Assassin (TSW DECK ACH)  

The Secret World
The assassin's pistols and blood magic are a potent combination. This deck uses a variety of game systems. When the Assassin attacks with channeled abilities, they gain blood magic barriers to sustain themselves. Stackable critical hit buffs are built up through summoning drones and from passive abilities.

Finally, stun and hindrance effects keep the Assassin from being overrun, and allow them to pick off targets with ease.

Requires the following abilities:

Active Passive
Hair Trigger Torture
Shootout Increased Focus
Exsanguinate Culmination
Anaesthesia Sanguineous
Drone Kit Critical Help
Sticky Drone Mad Skills
Gun Crazy Seal the Deal

Reward: Ninja

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-09-13 20:59:45.