The Erudin Chef  

CategoryThe Stonebrunt Highlands
Related Zone:
Related Items:
wizard cap mushroom
madcap mushroom
Min Coin: 35g, 70s, 61c
Max Coin: 39g, 77s, 68c

Game Update #56
Halas Reborn
May 25, 2010
Tasting the stew Chef Bahiyya is creating during and after this quest series should provide players with a temporary benefit!

  1. For your madcap mushrooms, head to -369.72, 384.85, 1225.48 .
    • The mushrooms are harvestables on the ground around the mouth of the cave, and inside. Collect 10.
  2. Next, head to -12.01, 365.63, 1010.95 , which is Aglithin Pond.
    • The wizard cap mushrooms are also harvestables on the ground all along the shore. Collect 10.
  3. Return to Chef Bahiyya at 230.19, 413.55, 1264.60 and hail her.
  4. Click the pot next to her, then hail her again to complete the quest.

The Stonebrunt Highlands
Quest Series
Mooonfield Hamlet
My Life in Odus
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Categories: EverQuest II | GU56 | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2010-05-24 22:48:21.