Vana'diel Time: 08/08/1469 (Earthsday) 23:38 21% (Waxing Crescent)

The Final Seal  

Start Area: Ru'Lude Gardens
Start NPC:Windurst Mission NPC
Max Party:6
Related Areas:Fei'Yin
Related Mobs:Ancient Sorcerer
Ancient Warrior
Archlich Taber'quoan
Mission:5 - 1
Min Level:1
Max Level:99
Reward:Rank 5-2
(Average from 49 ratings)
Title Obtained:Archmage Assassin
This Mission is Not Skippable
Last Updated: Tue Feb 15 07:29:47 2011

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Mission Orders

On the Star Sibyl's command, you are to head north to the ruins of Fei'Yin, somewhere on the Beaucedine Glacier. There, you are to confirm whether the final seal is doing its job.


Speak to a gate guard to begin this mission. You are needed at Heavens Tower. Head upstairs to the Star Sibyl's Chambers for a cutscene. You will receive the key item: New Fei'Yin Seal. If you cannot receive the seal, make sure your rank points are full and try zoning out of the tower then go back to the chamber again. This quest cannot be completed without the seal!

When ready, head to Fei'Yin either by going through Ranguemont Pass, or by getting a Teleport-Vazhl if everyone in your party has the crystal. It is recommended you have a map or a printed map as Beaucedine Glacier can be a very confusing maze to navigate.

When you zone into Fei'Yin, you will get a cutscene. After the cutscene, head to (K-8), where you will find two dolls and a Cermet Gate on the east wall. Head to the gate to find Qu'bia Arena. Some mobs aggro to magic and many others aggro to sound, so it's recommended every party member bring their own Sneak Oil.

You have 15 minutes to defeat Archlich Taber'quoan and his minions, the Ancient Sorcerers and Ancient Warriors. Everyone must be on this mission or higher or they will not be able to enter the battlefield. Once you defeat the Archlich, the battle will end and you will receive a cutscene and a key item: Burnt Seal.

Return to the Star Sibyl to finish this mission.

Update Notes

As of February 14th, 2011, there is no longer a level cap restriction on the mission battlefield.

Battle Notes

Buffs cast outside the battle will wear off upon entering, so do it inside. The Ancient Warriors keep spawning, so focus on the Archlich. You only need to defeat him to win. The minions are easily slept.

To read the transcripts for this quest, see The Final Seal Spoilers page.

Mission Series

This mission is part of the Windurst rank series. The complete mission series includes:

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2012-05-07 05:44:47.
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HELP! tiny taru big bad enemy = trouble
# Aug 29 2010 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
568 posts
I really need to complete this quest. If anyone is willing to help give me a /tell on Asura.

I'm quite often online.

Name: Seiferdincht a lvl 50blm Coincidentally if anyone can help with lvl 50 cap items for maat I'm in dire need of those too!
Did this for the 3rd time
# Dec 03 2008 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
This mission is weak, really weak. I did this with pld/war (me), mnk/nin, and rdm/whm. No deaths did it in under 6 min. Mnk/nin strait tanks the NM, I took the mages. The warriors fell to circle blade every time. The rdm kept me hasted and the mnk hasted and me refreshed. Finished almost full health for all, half mp for me no mp for rdm.

Have fun
Did this for the 3rd time
# Aug 13 2011 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
must have made it easier- i just soloedit as 70 rd mage
# Aug 13 2008 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
I just attempted this fight on the spot yesterday. Heard some members of my linkshell talking about it. Anyways only 3 of us ended up going. We were certain we could beat him. We went as BLM (me), WHM, and RDM. We were doing fine and once we got past 50% of the bosses health the time limit kicked us out. o_O We didn't know their was a 15 min time limit >_<

Anyways we try again and go more offensive and end up using our 2 hours. Got him to around 30% and the time limit kicked us out again. Needless to say we were pretty upset.

