- Tactic cards are used during combat to surprise your opponent with unexpected effects.
- Tactics are shuffled into your deck and played from your hand during the combat phase.
- Like all LoN cards, Tactic cards can have a variety of play restrictions and assets. They can be classified by Faction, Avatar class, or be a general card able to be used by anyone.
- General Tactic cards can be used by any deck with no restrictions on faction or avatar class. You will notice that there is no icon in the top right cornor of the cards indicating they must be used my a specific avatar class and that the top of the card where the text appears remains a peach color indicating it's neutrality.
Light and Shadow Tactics
- When a card is classified as either Light or Shadow it means that by playing those cards, you are tipping your Faction Meter either toward Shadow or Light. The Faction Meter page explains this phenomenon in more detail.
- A card may also be classified as a Neutral faction card, which simply means that playing that card does not sway your Faction Meter in either direction.
![Light Tactic](/Im/width=200/66700) Light Tactic | ![Neutral Tactic](/Im/width=200/66701) Neutral Tactic | ![Shadow Tactic](/Im/width=200/66702) Shadow Tactic |
- Tactic cards may also be meant only for a specific class of avatar to use.
- The color of the edge of the card as well as the icon in the upper right corner indicates which class of avatar can use the tactic.
![Scout Tactic](/Im/width=200/66708) Scout Tactic | ![Mage Tactic](/Im/width=200/66705) Mage Tactic | ![Priest Tactic](/Im/width=200/66706) Priest Tactic | ![Fighter Tactic](/Im/width=200/66703) Fighter Tactic |
A listing of all Tactic cards can be found here.
This page last modified 2008-09-28 10:20:10.