Warrior Macros (Rift)  

If you see * after a spell, it means the spell in question is not from Warrior Soul its listed under but from a different warrior soul. They are included as a example of a fully functioning macro covering all 66 points spent and should be treated as such. If you decided to copy the macro as it is listed be sure to remove the spells with the * or your macro will not function correctly.

When you see the #show YOURSPELLHERE of each macro keep in mind that it boils down to personal preference of what to actually show. You may chose anything to be displayed. An example is: #show Bolt of Depravity

You can add any macros you'd like to share by pressing "Edit," above (free ZAM login required).

Contents [hide]


Bleed Spam
This is a example of a bleed spam macro for Beastmaster, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Fierce Strike is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Fierce Strike having no recast.

#show backhanded blow
cast Flesh Rip
cast Slashing Strike
cast Backhanded Blow
cast Fierce Strike


Single Target Spam
This is a example of a single target spam macro for Champion, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Power Strike is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Power Strike having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Power Strike as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Power Strike
cast Bloodthirst
cast Disruptive Strike
cast Power Strike
cast Frenzied Strike
cast Inescapable Fury

Finisher Spam
This is a example of a finisher spam macro for Champion, you can arrange your finisher spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Punishing Blow is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Punishing Blow having no recast.

#show Punishing Blow
cast Proper Timing
cast Deathblow
cast Titan's Strike
cast Bladefury
cast Punishing Blow


Self Cast Health buff
Will make you auto target yourself when casting your single target health buff. Useful during the heat of the moment in PVP or PVE.

#show Aegis of Vitality
cast Aegis of Vitality

Single Target Spam
This is a example of a single target spam macro for Paladin, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Pacifying Strike is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Pacifying Strike having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Pacifying Strike as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Pacifying Strike
cast Aggressive Block
cast Light's Decree
cast Pacifying Strike
cast Shield Charge
cast Light's Hammer
cast Flamespear*
cast Paladin's Reprisal
cast Disarming Counterblow
cast Retaliation


Single Target Spam
This is a example of a single target spam macro for Paragon, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Dual Strike is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Dual Strike having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Dual Strike as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Dual Strike
cast Paired Strike
cast Dual Strike
cast Path of the Raptor
cast Path of the Wind
cast Turn the Blade

Finisher Spam
This is a example of a finisher spam macro for Paragon, you can arrange your finisher spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Reaping Harvest is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Reaping Harvest having no recast.

#show Reaping Harvest
cast Strike Like Iron
cast Reaping Harvest


Dot Spam
This is a example of a dot spam macro for Reaver, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Necrotic Wounds is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Necrotic Wounds having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Necrotic Wounds as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Necrotic Wounds
cast Soul Sickness
cast Necrotic Wounds
cast Plague Bringer


#show Blood Fever
cast Soul Sickness
cast Blood Fever
cast Plague Bringer

AOE Spam
This is a example of a aoe spam macro for Reaver, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Vicious Cleave is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Vicious Cleave having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Vicious Cleave as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Vicious Cleave
cast Aggressive Block*
cast Cyclone Strike
cast Promise of Steel*
cast Sweeping Strike*
cast Vicious Cleave
cast Retaliation*

Threat Spam
This is a example of a threat spam macro for Reaver, you can arrange your threat spells in any order you want.

#show Grim Lure
cast Grim Lure
cast Incite
cast Concussion
cast Weakening Essence


Single Target Spam
This is a example of a single target spam macro for Riftblade, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Searing Strike Strike is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Searing Strike having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Searing Strike as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Searing Strike
cast Rift Strike
cast Frost Strike
cast Searing Strike
cast Riftwalk
cast Stonespear
cast Windspear
cast Flamespear
cast Turn the Blade*

Finisher Spam
This is a example of a finisher spam macro for Riftblade, you can arrange your finisher spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Fiery Burst is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Fiery Burst having no recast.

#show Fiery Burst
cast Storm Burst
cast Earth Burst
cast Fiery Burst
cast Mighty Blow*

Ranged Spam
This is a example of a ranged spam macro for Riftblade, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want.

#show Flamespear
cast Windspear
cast Stonespear
cast Flamespear


Attack Point Builder Spam
This is a example of a attack point builder spam macro for Voidknight, you can arrange your dps spells in any order you want, but be mindful that some spells should always go at the end of a macro. A example would be ensuring Reckless Strike Strike is placed last as if you list it first the rest of your macro will never fire off due to Reckless Strike having no recast. Off global cooldowns and ranged abilities can be placed after Reckless Strike as off global cooldowns fire first and don't interfere with global cooldown spells and ranged abilities will still activate if your target moves outside of your melee range.

#show Reckless Strike
cast Spell Sunder
cast Soul Pillage
cast Tempest
cast Ragestorm
cast Airburst
cast Discharge
cast Reckless Strike
cast Frenzied Strike*
cast Inescapable Fury*


Intercept Spam
This is a example of a Intercept spam macro for Warlord, you can choose either cast @mark or cast@focous.

#show Intercept
cast @mark 8 Intercept
cast @focus Intercept


Categories: RIFT | Guides (RIFT)
This page last modified 2012-03-10 19:03:43.