Game:Monster and Me  

In the fantastic Eastern mainland, there is a world where human and monsters coexist, where green mountains go far beyond the horizon, and rolling white waves wash the seashore. You are under the illusion that all nimbi between heaven and earth are congregated in this place. In this broad open land, a long-lived secret has been passed down for generations, attracting many swordsmen and heroes to come, hoping they would understand the secrets of heaven and earth's eternity and thus reach the integrated state of human and nature. There's also a special creature called "monster-pet" in the Eastern mainland, and with its never-dying magic power, you can surpass the mortal-hand state in the shortest possible time. So this power becomes the seeking target of people from all walks of life in the martial-art circle. And with it, disputes and unrests come along...

Welcome to the world of Monster & Me, a Massively Multiplayer Online Game MMOG).You and your beloved pets are about to begin a journey in a fantasy world filled with unlimited fun, danger and excitement. You may choose your own destination to become a god, or a cool devil. Team up with friends to battle the treacherous monsters, to catch them, raise them and evolve them to create your ultimate pet. There are hundreds of equipments and items to choose from, or better yet, you may create your own items. Invent magic and teach it to your friends. Build your dream home and buy furniture to arrange it in the way you want. Join a guild or better yet, create your own guild. Meet your soul mate in the game and with some luck, propose and marry in the romantic game world. Join the league of millions of existing players worldwide in this exciting MMOG with beautiful characters and game scenes.

System Requirements:

  • Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
  • 200 MHz or faster Intel/Pentium processor
  • 128MB RAM (recommended)
  • 1.2GB free hard drive space
  • Video card with 2MB RAM or higher
  • DirectX 6.1 or higher with compliant video and sound
  • Microsoft Media Player 7.2
  • Internet connection with 33.5 Kbps or faster connection speed
  • Microsoft-compatible mouse and keyboard

Source: [1]

Category: Main Page
This page last modified 2008-05-09 02:35:01.