We decided to try again once more after the whm got items and etc. We all went into melee and kicked some butt. Got him down to like 2% and he starts casting Stonega II. We were all low on health and mp and those stupid Ancient Warriors had us all panicing. Anyways I had enough mp for {Stun} and thanks to me being in full blown panic, I didn't cast stun in time. I was pretty upset with myself ;_;

WHM and BLM fall and RDM has 27 hp left. Then the RDM dies. The whm reraised hoping to rest w/o aggro and throw a high cure at the lich to finish him, but that didn't work out xD Anyways we're trying again tonight and going to use same tactics. This time we'll have 2 hours and maybe a 4th hand!
New Record
# Mar 15 2008 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
New Asura record: 3 min 40 seconds
Old record: 5 min

Went as:
THF/NIN 50 (me)

Used the super tank method.

I went in grabed all hate, engaged the NM and poped 2hr. Everyone else ran in and the two WARs poped their 2hr. Got it down to around %60 before Perfect Dodge wore, then tried to cast shadows a few times but it wasn't happening. The minions have low ACC but there were alot of hits amied at me. Decided to break off and kite them around. Ater around a min of this few lucky hits got through and the WHM couldnt get a cure off fast enough, so i hit the deck. At this point the NM was at roughly %40 so the MNK and SAM 2hr. the whm hat to hit bendication but 10 seconds after that it was over.


I would use this method every time. But ONLY if i had at least one MNK, Hundred Fists will make its HP drop VERY fast so the more the better. Also the super tank method seems to work very well, i'd always pick a THF over a PLD for this as its better to dodge the flury of hits than take them as keeping hate isnt an issue.

Anyway, i hope this helps in someway. if you want any help with this on Asura send a tell to Nightbringer or PM me.
Full pt? Psh.
# Nov 27 2007 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
For windurst talk to that mission broad next to the exit to eastern saru. She'll say some junk that implies you need to go see little miss star sybil in the big tree. (Windurst walls). Head on up. Talk to her to get your Seal. Whoever the jerk who wrote this originally is needs to check his info. Its not the same for all nations.

As for the mission itself, went to fei'yin with 5 but one guy didnt re-get seal. Not one to go a long distance just to leave I opted we go in anyway. Went in with 4. PLD, SAM, WAR, me (WHM). Buffed up, charged in, melees focussed on main guy. I supplied heals til I ran out of mp waited til everyone was in the yellow or red, Benediction then ran like a little girl. Blink wears immediately, soon to be followed by stoneskin. I run as far away from the melees as I can then drop like a rock with 50 skel fists to the face. By the time the skels got to the melees they dropped him. I was the only casualty (went in expecting to get toasted so was stoked 3 survived).

Which means: Can be done with 4.
# Oct 22 2007 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
this Mission info is bogus not every one goes to sandy i think who ever made it jus decided to type the same thing for all 3 nations any way windy all u do is talk to the ppl in heaven tower at the very top and bastok u talk to Najaa welp hope that helps for those of u who read these any way
too easy
# Jul 28 2007 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Go in with PLD/WAR tank...WHM/???, RDM/WHM, MNK/NIN, MNK/NIN, MNK/WAR .. and this should NEVER take more than 4 minutes...have the PLD voke/flash the NM first...have the RDM there for main-heal/refresh...whm haste the mnks and back-up heal... mnk/nin X2 BOTH two hour after PLD has flashed... have the MNK/WAR save his...i know what you are thinking...but there is a reason..when the 2 mnk/nin both HF, they will pull hate, hence the shadows...once the NM is under 1/2 dead, have the mnk/war HF, while the PLD uses Cover/Voke/Invincible... dont both attacking the little baby boneheads he summons, they arent worth it... OH, one more thing, and your PLD will love this...finally, a real use for Holy Circle...use it when the 2 mnk/nin two hour...amazingly effective.
5-1 Fight
# Jul 27 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
Just did this with ninx2, drk, rdm, blm(me), whm.

We wiped the first two times trying the method where one person kites with the others focusing on the main boss.

The third time, the rdm chainspelled -ga spells and I -ga II'ed to kill the first two minions.

The minions that are in the room at the start were a lot stronger than the ones that run up the hallway, it took several spells to kill them.

