the tunnel for us to fight while the other mobs despawned. Then we went to work on the NM. For the fight I kept up Ballad I and Ballad II the entire time, with Foe Requiem IV and Carnage Elegy. RDM fired away with everything he had.

About half way through the fight we got brought down really low on HP. Used divine seal Curaga II and then immediately Soul Voice and Nightingale with Ballad I and Ballad II again, now gaining back 6 Mp a tick from Ballad and 3 still from Refresh. This allowed me to main heal for the duration of my 2 hr and tank the NM so my friend could rebuff. (Lowest Hp value we hit was 36). After that it is really just a race to do the most damage. We did a skill chain which helped: Gust Slash > Savage Blade as much as possible but it was unplanned so use your TP as you get it. We were pretty psyched when we finished. 2 Cursed Wands for us and Rank 8-2!

Edited, Feb 6th 2007 9:17pm by Taikoubou
# Nov 18 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
Just successfully completed the NM fight for this, with:

and 71 BLM/(WHM?)

We killed all the surrounding mobs, and the (awesome) RDM taru pulled the NM using the Powder Boots (as someone suggested using here), while the WHM worked the elevator and cured him from any hits. The boots worked perfectly, as the RDM wasn't hit with anything major spell-wise. He successfully pulled him to the zone, and from there, it was a piece of cake. The 3 stunners took careful turns at stunning each big spell, and whittled him down pretty quickly. Took us about 7 minutes to take him down, with zoning occasional links and no nuking. (We decided to be sparse on nuking in case a stun wasn't ready, so both BLM would have a chance, else we'd have all been laying face first in...I don't wanna know what Orcs have on the bottom of their feet.) Morale of the story: don't let this guy scare you- with some thorough thought and teamwork, we've completed some things that people take alliances to do. You can too. (Seems like a "GO JOE!" kinda moment, eh?)

*Had to edit some, nearly put it on the wrong page!*

Edited, Nov 18th 2006 at 9:07pm PST by DarkCowz
Trial and Error
# Oct 01 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
Just finished this mission after a few failed attempts. Here is how it went down:

1st attempt: Rdm/Drk, Mnk/War

Cleared all the mobs around the house, Rdm kicked in the doors, chainspell slept the 3 nq orcs, and the Mnk (the powerhouse known as Cheshyr) went after Dirtyhanded w/ 100 fists. Dirtyhanded then Sleepga II'd, leaving me (Rdm) slept, and eventually waking up the Mnk when he hit him with Stone IV. Despite 100 fists and Asuran Fists (spammed when able), the NM's casting was never interrupted. Mnk went down. I went down.

Lesson #1: Melee attacks (barring WS) are probably not going to stun the NM, as they never did for us (and yes, the Mnk had very good gear, Kirin's Osode, PCC, O Kotes, some god gear etc., so accuracy/DD wasn't really an issue).

2nd attempt: Rdm/Drk, Mnk/Nin, Rng/Nin (yay Visenne), Thf/Nin (all 75 btw).

Cleared all the mobs. Buffed, I walk towards the door, ready to chainspell sleep the mobs, and I see "Dirtyhanded starts casting Blizzaga III on Wilde." So apparantly you can aggro the NM/NQ mobs through the two closed doors. We wipe.

Lesson #2: The mobs inside the house CAN and WILL aggro you if you stand right up against the door, even if they're both shut. Be prepared for aggro, if you get close to the door.

3rd attempt: Rdm/Drk, Mnk/Nin, Rng/Nin, Thf/Nin, and Smn/Whm (/cheer Tiptoe and Cowk)

