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Enspell is a beneficial status effect that enchants a player's attacks with a spell effect. Benefitting characters receive an additional effect. Although the additional damage is often minimal, it can significantly contribute to the overall raising of a weapon's DPS (damage per second). "Enspell" is the unofficial name, given by the playerbase, to the group of spells that fall in this category. The name derives from the unique spells that a Red Mage can learn (i.e. Enfire, Enfire II, etc.)

How This Spell is Removed

  • Dispel - Red Mage.
  • Zoning to another area.
  • Manual removal.
  • Casting another Enspell to overwrite one effect with the other.
  • KO.

How This Spell is Inflicted/Gained


Job Ability


Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-06-26 00:33:55.