The ones that run up the hallway later come in pairs and can be killed with a single tier II nuke each. The rdm and I stood guard while the others fought the main boss and it was easy easy.

As a blm, I advise against nuking the main boss, as a 700+ freeze only took away about 5% of its life. Your mp would serve better use against the minions.
Pandy 5-1 run
# Jun 26 2007 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Anybody interested? In game name is Hiro. Thf @ 65 and currently working on blu to 50 for this or I go as thf. Send a tell.

Edited, Jun 26th 2007 4:50pm by Sotien
How the *bleep* do I get that seal!?
# May 30 2007 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
126 posts
My Rank is maxed mission listed...but still Halver refuses to give me the seal. On FFXIclopedia says I need to speak to Naji not Halver (Bastokian here) same thing. Even spoke to the mission giving NPC again just in case and he tells me I can't take two missions at same time. I know I'm below the recommended lvl (a lowly 43) but am working on lvling and want to have this all set up in case I get lucky and some of my old linkshell or current linkshell high lvl buddies will be willing to help me out. Is the lvl 45 required or just recommended? Was told by other players on linkshell that lvl 45 is not required but I'm starting to wonder.

Edit: Halver or Naji doesn't even mention anything related for this mission. When I spoke to him I got that quest to find the Prince a wife instead. (I do admit a good laugh was told to find a red headed taru)

Edited, May 31st 2007 3:07am by Raydiva
10 hp
# May 20 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Just finished this quest

PLD/WAR (me)

Ended up only me standing with 10 hp left and i hit it with sereph blade luckily in the last second and killed it....was scary,but fun as hell.


Edited, May 20th 2007 5:37pm by FingazOdin
number of fights
# May 20 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Default
do you have to do this fight the same number of times as the people who need it? e.g. 5 people doing the mission, do you have t do the fight 5 times?
number of fights
# Jul 13 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
Re: Can
# May 19 2007 at 5:43 AM Rating: Decent
344 posts
I was having the same problem:

I went to Sandy (home town), talked to the mission guy, who sent me to the Chateau. As I walked in, I got the cut scene with the king. But when I talked to Halver, he just said "Raise you skill and gear" or something similar. Figured out what to do though: You have to exit the chateau and talk to the mission giver again (If you check after the initial cs with the king - you don't have a mission accepted).

So, after the first CS, run out of the Chateau, talk to your guy, accept Ruins of Fei'yin, run back to the castle and talk to Halver. He then gives you the seal and off you go.

Not sure if it's the same for every country - but, if it doesn't work for you in Windy or Bastok - can't hurt to try :D
cant get seal
# Apr 23 2007 at 3:04 AM Rating: Good
452 posts
I have completed magicite and my rank points are full. the mission gaurd tells me to talk to halver. When I talk to halver he doesnt give me the seal. The only thing I can think of is that I have CoP mission Below the Arks incomplete.

I however also dont have a map of fei'Yin and also have the quest Sorcery of the North incomplete.

What else do I need to get this?
# Mar 06 2007 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Just finished this about an hour ago. Read some of these other posts and decided to bulk up on MNKs to just DESTROY the skele, but I could only get 2. No WHM wanted to come so we got another RDM. None of us had any lvl 50 gear cept the other RDM so we went with crap gear.
Set up was
RDM/BLM (me)
RDM/WHM (Pause)
PLD/war? (Audom)
MNK/WAR (Kaboodle)
MNK/WAR (Veilo?)

