eq mob:Dok  

In Halas:

  • This mob spawns at +212, +274 inside Dok's Cigars.
  • Faction: Merchants of Halas
  • Findable (via Ctrl-F): Yes

You say, 'Hail, Dok'

Dok says, 'Fine day to ye, _____. Welcome to me shop. If ye're searchin' fer a [cigar], ye won't be findin' any, more's th' pity.'

In Pal'Lomen:

  • This mob spawns at 69, 1124, -33 in the Rallosian camp on the west side of the zone.
  • Mob sees through invisibility: Yes

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2023-11-14 03:05:21.