Easterly Winds Spoilers  

Listed here is the transcript for the mission AU6 - Easterly Winds.

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Ru'Lude Gardens

Pieuje: You have gathered here today at the request of the Kingdom of San d'Oria.

I thank you on behalf of the king.

Pieuje: This is the first time in history that an emergency summit of this nature has taken place. The issue I lay before you is beyond the scope of a single nation...

Wolfgang: Prince Pieuje! The adventurer you have permitted to attend the summit has arrived.

Pieuje: Thank you for coming, PLAYERNAME.

Pieuje: Allow me to begin by explaining the events that have led to today's meeting.

Pieuje: It began when PLAYERNAME, mercenary and adventurer, arrived at the gate of the Chateau d'Oraguille bearing a letter of extreme importance.

Pieuje: The contents of that letter prompted me to call the nations together...

Pieuje: It was penned by a sage known as Raillefal, and described in painstaking detail the current state of Aht Urhgan.

Volker: The Empire!?

Wolfgang: This is the same nation that has the port in a frenzy over mercenary recruitment...?

Pieuje: The very same. I speak of the Near Eastern nation, the Empire of Aht Urhgan.

Pieuje: Aht Urhgan is now under pressure from three separate beastman armies, and Al Zahbi, the mighty capital itself, is in danger of falling.

Wolfgang: Great Altana...

Volker: The Silent Empire...

Volker: It was once called that.

Volker: You may have been too young to know this, Your Highness, but the rest of us should remember.

Shantotto: ...

Pieuje: I am aware of the term.

Pieuje: In the time of the Great War, the Empire possessed an army greater than the combined forces of the allied nations.

Pieuje: Yet not a single soldier was sent in response to calls for aid...

Volker: My apologies. You are well versed in history.

Volker: But knowing this, you should also know that we have no obligation to lift even a finger for Aht Urhgan, no matter how serious her predicament.

Shantotto: Why, Volker, always so calm and cool. You've grown hot and bothered, and your speech is most cruel.

Volker: You should understand, Doctor Shantotto.

Volker: You were there on that battlefield. Who knows how much suffering could've been avoided if we'd had the help of the Empire...

Shantotto: On the contrary, my dear musketeer. We owe them more than you can imagine, I fear.

Volker: What do you mean!?

Shantotto: Aht Urhgan has taken many countries under her yoke...

Shantotto: A ferocious nation that has even bared fangs at the Far Eastern folk.

Shantotto: Calling the Empire to help in our cause, would be like freeing us from demons in return for dragon jaws.

Volker: That may be true, but even the close relationship Aht Urhgan had with Tavnazia...

Pieuje: That subject is not--

Volker: ...the issue here, I know. Doctor Shantotto, why did Windurst open Mhaura's port to the Empire?

Shantotto: My nation's actions are none of your concern.

Shantotto: At least we have a backbone--when will Bastok learn...?

Volker: You go too far, Doctor Shantotto...

Pieuje: Enough! I did not call you here to speak of possible troop contributions.

Wolfgang: Then why are we here, Your Highness?

Pieuje: Our main concern is the treasure thought to be at the center of this conflict--the Astral Candescence.

Volker: "Astral Candescence"?

Pieuje: It is described as some manner of musical instrument, but apparently is much more than that.

Pieuje: This instrument is said to produce a phenomenon known as the "Astral Wind," a breeze that blows from an unidentifiable source.

Pieuje: It creates a melody in a timbre unheard by mortal ears...

Wolfgang: I'm confused. How can there be a melody if nothing can be heard...?

Shantotto: Astral Wind...

Volker: Hmph. This is very unusual, but I'm sure we've all seen stranger things before.

Shantotto: An unidentifiable source...

Volker: In Windurst there is no shortage of magical gadgets. Pens that write by themselves. Brooms that sweep on command...

Shantotto: A breeze...

Volker: I mean, they even have that Cardian band. That's similar, don't you think, Doctor Shantotto?

Shantotto: Astral...

Shantotto: Wind...

Volker: Doctor Shantotto? Is everything alright?

Shantotto: !!!

Shantotto: Ohohohoho!

