Foraging (Rift Profession)  

Quick Facts

  • Skill: Gathering
  • Station: Workbench
  • Tracking: Track Plants, Track Wood
  • Levels
    • 1 - 75 Novice
    • 75 - 150 Skilled
    • 150 - 225 Expert
    • 225 - 300 Master
    • 300 - 375 Grandmaster
  • Foraging Recipes

Contents [hide]

Foraging is one of the three gathering professions. It is used for harvesting plants and wood in Telara. Foraging is especially useful for the Apothecary profession, but is also useful for weaponcrafters and artificers, which use wood to craft weapons and other items.

When you train as a Novice Forager, three icons will appear in your Abilities book (located bottom left of your screen). The icons are Track Plants, Track Wood and Foraging.

The abilities are straightforward and once activated will indicate on your mini map when a plant or piece of wood is nearby. Mouse over the small diamond on the mini map and the name of the plant/wood will display. These trackers do not have timers so they don't require reactivating. Both trackers can be active at the same time. When a plant or stack of wood is located, simply click on it when you are close enough and your character will gather it. Plants and wood have Foraging level requirements to gather them and if you are not a high enough level the text will be in red.

The most likely place to find a Wood node is at the base of trees or along the coast. Plant nodes can be found anywhere but tend to be in open spaces.

You will need to locate a workbench and be next to it to craft your wood into lumber. No other equipment or supplies are needed.

Beginning with patch 1.6, Foragers can now forage from the corpses of Treants, Boglings, and other plant-based creatures. The plants and wood thus foraged will be equivalent to the plant and wood nodes available in that zone.


Each level has certain prerequisites that you must meet before you are able to progress to the next rank of proficiency. Below is a list of locations with links to maps which show where the Trainer can be found. Coordinates are in parentheses which you can find in game via the map (press m) by mousing over the terrain with your cursor.

Faction Name Location Coordinates
Defiant Cherendash Boke Ark of the Ascended, Freemarch 6215,4360
Olthin Idren Kelari Refuge, Freemarch 6555,4585
Guardian Clive Adar Divine Landing, Silverwood 6220,3860
Peligren Tice Argent Glade, Silverwood 6050,2990
Guardian Jorda Tacklegrub Gloamwood Pines, Gloamwood 5220,3090
~ ~ ~ ~
Defiant Temur Arslan Epoch Plaza, Meridian 5975,4205
Guardian Renwhist Coverdale Bahralt Street, Sanctum 6940,3425
Neutral Craya Mordrain Riverbank Cutoff, Droughtlands 7385,6180
Neutral Albert Tilbin Fortune's Shore, Shimmersand 6550,7025
Neutral Arbon Brakumon Tulan, Cape Jule 8310, 11930
Neutral Arbon Amanto Tuldio Retreat, Kingdom of Pelladane 7210, 5630
Neutral Batos Sonis The Canals,Tempest Bay 12840, 11670


Foraging focuses primarily around two tracking skills, Track Wood and Track Plants, which are obtained for free upon training Novice Foraging. Other skills grant the ability to craft raw wood into lumber for use in other professions.

Recipe    Skill    Cost to Train  
Yew Plank 1 3 
Ashwood Plank 35 1 5 
Oak Lumber 75 2 25 
Mahogany Lumber 115 3 45 
Polished Mahogany Lumber 115 reward from Woodworking 102
Potent Distillate 115 reward from Distilling for Dummies
Kingswood Lumber 145 4 35 
Runebirch Lumber 185 5 55 
Polished Runebirch Lumber 185 5 55  or reward from Timber, Timber, Everywhere!
Pure Distillate 185 5 55  or reward from Journeyman Distiller
Sagebrush Lumber 225 6 75 
Shadethorn Lumber 250 7 50 
Pristine Distillate 260 7 80  or reward from Master Distiller
Polished Shadethorn Lumber 280 8 65  or reward from your_name and master's_name, Inc.
Linden Lumber 290 11 51 
Enchanted Shadethorn Lumber 300 20 0 0 
Elm Lumber 330 87 69 
Shipment of Linden Lumber 335 7 0 0 
Madrosa Lumber 350 1 25 78 
Shipment of Elm Lumber 350 9 0 0 
Laminated Madrosa Lumber 375 30 0 0 
Regal Distillate 375 20 0 0 
Shipment of Madrosa Lumber 375 11 0 0 