PLD went naked, while the rest of us scratched by with bare minimum. His HP was falling really slowly until I AoE'd the group and kitted all the other Skele's. Once they were outa the way, his HP fell VERY quickly. my advice is get as many MNKs as you can ^^ Beat it in 4mins. 12secs.
National compatibility?
# Mar 05 2007 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
I have a question. If I'm from Windy and my friend is from Sandy and we're both on 5-1, can we do the BC fight for this together? I realize the early parts of the mission will be different (such as he'll need to go to the Chateau while for me it's the Star Sybil), but since the battle is apparently the same for both will we both be able to enter each other's arena to help with the fight?
National compatibility?
# Mar 19 2007 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
514 posts
PopeyesOpenEye wrote:
I have a question. If I'm from Windy and my friend is from Sandy and we're both on 5-1, can we do the BC fight for this together? I realize the early parts of the mission will be different (such as he'll need to go to the Chateau while for me it's the Star Sybil), but since the battle is apparently the same for both will we both be able to enter each other's arena to help with the fight?

yes people from all nations can do it together, and if you've already completed it.
about the seal
# Mar 04 2007 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
im confused this guide says to go chatue watever after talking to the w.w. guard, but wen i talk to the w.w. guard he says to go to heavans tower to get the seal som1 help me
about the seal
# Mar 23 2007 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent
Your home nation is Windurst, so you probably get your seal there. Sandorians get it in the Chateau, Bastokans get it at the presidential office, and I guess Windurstians get it at Heaven's Tower. I think the guide should be re-written for the nation it corresponds to as I almost got confused with this one as well.
New Record
# Dec 29 2006 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
Just set the record on Alexander with my party. little over 3min

SAM (me)

we stood around for about 2 min and then went and killed him. Only I two-houred, but I really didnt need to.
New Odin Record
# Dec 28 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Just did this on Odin and set a new record of 5 mins 8 secs, party was:

and 1 annon...was either BLM or WHM though

Not to bad of a fight, thank god for healing breaths!
# Dec 27 2006 at 7:03 PM Rating: Decent
Just did with 47blm(me),50whm,50brd,50mnk.

Stood around for 2 mins before, finished in 5min 20 sec and only mnk had to 2hr.

This was much easier than a party of 6 that I had done it with on other characters.

BRD slept most of the little ones and kited the others, mnk 2hrd and tanked the archlich, I nuked away at the archlich and whm healed the mnk, E-Z!
Easy Fight. I plan duo for fun.
# Dec 22 2006 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
I have help alot of stranger doing this on Asura. It is easy fight if you know what you are doing. The key to win this fight is get pack of monks.

Here is how you win the battle REALLY FAST:
Need 1 tanker (pld or nin is good).
Need 1 healer (whm or smn or blm or rdm is good).
Fill the members of the party with nothing but monks(tell monks to use 2 hour).

Fight Plan:
Tank and melee attack main mob while 1 mage being healer. Monks use 2 hour at the beginning. When monks 2 hour wear off, use weapon skill. Get 1 monk to save TP for Spinning Attack (AOE). Main mob will pop 2 other bone head when HP is at half or low or when it is a long fight. This is where the Spinning Attack come in. Whoever got aggro by the 2 bone head go near the monk who save TP. Monk use Spinning Attack will totally kill those 2 bone head instantly (this is how I use and it work like a charm). Battle will end fast if you did it right.

I did this like 40+ times and I encounter noob's alot. This is what they did:
I tell them the plan on this BCNM fight, they say they understand but when we go in the BCNM they being a total noob. No monks but me (I am a monk) use 2 hour. Then things goes bad when 2 bone head pop because it is a long fight thanks to these noob monks. Healer and/or mages die. Finally got my TP to 100+ I use Spnning Attack ASAP and kill those 2 bone head. The battle end and we win. When it over I ask why didn't those monks use 2 hour and they say they aren't a tanker so they don't want to use it and ended up being tank (I got nothing to say to these chicken but to add them to my blacklist).

Did this with:
pld, mnk, mnk, mnk, mnk, whm. We win.
pld, mnk, mnk, mnk, whm. We win.
nin, mnk, mnk, whm. We win.
pld, mnk, whm. We win. It is a friends party and no one helping us so we just try it for fun and we make it with no problem.

I plan to do this as duo. Me mnk/nin and a taru friend of mine smn/whm or whm/smn. Personally I think this BCNM is easy win.
oh yea
# Dec 18 2006 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
Just did this on Asura, smashed the old record time by 3 mins ftw at 5 mins 32 secs.
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