Shantotto: If it's automatic instruments you need, our children make such things before they learn how to read!

Pieuje: The problem lies in the power of the wind.

Volker: The wind?

Pieuje: It envelops those close by, and fills them with a mysterious strength. There are few who can resist the lure of this energy.

Pieuje: Even among the beastmen...

Volker: If the instrument is that dangerous, why not just give it to the beastmen, or smash it out of hand?

Pieuje: That is what common sense would tell us. If it were up to an individual, or even an entire town...

Volker: What are you trying to say?

Pieuje: What if that decision lay in the hands of a nation?

Pieuje: Even if it posed a threat to your own citizens, if that treasure could one day be your salvation, would you not choose to protect it?

Wolfgang: How could a mere instrument hold that kind of power...?

Pieuje: The sage who composed this letter is afraid...

Pieuje: Afraid that this Astral Candescence will one day be the catalyst for a conflict to rival the Crystal War.

Wolfgang: No!

Volker: Prince Pieuje... As a representative for an entire nation, you would do well not to throw those words around so lightly!

Pieuje: My apologies. This is merely based on the conjecture of a sage.

Pieuje: Why don't we have PLAYERNAME, who has seen and heard these things in person, give us his/her account?

Volker: ...

Wolfgang: We cannot make a decision based on this tale alone.

Wolfgang: A nation has a responsibility to maintain soldiers and weaponry for the defense of its people.

Wolfgang: And for a city in this situation, I would go so far as to say that some sort of secret weapon is almost a necessity.

Wolfgang: In any case, it doesn't seem that this Astral Candescence presents any immediate danger to the people of Al Zahbi.

Shantotto: I wouldn't say that was entirely true, if you were me, and I were you.

Pieuje: PLAYERNAME. I came to a conclusion after you left the chateau.

Pieuje: I wish to hear your honest opinion.

Give Pieuje your honest opinion?


Pieuje: Excellent. I knew asking you here was the right decision. I rely upon your vast experience as an adventurer.

Give Pieuje your honest opinion?


Pieuje: Ahaha. Only an adventurer would choose to jest in such company as this.

Pieuje: What is the Astral Candescence?

Pieuje: If it is such an important treasure, then why not secret it away inside the palace instead of placing it in the area most vulnerable to beastman attacks?

Pieuje: I sense some hidden purpose for this dangerous object...

Pieuje: Do you have any thoughts on the matter, PLAYERNAME?

PLAYERNAME: Sage Walahra...

Pieuje: Sage Walahra? What manner of person is this?

Pieuje: ...I see.

Pieuje: The father of the Walahra Philosophy and an alchemist of great renown...

Pieuje: "I, alone, do not possess all the answers. Let us ponder the mysteries of the universe together.

Pieuje: "Shared knowledge is the shortest path to enlightenment..."

Pieuje: Hmm. Not a philosophy that would appeal to my brother...

Wolfgang: Is Prince Trion somehow involved...?

Pieuje: Ah, forgive me. I was merely thinking aloud... Any thoughts?

PLAYERNAME: The Gordeus...

Pieuje: The "Gordeus." I have heard this name somewhere before...

Pieuje: What manner of person is this?

Pieuje: Not a person? So, it is a holy relic enshrined in Walahra Temple...

Pieuje: In the distant past, Sage Walahra once unraveled the Gordeus and grasped the fundamental principle of existence...

Pieuje: And now a host of like-minded scholars toil day and night to discover the same loose thread to unravel the Gordeus for themselves.

Pieuje: It appears the people of the Empire search for quite different truths than the ones we seek...

PLAYERNAME: The Walahra Philosophy...

Pieuje: The Walahra Philosophy? What manner of learning is this?

Pieuje: What connection does this philosophy have to the Astral Candescence?

Pieuje: "From the void all things are born. To the void all things return."

Pieuje: I do not understand what this "void" they speak of refers to.

Pieuje: Though this philosophy is not so far from our own belief that all life begins and ends with Great Altana and the mothercrystals...

PLAYERNAME: Not really...

Pieuje: PLAYERNAME. If you have nothing to contribute, then there is little point in you being here...

