Category:Skaven (WAR Bestiary)  

"All dis talk of rat-men livin' beneath the city streets has got the rich folk good and scared, it does. An' that's good fer business! I'll tell ye this, though: if there were such a thing as rats the size o' men, me and Bullseye here wouldf know sumfin' about it, make no mistake! Ain't dat right, Bullseye?"

"Bark, bark!"

- Lucky Dab, Rat Catcher, and his small but vicious dog, Bullseye


Skaven were born of Warpstone and Chaos. Often mistaken for a form of Beastman, Skaven are a race unto themselves. Like the rats which spawned them, Skaven live in vast warrens beneath the cities of men, just out of sight. Most humans are completely oblivious to their presence. To them, the Skaven exist only as bogeymen in tales used to frighten children. Meanwhile, the Skaven and their mysterious Council of Thirteen are free to plot the downfall of the human race.

Achievement Rewards
Encounter a Skaven
Be defeated by a Skaven
Kill 25 Skaven
Tome Quest: Sign of the Times
Badlands: Examine a specific object
  Examine a corpse in a Man Trap inside the Warpclaw Hideout
Skaven Splitter
Kill 100 Skavens
Tome Quest: What a Rat's Nest
Talabecland: Explore monster habitat
Click a banner at the top of the Horned Tower (30k,16k)
Skaven Tactic Fragment806
Kill 1,000 Skaven
Tome Quest: Septic Sanitation
Altdorf: Vanquish a Champion monster (Master Moulder Vitchek)
Skaven Tactic Fragment1476
Kill 10,000 Skaven
Tome Quest: Dead Eye
Praag: Vanquish a Champion monster (Thashrak Bloodeye)
Barbed Whip ††1800
Kill 100,000 Skaven
   †† Item Rewards earned can be claimed from one of the Librarians in your home city. Token rewards are used as currency to purchase certain items from a Librarian.
   For even more information about Bestiary unlocks, see Guide to Bestiary Unlocks


Separated into various Clans, Skaven are mistrustful of one another and have little regard for their own race. A Skaven will happily sacrifice his companions for personal gain. They have little use for loyalty and possess no concept of honor or fair play.

In fact, Skaven are rewarded for being devious and cunning. There's a reason Skaven leaders lead from the rear.

This page last modified 2009-05-06 05:22:02.

Articles in category "Skaven (WAR Bestiary)"

There are 6 articles in this category.