The following quests are item-triggered by rare drops. Take them to your Master (Temur Arslan in Meridian or Renwhist Coverdale in Sanctum).

Potent Sap - Drops from Golden Nettle, Duskglory and Wyvernspur (requires Foraging 115)

Reward: Recipe: Potent Distillate
Pure Sap - Drop From Tattertwist and Roc Orchid (requires Foraging 185)
Reward: Recipe: Pure Distillate
Pristine Sap - Drop From Bloodshade or Twilight Bloom (requires Foraging 260) †
Reward: Recipe: Pristine Distillate
Reduced from 280 with the 1.8 patch.


The following quests are item-triggered by rare drops. Take them to your Master (Temur Arslan in Meridian or Renwhist Coverdale in Sanctum).

Exceptional Mahogany Sample - Drop From Mahogany Log (requires Foraging 115)

Reward: Recipe: Polished Mahogany Lumber

Exceptional Runebirch Sample - Drop From Runebirch Log (requires Foraging 185)

Reward: Recipe: Polished Runebirch Lumber

Exceptional Shadethorn Sample - Drop From Sagebush Log or Shadethorn Branch (requires Foraging 280)

Reward: Recipe: Polished Shadethorn Lumber

See also: Weekly Harvesting Guild Quests

Plants & Wood

Level    Resource Node   Yield    Type    Screenshot    Notes  
1 Coastal Glory Coastal Glory Plant
Freemarch, Silverwood
1 Grieveblossom Grieveblossom Petals Plant
Freemarch, Silverwood
1 BloodbriarBloodbriar Stems Plant Stonefield
1 Yew Log Yew Timber Wood
Freemarch, Silverwood
1 Corpseblossom Corpseblossom Petals Plant Moonshade Highlands
30 Creeperbrush Creeperbrush Roots Plant
Freemarch, Stonefield
35 Ashwood Log Ashwood Timber Wood
Freemarch, Stonefield
70 Razorbrush Razorbrush Leaves Plant
Stonefield, Scarlet Gorge
70 Krakenweed Krakenweed Stems Plant
Stonefield, Scarlet Gorge
75 Oak Log Oak Log Wood
Stonefield, Scarlet Gorge
80 Golden Nettle Evergreen Nettle Stems
Golden Nettle Stems
Potent Sap
Stonefield, Scarlet Gorge, Scarwood Reach
80 Duskglory Duskglory Petals
Potent Sap
Stonefield, Scarlet Gorge, Scarwood Reach
115 Mahogany Log Mahogany Log Wood
Scarlet Gorge, Scarwood Reach, Stonefield, Droughtlands
115 Wyvernspurr Wyvernspurr Stems
Potent Sap
Scarlet Gorge, Scarwood Reach, Droughtlands
140 Tattertwist Tattertwist Leaves, Pure Sap Plant
Scarwood Reach, Moonshade Highlands
145 Roc Orchid Roc Orchid Petals
Pure Sap
Stillmoor, Scarwood Rach, Droughtlands, Moonshade Highlands, Iron Pine Peak, Shimmersand
145 Kingswood Log Kingswood Log Wood
Shimmersand, Scarwood Reach, Droughtlands, Moonshade Highlands
180 Drakefoot Drakefoot Stems
Drakefoot Seed
Shimmersand, Droughtlands, Iron Pine Peak
185 Runebirch Log Runebirch Log Wood
Moonshade Highlands, Iron Pine Peak, Stillmoor
200 Asturn Pine Asturn Pine Wood Moonshade Highlands
200 Gently Used Arrows Gently Used Arrows Wood
In corpses at Death's Approach in Stillmoor
200 Bloodshade Bloodshade Petals Plant
Stillmoor, Iron Pine Peak, Shimmersand
225 Basiliskweed Basiliskweed Stems Plant
Stillmoor, Shimmersand, Droughtlands
225 Sagebrush Log Sagebrush Timber Wood
Iron Pine Peak, Stillmoor, Shimmersand, Ember Isle
230 Tempestflower Tempestflower Stems Plant
