Slash Commands (Rift)  

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Called "Console Commands" in the game manual, slash commands can be used in the chat channels or even inside macros. They're called "Slash Commands" because they are preceded by a / when used. They can be used in chat by pressing enter then typing the /command. They can be used in macros the same way.

We've tried to group these to make them easier to find. Commands may be found in more than one category.

Remember to precede all commands with /. For example: /bow /chat /afk

For a list of emotes, please see Emotes

Chat Commands

Slash Command Description
/# <message> Sends your message to chat channel #. Type /chatlist for channel numbers.
/announce # Enables join/leave announcements for channel #. Also /ann.
/chat # <message> Sends your message to chat channel #. Also /chatsay Use /chatlist for channel numbers
/chatlist [channel number] If no channel number is given, displays a list of all your chat channels by number. Use that number to chat in channels, ie: /1. If a number is given, it displays a list of users presently using the channel. Does not work with default global channels. Also /chatinfo and /chatwho.
/guild <message> Sends a message to your guild's chat channel. Also /gu, /gc and /g.
/ignore <name> Puts the named player on your ignore list.
/ignore_setnote <name> <message> Sets a note for an ignored player. Player must be on ignored list.
/join <channel name> Causes you to join a chat channel. If no such channel exists, will create a private channel. Also /chatjoin, /cjoin, /channel and /chan.
/leave # Causes you to leave chat channel #. Also /chatleave, /chatexit, /cleave and /cexit. See /chatlist for chatlist numbers.
/lfg Join the LFG channel. Also /join LFG
/party <message> Sends a message to your party's channel. Also /p.
/raid <message> Sends a message to your raid's channel. Also /rsay.
/reply <message> Sets your chat to send a message to the person who last sent you a tell (whisper). By default, you can also use the hotkey 'r' without any preceding slash.
/say <message> Sends a public message to all players nearby. Rather like talking out loud. Also /s.
/shout <message> Sends a public message, like a /say but much farther. Rather like shouting out loud. Also /yell.
/tell <player name> <message> Sends a private message to the named player. Also /whisper, /w and /t.
/unannounce # Disables join/leave announcements for a given channel. Also /unann.
/wf <message> Sends a message to your warfront team channel.

Player-Created Chat Channel Commands

These work in player created channels, not world channels.

Slash Command Description
/announce # Enables join/leave announcements for channel #. Also /ann.
/chatban # <player name> Kick and bans a player from a private chat channel #. Also /ban, /bk and /cban.
/chatinvite # <player name> Invites a player to a private chat channel. Also /cinvite.
/chatunban # <player name> Unbans a player from a private chat channel. Also /unban and /cunban.
/join <channel name> Causes you to join a chat channel. If no such channel exists, will create a private channel. Also /chatjoin, /cjoin, /channel and /chan.
/leave # Causes you to leave chat channel #. Also /chatleave, /chatexit, /cleave and /cexit. See /chatlist for chatlist numbers.
/moderator # <player name> Make a player moderator of the given private channel. Also /mod.
/owner # <player name> Transfers private channel ownership to another player character.
/password # <password> Sets the channel's password, or clears it if no password entered.
/private # Make a channel private. People must be invited using /cinvite to join.
/public # Makes a channel public. Anyone can join who is not on the ban list.
/unannounce # Disables join/leave announcements for a given channel. Also /unann.
/unmoderator # <player name> Remove moderator permissions for a player in the given channel. Also /unmod


Emotes are listed in their own guide. See: Emotes

General Commands

Slash Command Description
/abilitybar # Replaces an ability in an ability bar.
/afk [message] Sets your status as "Away from keyboard". Message is optional.
/alias <alias name> <command> [command..] [command..] Allows you to create an alias for your commands.
/camp [shard name] Logs your character out. By default it returns to the Character Select screen. If a shard name is given, it goes to the Character Select screen of the specified shard. Also /exit, /logoff, and /logout.
/cancelbuff <buff name> Cancels a buff by name.
/cast [@modifier] <spellname> [target] Casts a spell by name at the named target, or currently selected target if one is not given.
/clearfocus Clears a focus set by the /focus command.
/combatlog Brings up the combat log.
/dismount Causes you to get off your mount.
/dnd [message] Sets your status to "Do not disturb". Message is optional.
/duel [player] Starts a duel. If no player is specified, then it tries with current target.
/duelaccept Accepts a duel invitation.
/duelreject Denies a duel invitation.
/dungeoninfo Displays dungeon information.
/equip <item name> Equips named item.
/equipslot <slot name> <item name> Equip an item in specified slot. Valid slots are weapon_main, weapon_off, ring, and ring_2.
/filter Toggles the profanity filter on and off.
/focus [@modifier] [target] Sets your focus to the named player or NPC. If no target is specified, it uses current target.
/friend <player name> Adds the player to your friend list.
/help Lists available slash commands.
/inspect [player name] Allows you to see the player's equipment. If no player is specified, it attempts to use current target.
/loc Gives your location coordinates in X Y Z (East-West, North-South, Up-Down) format.
/macro Brings up the macro window.
/motd Displays the Message of the Day
/played Shows your time played.
/pvptoggle Toggles your PvP flag on and off. Also /pvp.
/random [number] Rolls a random number chosen between one and the number specified, or 100 if no number is specified. Also /rand, /roll.
/report <player name> Reports the named player.
/returntorespawn Returns you to the graveyard if you are dead.
/role # Changes your role to specified role #.
/startattack Starts melee auto-attack.
/startrangedattack Starts ranged auto-attack.
/stopattack Stops your attack.
/stopcasting Cancels casting.
/target [@modifier] <name> Selects the player or NPC.
/targetexact <name> Selects the exact named NPC or player.
/targetlasttarget Retargets your last target if able.
/targetmark <number> To target the marked target specified by <number>
/time Displays both server and local time.
/trade [target] Attempts to start a player to player trade. If no target is specified, it uses current target.
/version Displays the current RIFT version.
/who Opens the social window.

