


Template Flags:


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker activator (avatars/adventurers).


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker creature spawner.


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker limited creature spawner.


Use elite, or boss if applicable; otherwise leave blank. If this item is a creature spawner it will state which type of mob the spawner will give (Elite or Boss mob). If left blank, it is assumed to be a normal spawner and will not add in extra text denoting otherwise.


Comma list; a list of known mobs that drop a particular creature spawner or activator. For example, droppedby=a krait patriarch,a swoop serpent would display as -
     Dropped By:
     * a krait patriarch
     * a swoop serpent


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker spawner effect object (such as a level increaser, noxious damage, dps increaser, etc).

decoration= or decor=

Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker only decoration. Should not be used on normal house items.


Use the full zone name if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker layout map and will link to the zone page on ZAM. For example, layout=Chardok Layout 1 would display as This item will unlock the dungeon map Chardok Layout 1.


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is a Dungeon Maker reward (equipment or mounts that can be purchased with Dungeon Marks).


Use the full item name that this item is a result of. For example, set=Ammo: Builder's Bodkin Arrows (50) would display as This item comes from Ammo: Builder's Bodkin Arrows.


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item can be purchased with Dungeon Marks. DO NOT SET AN AMOUNT ON THIS, AMOUNTS FLUCTUATE TOO OFTEN TO TRACK.


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item can be purchased with Dungeon Marks. DO NOT SET AN AMOUNT ON THIS, AMOUNTS FLUCTUATE TOO OFTEN TO TRACK.


Comma list; a list of known booster packs that this particular creature spawner or activator can be received in. Use the full item name of the booster pack that this item can be received from if applicable; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item is included in a booster pack and will link to the booster pack item on ZAM. For example, boosterpack=Gifts of the Forgotten One - Booster Pack would display as -
     This item has a chance of being randomly granted from:
     * Gifts of the Forgotten One - Booster Pack'''

The comma list will allow more than one booster pack item to be entered if applicable. (see droppedby=, above)


Use y if true; otherwise leave blank. States whether or not the item has been discontinued and can no longer be obtained as a mob drop nor from the Dungeon Maker Marketplace.

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This page last modified 2014-12-15 20:19:16.