Shantotto: Ohohoho! Too much time in the cathedral for Destin's little boy! The mind is a tool you must sharpen, not a child's toy!

Pieuje: Do you mock me, Doctor Shantotto!?

Shantotto: You look for your answers in all the wrong places. Shall I bring a little hope to your long, dreary faces?

Volker: What are you hiding, Shantotto?

Shantotto: The servants of Walahra control the Hall of Binding--the treasure's little nest.

Shantotto: The Hall of Binding is defended by the Serpent Generals--the best of the best!

Volker: The Serpent Generals? A name I have heard. Each one is said to be worth a thousand soldiers.

Shantotto: The Astral Candescence is strictly monitored by the Walahra Temple, according to the adventurer's speech...

Shantotto: But the treasure is kept in an area that the beastmen can easily reach.

Shantotto: And there we find the Serpent Generals, the strongest of the strong...

Shantotto: Plus mercenaries like PLAYERNAME to help them, if I'm not wrong?

Pieuje: Yes, there does seem to be some contradiction to be found here.

Shantotto: You see...

Shantotto: This is a huge game of "set the trap and wait." And the Astral Candescence is the very tasty bait!

Pieuje: ...!

Volker: Of course! Why didn't I see it?

Wolfgang: But wait. This creates a whole new set of questions. Why would they want the beastmen in the city?

Shantotto: There are some things that even I cannot divine. It's time to sit back and wait for a sign.

Pieuje: But it does seem that this problem lies at the center of some grand plan.

Volker: Without concern for the people of Al Zahbi...

Wolfgang: We need more information.

Pieuje: Yes. An individual of keen wits and sharp senses...

Pieuje: My lords, I have a suggestion.

Pieuje: PLAYERNAME is employed as a mercenary in the Empire.

Pieuje: However, he/she is a distinguished adventurer, who will not sell his/her principles for a bag of gil.

Pieuje: I point to the safe delivery of the sage's letter as proof of his/her dedication.

Pieuje: A long journey without promise of reward.

Pieuje: And I am sure that all of you present have had numerous beneficial dealings with adventurers.

Pieuje: They have earned our trust and respect!

Pieuje: That is why I put forth the motion that we have PLAYERNAME return to the Empire and fight as a mercenary.

Pieuje: We cannot allow any more blood to be spilled by beastmen, even should that blood belong to another nation's people.

Pieuje: And if PLAYERNAME can improve his standing enough to bring him closer to the Imperial palace...

Pieuje: We may learn the ultimate goal of the Empire.

Volker: You'll find no argument here. Adventurers have been the quiet heroes in many of Bastok's darker moments.

Shantotto: An idea that creates less work for us, will not find me making a needless fuss!

Pieuje: How does the Duchy of Jeuno stand on this?

Wolfgang: In agreement.

Wolfgang: The linking of our auction house services has strengthened the ties between Jeuno and the Empire, but economical matters are superseded by politics...

Shantotto: All in favor...?

Pieuje: One moment. As Raillefal warned, this problem is not likely to remain constrained with the borders of the Near East.

Pieuje: All the lands of Vana'diel, including our four nations...

Pieuje: "Urhguum" is the word for "world" in the language of Aht Urhgan, and this lurking threat could plunge it entirely into chaos.

Pieuje: We lay this mission before you, PLAYERNAME. Will you consent to take up this burden?

Take up the burden?

PLAYERNAME: That's what I'm here for!

Pieuje: You have our thanks, PLAYERNAME.

Pieuje: Naturally, we will do all in our power to aid you in this task.

Pieuje: It is a trifling amount, but perhaps you might use this Aht Urhgan coin on your travels.

Take up the burden?

PLAYERNAME: What am I, a donkey?

Pieuje: An adventurer is free to choose his/her own path...

Pieuje: However, what I ask of you is for the sake of all Vana'diel. I am sure that when the time comes, I can rely on you to perform your duty.

???: That treasure is more than simple bait....

???: An astral relic can and will seal your fate.

???: The Empress goes too far in her game. I'm curious to see how it turns out, all the same...

Final Fantasy XI

This page last modified 2009-11-15 01:33:06.