FR Quest:Brawler: Paying Your Dues  

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To Start: Speak to Rourke Ironfist in Lakeshore.
Rourke Ironfist says,"You certainly have the brawn to join Brawler Club, but even skilled brawlers like yourself have to pay their dues. All members get a weapon.

Of course, you'll have to make a donation to the club and find the materials yourself, but it's worth it! Interested in earning one? "

Ranking members of Brawler Club wield special weapons to let others know they belong to this prestigious club. It is time for you to try to obtain such a weapon.
This is an Errand quest.  Membership is required to begin this quest. This quest will advance the Brawler job.

Don your brawler gear and get the items needed to rebuild the weapon.
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Brawler: Achieve Level 20 Brawler
Quest Series
Brawler: Prized Brawlers
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This page last modified 2010-01-06 11:27:28.