Cleared all the mobs. Everyone but the Rdm went back down the elevator to the drawbridge near the Monastic Cavern zone. Rdm buffed (you could either go w/ Stoneskin, Blink, Phalanx, ETC or cut out Stoneskin and use a poison pot, just incase Dirtyhanded opens with Sleepga.) ANYWHO, Rdm buffed, used Powder Boots (for Flee) kicked open the first door, noticed the mobs had begun aggro, then turned around and bolted for the elevator. **Two things to take note of here: 1) Even though you cannot aggro the NM or NQ mobs from outside the house near the elevator (tried many times to no avail), when you aggro the mobs from the front of the house, they will exit the house through the walls/windows on the SIDE of the house and meet you near the elevator, so be prepared for that. 2) make sure that the elevator is up! If the elevator is down when you're zoning the mobs, you will most assuredly die. So like I was saying, I hit flee, went in door #1, got aggro, ran for the elevator, by the time I was going down, Dirtyhanded had finished casting and had walked through the wall of the house, so he sat there hanging out with me in the elevator. Depending on what he decides to cast next, you will either take minimal damage or none at all. Once the elevator hit the ground, I ran for the Monastic Cavern zone, while my buddies on the bridge dispatched Dirtyhanded, and all the adds depopped. By the time I had rezoned, the NM was just about dead. He's really not much of a threat when you isolate him from all the links in the area.

Lesson #3: If you are going to attempt to zone all the adds and pick off the NM, know that the mobs inside the house can and will walk right through the walls, instead of going all the way through the front doors like they should.

There you have it. Sorry for the length, but I hope there's some useful info in there for you.
Duo War/Nin Rdm/Drk
# Sep 24 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
I underestimated this foe the first time round.

As a Rdm, I had the urge to try and solo him.
I zone him along with several adds that almost killed me. I attempt to fight him and he -gas through my shadows forcing me to zone and give up.

I come back w/ 75Pal/War, 68Blm/Whm, and myself 75Rdm/Blm.
We fight him in the house, sleeping the 3 adds inside, he gets off one -ga spell, causing the blm to hit the floor, and then he proceeds to nuke the pal into oblivion. Adds and the NM take me out.

Finally, I think it through before attempting him.
I come back w/ 75War/Nin and myself as 75Rdm/Drk.
We clear the mobs on the outside, save tp, head in and I open with
Chainspell Stun NM, Sleep all 3 adds, while War/nin goes after the NM.
He 2hrs with Mighty Strikes, I keep the NM still w/ Stun for one minute.
The NM is dead in 1:15sec., 2 wands and we zone the adds.

1. Don't underestimate this NM, he will -ga your *** to hell if you dont have enough ppl stunning or pounding on him to interupt his spells.
2. Have the tank sub nin to absorb his tier4 spells.
3. Don't use sleepga on the mobs unless you've cleared the ones outside of the house.
4. Don't worry about applying reraise, you die in the house, you will have to HP.

Duo War/Nin Rdm/Drk
# Sep 25 2006 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
Duo War/Nin Rdm/Drk
# Sep 27 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
next time add something productive to your post.
anyone can post that they raped a mob with 7ppl, especially with a brd.
>.> too weak, waste of space.

not trying to be rude, i just think ppl posting **** that has nothing to do w/ the missions is lame.
i like not having to sift through a bunch of useless posts about, "oh we anhilated this mob with 20 ppl, blah blah blah" so?!
how'd you do it? what was the strat? what can ppl learn from your attempts?

from what i've seen only alla has a useful missions section. ki is a slow-*** copy of alla, the other sites i've seen don't let us post our experiences.

pls lets try to make this section a place where ppl can come to to find solid info about missions. not just some boasting ground, go to ki to boast.

at least try not to post unless the mission is somewhat of a challenge.
who am i though? im not the boss. im just a guy trying to make things easier for ppls.

Edited, Sep 27th 2006 at 2:53pm PDT by lgq
# Sep 06 2006 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I did it last night with 2 PLD, WAR/NIN, BRD, THF, RNG, WHM...RAPE
It wasn't a hard fight, it's just the fact the NM is a BLM in a closed area, a good distance from you, with 2 Orc sentries inside the house as well as serveral others patrolling outside. When you first fight him, and open the sets of doors, you might get argo and that's when things get crazy, sleep adds and kill NM. Then just wait in the house for the pops and kill them as they come, simple as that...just beware that first encounter, panicing can make or break you.
Uhh 『Too Weak』?
# Aug 20 2006 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
Stumbled upon Dirtyhand awhile ago when i was getting my DRG test...We weren't really looking for him, just stumbled upon him. We had no problems, deaths or close calls. Then again, there were 3-4 75 RDM's 1 75 whm, and 5 DD with us, as i recall... all i really remember was that he went down like a *****. As long as you have a stunner and a healer, you should be fine...should be an easy fight with only one full party.
Hurray for the MPK fix
# Mar 16 2006 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
I just duoed this mission as a 75 DRK/NIN and a 75 WHM/BLM. Here's how we did it:

The NM did not have his back to the wall, so fighting him inside the house was only an option if you were willing to take all four orcs at once. Memimi, the WHM/BLM, waited at the Monastic Cavern zone. I used Tonko and ran to the elevator, dropped invis, hit the switch, and recast Tonko. I ran to the door of the house and dropped invis again, opened both doors and walked in. The NM immediately aggroed so I turned and ran for the elevator with a decent train of orcs behind me. I hit the switch running, went down, and ran to the Monastic Cavern zone. I had about 600/1300 hp left when I hit the zone. My train despawned leaving only the NM. Memimi then ran and claimed the NM, I zoned back to Davoi, and we fought the NM right near the zone where we wouldn't get links.

The NM wasn't too bad, but if I wasn't /NIN he probably would've messed me up more. He casts poisonga II a lot, so keeping shadows up is a chore. He only cast Firaga III once, which was promptly stunned and weapon bashed. Memimi kept the mob debuffed while I killed. At the end we used no items, no nothing.

So yes, this mission can be duoed with a little planning and team work.
RE: Hurray for the MPK fix
# Mar 26 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
185 posts
I thought I would add a little more to this. Most DRK/NIN's dual wield axes. I used scythe in this case since Guillotine is pretty consistent damage and sometimes can silence a mob, if only for a second.

This strategy can also be made easier by doing an initial train of orcs. Simply claim orcs up near the house from below and train them to zone so they will despawn. The respawn doesn't seem to be immediate, so it buys you a little time to pull the NM and have a smaller train on your way to zone.

Never underestimate the versatility of a DRK. With different subjobs and different weapons, we can adapt to almost any situation. Sorry to sing the praises of my job, but so many ppl see DRK as a slow hitting, poor accuracy, hate stealing, low defense stun monkey. With the right gear, a DRK can tank, DD, w/e. Hell I have even PL'ed as a DRK/WHM in the dunes.
# Feb 18 2006 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Just trio'ed Dirtyhand about 5 minutes ago with MNK/NIN BRD/WHM and BLM/WHM. ES Silence got resisted from a 75 BLM, so I assume its extremely hard to silence him. I used Hundred fists and interrupted every one of his spells, and he dropped before 45 seconds were up for my 2hr. He could possibly be duo'ed with a BRD and MNK.

Hits for about 80-100 a swing, but slowly. His -ga spells are deadly though, Firaga III hit me for 1230 (on first failed attempt) so be careful. Stun or interrupt him, dont rely on silence.
have to fight everything
# Dec 26 2005 at 6:06 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
Don't even think about trying to sneak from the elevator to the house without fighting. You are going to have to fight everything between you and the NM, trying to sneak in will only result in a wipe. The only safe way to do this is to zerg it so get a full alliance and once you get off the elevator clear the orcs outside the house. Be aware that some of the orcs below you may also link with these. You won't be able to seperate the orcs inside the house from the NM so don't even try. Just sleep them and kill the NM (they are weaker than the ones outside so this shouldn't be a problem. Once you have cleaned out the house stay in the second room and the dragoons that pop outside won't bother you again. (you can see them through the windows but they won't come inside). The NM drops 2 curse wands. Have everyone save TP on the normal orcs (which should pop first) then everyone can unload on the NM when it pops again. Once you own the house it's easy to kill the NM again, it's just clearing it the first time that's dangerous.

Edited, Mon Dec 26 06:10:22 2005
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I thought of it first:
# Dec 04 2005 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
963 posts
elemental seal + silence >> resisted...
You will really need stunners. He spams GA all the time, over and over.
# Nov 28 2005 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
I tried to take this thing with me, Rdm, Nin, and Drk.

