Tower of Frozen Shadow (EQ2 Quest Series)  

Tower of Frozen Shadow
Quest Series
Starting ZoneGreat Divide
Rec. Levels90+
Previous Great Divide (Solo)
Next Forgotten Pools (Heroic)
Eastern Wastes (Solo)
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EverQuest II
Quest Series

February 22, 2011

ToFS Zone Overview

Before we start talking about quest lines and mobs in ToFS it is important to provide a brief overview for how ToFS is laid out as it can be very confusing to the newcomer. Please take the time to read this, as it will save you a lot of frustration.

A well-geared group might clear all of the Heroic ToFS zones in 12 hours; if you're new to the Tower plan on 20 - 24 hours. Because the zone's eight floors are gathered into clusters of three floors each, you will not actually have to play 20 hours straight to conquer the Tower.

When you zone into ToFS the zone will stay active for two to three days. This is important to note because if you do not complete a zone cluster's three zones before the timer expires you will have to start the entire section over from scratch quests and all.


The two most common ways to access ToFS are:

  • Clicking the Mirror at the base of Tower of Frozen Shadows in the Great Divide -1118.67, -526.54, -1722.53
  • Clicking a Mirror of the Shadows (house item). You will earn one of these as you progress through ToFS, but if you're impatient you can probably find one on the broker or use a friend's.

To access ToFS right-click the Mirror and choose "Gaze into the Mirror". You'll be presented with several zoning options, which we're calling "zone clusters". Each cluster is made up of three floors of the tower, and each floor is its own zone. This is to break up a long and difficult area into manageable chunks.

The first time you zone to ToFS you'll have very few options: the list will grow as you progress. Floor zones will also appear after you complete them. The first zone cluster you will zone into is Tower of Frozen Shadows: Shadowed Corridors: and you will find yourself standing in the Submergence: First Floor zone.


Each zone has an entrance mirror and an exit mirror. The entrance mirror is the one you entered that floor on, the exit mirror is how you progress to the next floor zone. To get to the exit mirror you will have to clear all of the NPC's and named mobs on each floor. The floors are laid out so that you have to fight the named mobs in order. Many named mobs are behind locked doors that you can not open until you kill all of the required preceding mobs. When you kill the last named mob on that floor you will then have access to the exit mirror and can unlock access to the next floor zone. Once you have cleared the three floor zones in that cluster you will have access to the next zone cluster and its three floors.

Progressing and completing quests on each floor will allow you to collect the six mirrors necessary to unlock the Tower's final encounter. The mirrors you will need are:

After completing the eight Floors of the Heroic version you will have access to the Tower of Frozen Shadows Epic x2 version and will need to progress through 8 floors.

Note: The mob encounters are tougher and different between the Heroic and Epic Versions so you will not be doing the exact same thing over again when you start the Epic x2 version.

ToFS Zone Groups




Start the whole thing off with:

  • Finding the Dain (90+ Heroic) - speak to Captain Gunnhilde Bluebeard at -1102, -526, -1723 just outside the tower in the Great Divide.

ToFS: Shadowed Corridors

Related Floors

Named Mob Encounters - Select the wiki tab on each mob's page for strategies.

First Floor Mobs:

Third Floor Mobs: Second Floor Mobs:


Other Related Quests

Key and Chest for Shard Reward

    • The key can be found in a moldy tome found in the Frozen Library on the second floor of the tower. Approximate location: is 112, 44, 54 .
    • Key Chest (Contains 1 Primal Velium Shard for each group member and approximately 7p to split) can be found on the third floor in the Bathory pool near 43, 44, -63

ToFS: Umbral Halls

Related Floors

Named Mob Encounters - Select the wiki tab on each mob's page for strategies.

Fourth Floor Mobs:

Sixth Floor Mobs:

Fifth Floor Mobs:


Other Related Quests

Key and Chest for Shard Reward

  • Chest in on the fourth floor: -64.32, 269.67, 7.63

ToFS: Haunt of Syl'Tor

Related Floors

Named Mob Encounters - Select the wiki tab on each mob's page for strategies.

Seventh Floor Mobs:

Eighth Floor Mobs:


Related Quests

Key and Chest for Shard Reward

    • Information Needed.

Tower of Frozen Shadow (x2)


Once you kill all of the named raid mobs through Manifestation of Tserrina's Rage you will receive a spell. This spell is needed to weaken tougher raid mobs in other x2 and x4 zones.

Spells by Class:

  • Scouts: Slice of Despair
  • Mages: Fall of Elements
  • Fighters: Demoralizing Swipe
  • Priests: Divine Despair

Named Mob Encounters

These are the quests associated with Tower of Frozen Shadow (x2 raid).


  • Freeing the Dain (90+ Heroic) - must first complete Finding the Dain
    • Speak to Captain Gunnhilde Bluebeard at -1102, -526, -1723 just outside the tower in the Great Divide again. He will send you to Dain Ulrinn Frostreaver the VII 86, -277, 226 in Thurgadin to start the quest.

Heritage Quests

Signature Quests

ZAM would like to thank rrnolan for pretty much the entire Heroic series and strats.

This page last modified 2014-10-08 22:55:02.