Stillmoor, Shimmersand, Ember Isle
250 Twilight Bloom Twilight Bloom Roots
Pristine Sap
Iron Pine Peak, Charmer's Caldera, Abyssal Precipice, Stillmoor, Ember Isle
250 Shadethorn Branch Shadethorn Log Wood
Iron Pine Peak, Charmer's Caldera, Abyssal Precipice, Stillmoor, Ember Isle
290 Chimera's Cloak Chimera's Cloak Petals Plant
Brevane and Dusken. Although any level 300-375 Foraging resource can appear in any Storm Legion zone, this resource will most often be found in Cape Jule and Kingdom of Pelladane.
290 Linden Timber Linden Timber Wood
Brevane and Dusken. Although any level 300-375 Foraging resource can appear in any Storm Legion zone, this resource will most often be found in Cape Jule and Kingdom of Pelladane.
335 Frazzleweed Frazzleweed Tuft Plant
Brevane and Dusken. Although any level 300-375 Foraging resource can appear in any Storm Legion zone, this resource will most often be found in Ardent Domain, City Core, Eastern Holdings, and Seratos.
335 Elm Timber Elm Timber Wood
Brevane and Dusken. Although any level 300-375 Foraging resource can appear in any Storm Legion zone, this resource will most often be found in Ardent Domain, City Core, Eastern Holdings, and Seratos.
375 Madrosa Timber Madrosa Timber Wood
Brevane and Dusken. Although any level 300-375 Foraging resource can appear in any Storm Legion zone, this resource will most often be found in Kingsward, Ashora, Morban, and Steppes of Infinity
375 Lucidflower Lucidflower Spire Plant
Brevane and Dusken. Although any level 300-375 Foraging resource can appear in any Storm Legion zone, this resource will most often be found in Kingsward, Ashora, Morban, and Steppes of Infinity.
To see a map of all the locations the above objects can be found, click on the item it yields.

Corpse Harvesting

Beginning with patch 1.6, Foragers can now forage from the corpses of Treants, Boglings, and other plant-based creatures. The plants and wood thus foraged will be equivalent to the plant and wood nodes available in that zone.

This list is intended to help guide you through the fastest way to level Foraging. Remember, the fastest leveling occurs when your Skill is close to the minimum skill required (Orange difficulty). This will change to Yellow 10 points above the minimum, Green 10 points after that, and Gray (trivial; no skill increase) after another 10.

Skill Level Example Mobs
1 11 Boglings around Sunken Marsh in Silverwood
1, 10 13 Baelthorns around Treant's Grove in Silverwood
50 21 Blackroots around Grove of the Ancients in Gloamwood
130 34 Direthorns around Lotham's Strike in Scarwood Reach
130 34 Twisted Nature Spirits around Lotham's Strike in Scarwood Reach
170 39 Boglings around Kelpmere in Moonshade Highlands
240 50 Blood Bough at Blood Grove in Stillmoor
265 52 Boglings, Treants at The Stranglewood in Ember Isle
310 56 Ironbark Vilebranch at Soros Estate in Ardent Domain
310 56 Walking Stinkweed at The Pus Swamp in Seratos
350 60 Blackthorn Bloom at Northern Cross in The Dendrome

Categories: Professions (Rift) | RIFT
This page last modified 2014-06-07 16:08:42.