Exorcist (TSW DECK ACH)  

The Secret World
The Exorcist casts out sickness and wards against evil through blood magic and fist weapons. This is a healing deck, focusing on applying protective barriers to prevent damage. The deck promotes quick application of boosted heal and barrier effects, with rapid recovery of resources.

An Exorcist's barriers apply additional protective buffs to their target. Upon depletion, barriers slightly heal the target and recover the Exorcist's resources.

Requires the following abilities:

Active Passive
Linked Veins Splatter
Cauterise Angel's Touch
Creature Comfort Sanguineous
Angelic Aegis Making Amends
Vigour Glimmer of Hope
Infusion Vessel Walls
Cold Blooded Clotting
Reward: Exorcist

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-09-14 02:32:39.