Charged into house full-strong and plan was to keep three inside asleep and the take 1 on while I solo'ed the blm NM.

Problem was I underestimated his Firagras ><

75thf I took a whopping 1200+ Firagra from him. But I was at least able to take his life 25%.

Stunners! bring lots of stunners lol XD
Helpful tip
# Aug 16 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
111 posts
Want to stop the damn "Star Seeker" but dont have time or party to do 8-1? talk to sedal-gojal (the quest end NPC in davoi) and he will drain the magic from the annoying little git.
RE: Helpful tip
# Feb 26 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
280 posts
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Helpful tip
# Aug 16 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Default
111 posts
A question
# Aug 08 2005 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
does anyone know who that weird looking dude in the CS is in Ro'maeve
# Aug 05 2005 at 1:11 AM Rating: Default
335 posts
Man this sucks i cant get that orb for G3 cuz im stuck on this stupid quest...good news tho is that the gay doll is finally silenced.
RE: G3
# Nov 05 2005 at 7:03 AM Rating: Default
hmm thats interesting.
minimum level to start G3 = 61
minimun level to start this mission = 65

RE: G3
# Nov 12 2005 at 11:05 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
There is no minimum level for nation missions. That's more of a recommended level.
RE: G3
# Feb 02 2007 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
368 posts
There are level restrictions. I don't know the level for all of them, I just know from experience that you can't get Sandy 5-1 at lv 25.
# Jun 27 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
i was in davio helping my ls getting testimonies and coffer keys, we had an alliance of 8. the party consisted of 5 lvl 75 (2 whm 2 blm and 1 pld). the rest of the party was 67 whm(me) another blm and a rng. (all 65+). our pld spotted the NM while looking for a skill up orc and said "hey lets kill this NM". we all were opposed to it but he went to pull it anyway. with just 7 of us (lost the rng). not only did we own the 5 orcs that had to be pulled out of the church and the links they caused. but when we got to the NM we took him out just like a skill up orc. no problems, no deaths, just exp and our 2 cursed clubs. this NM is such a push over if you dont let it go to your head. stay cool calm and to the plan and you should do fine.
# Jun 27 2005 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
# Jun 16 2005 at 12:29 AM Rating: Good
722 posts
This mission is complete BS. We went to do this with an alliance of 12, from 60-75 (mostly 70+). We got up to the church, and learned that Orcs will pretty much always link from below. Then they will come up, linking any other orcs on the way. Basically, if you can't take out trains of level 65+ orcs, don't bother trying this. You HAVE to fight some to get to the NM, because you have to open doors which several orcs stand near. We took out a train of at least 9 orcs before getting inside the church. Once inside, we managed to clear everything out and kill the NM. We killed things as they respawned, and killed the NM again. Killed more respawns, then the NM popped. The first 2 times he opened with spells like Poisonga II and Firaga III and the like. This time, immediately upon popping, he cast Sleepga. Not Sleepga II, just Sleepga. It went off to fast for our BLMs to stun it, and everyone was slept. Then all of the sudden 3 orcs popped at once behind us. We were raped. Full wipe.

My advice if this happens to you: don't try to raise anyone. As much as it sucks, you just have to HP. No matter how careful you are, trying to raise people will just end up in more deaths. Don't try and have a few people HP and have them come rescue you either. Unless they bring more help to clear out all the nearby Orcs, it's not gonna happen.

So, a word to the wise: bring poison potions when you go to do this, and make sure you have a LOT of help. :P
Respawn Time
# May 20 2005 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,433 posts
Doing this Mission at the moment, and the respawn can actually be a tad longer than it says.

We had one case where it took around 28 minutes. And of course he happened to pop right after someone aggro'd a Dragoon and the Champion repopped.

Somehow we managed to make it through with only two deaths out of nine people.
# Feb 28 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
I did this with 3 lvl 73 + blm and me a 74 whm, we took out the orcs and killed the NM after we rested, It was quite intersting
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