Guild commands

Slash Command Description
/dumpguild [filename] Creates a file with the entire guild roster on it. If no file is specified, it dumps to guild.xml. The file can be found in the same folder as rift.exe.
/gleave Leave the guild.
/ginvite <name> Invites the player named to your guild.
/gkick [player name] Remove a player from the guild. If not target is specified, it uses your current target.
/glog Brings up the guild log.
/gsetmotd <message> Sets the guild Message of the Day
/gpromote [player name] Promotes the named guild member to the designated rank. Uses current target if none is specified.
/gsetnotes Changes the Guild Notes message.
/osetnotes Changes the Officer Notes message.
/guild <message> Sends a chat message to the guild channel.
/officer <message> Sends a chat message to the guild officer channel. Requires appropriate permissions.

Macro Commands

Slash Command Description
/suppressmacrofailures Only usable within a macro, prevents macro failure notices.
/saveequip # ie: /saveequip 1. Saves the currently equipped set of equipment to the specified index number.
/loadequip # ie: /loadequip 1. Loads the saved set of equipment from the specified index.
/cast <ability name> [target] casts the specified ability. You can specify a target for that ability using special targeting syntax (e.g. /cast @mouseover Commander's Order)
/wait # Where # is a number of seconds. Causes the macro to wait the specified number of seconds before issuing the next command. Also /macrowait.
/stopcasting Causes the macro to stop the current action. A necessary intermediate step between chained macro commands.
/use [@modifier] <item name> This uses the item named.

Party & Raid Commands

Slash Command Description
/assist Target's your target's target.
/clearmark Clears current target mark.
/clearallmarks Clears all target marks.
/dumpraid [filename] Creates a file named <filename> that lists raid members. Defaults to raid.xml if no file name is given. Found in the same folder as rift.exe.
/follow [player name] Automatically follow the named player. Only usable on raid or party members. Defaults to target if no player is given. Also /f.
/invite [player name] Invites named player to your party. Only usable by party leader.
/kick [player name] Removes named player from your party. Only usable by party leader.
/leader [player name] Transfers party leadership to named player, only usable by party leader.
/mark # Mark a target with a number.
/partyleave Leave your party.
/readycheck Opens a ready window for all raid/party members to confirm readiness. Only usable by raid or party leader. Also /raid_readycheck.
/raid_create Create a raid. Creator will become raid leader.
/raid_demote Demote a group leader to regular status.
/raid_promote Set a player as a group leader.
/raid_disband Disband a raid. Only usable by the raid leader.
/raid_setmasterlooter Set master looter for the raid. Only usable by raid leader.
/raid_warning Send a message to the raid. Also /rw.
/resetinstances Resets an instance.

Pet Commands

Slash Command Description
/petaggressive Sets your pet to attack anything that comes into its range.
/petattack You pet will attack the current target.
/petcast <spell name> Your pet will cast the named spell.
/petdefensive Your pet will only attack when attacked.
/petfollow Your pet will follow you.
/petname [name] Names your pet.
/petpassive Your pet will do nothing, even if attacked.
/petstay Your pet will stay at it's current location.

Social Networking Commands

With Patch 1.2 social networking is integrated into RiftConnect. See RiftConnect for more information.

Slash Command Description
/fb Post to FaceBook.
/fbpic Post a picture to FaceBook.
/tumblr Post to Tumbler.
/tumblrpic Post a picture to Tumbler.
/tweet Post to Twitter.
/tweetpic Post a picture to Twitter.
/blast Post to all social networks you're currently logged into.
//blastpic Post a picture to all social networks you're currently logged into.

Miscellaneous Commands

The codes below only use a preceding / when indicated.

A note on "% codes": you can use a series of "% codes" that expand into various pieces of information. These are also useful when creating macros.

Slash Command Description
/discoverylog Toggles the new log type on and off and persists through logouts. Creates a file named discovery.log that is appended to for each play session. Upload logs to ZAM here.
/consolemsg As of 3/25/11, unknown. Displays a small icon followed by 5 squares with /consolemsg and /consolemsg string.
/exportui [filename] Exports your UI, chat and macro settings to a file. Defaults to UI.dat if no file name is given. Found in the same folder as rift.exe.
/importui [filename] Imports your UI, chat and macro settings from a file. The file must be in the same folder as rift.exe. Defaults to UI.dat if no file name is given.
/exportkeybindings [filename] Exports your keybinds to a file. Defaults to KeyBindings.dat if no file name is given. Found in the same folder as rift.exe.
/importkeybindings [filename] Imports your keybinds from a file. The file must be in the same folder as rift.exe. Defaults to KeyBindings.dat if no file name is given.
/bindmacrofile <key> <filename> Bind a macro saved as a text file in the same directory as rift.exe to a key.
/resetuitodefaults Will reset the UI layout to default.
/reloadui Reloads the present UI.
/log Enable logging all chat items.
/tweetpic Tweet a Screenshot.
/tweet Opens the twitter interface.
%o Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It).
%p Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its).
%s Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It).
%t Returns the name of your current target.
@focustarget <spell name> Cast a spell at a target of a focused target.
@lasttarget Cast a spell on the last target before your current target.
@targettarget <spell name> Cast a spell on your target's target.
@pet <spell name> Cast a spell on your primary pet.
#show "ability" Causes the macro to inherhit the icon and ability icon of the skill.



Categories: Guides (RIFT) | RIFT
This page last modified 2013-06-14 19:29:00.