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Hot zones were introduced on April 28, 2004 and tend to change two or three times per year with no set time period. These zones offer an experience bonus higher than that of regular zones. Some of the latest sets also have extra loot added; this loot is obtainable even after the zones are no longer "hot."

Contents [hide]

Coming in November

  • Level 20 Stonebrunt Mountains

  • Level 25 Unrest

  • Level 30 The Overthere

  • Level 35 Trak's teeth

  • Level 40 Great Divide

  • Level 45 Nagafens Lair

  • Level 50 Plane of Innovation

  • Level 55 Sshraeshza Temple

  • Level 60 Crypt of Decay

  • Level 65 Stoneroot Falls

  • Level 70 Valdeholme

  • Level 75 Dreadspire Keep

Current Hot Zones (August 20, 2008)

Franklin Teek has arrived in the Plane of Knowledge just East of the Guild Lobby and will be happy to point you to the current location of a Hot Zone appropriate for your level. Franklin also has a series of tasks that can be done in each of the current Hot Zones. You can only request a single task at a time. Once one task is completed, there is an 18 hr lockout from the time the task was requested until another task can be requested. Each level task objective changes each day, so if you request one today, the objective tomorrow will be different. As an example, A Simple Task - Level 20 was Kill 5 Goblins on Wed Aug 20, 2008, Kill 5 Sabertooths on Thu Aug 21, 2008, and Kill 5 Iksar on Fri Aug 22, 2008.

Item information will be populated as it comes in:

Thanks to Elidroth on the SoE forums for the information

February 28, 2008 to August 19, 2008

Thanks to VWDiesel for the information in this thread here

October 30, 2007 to February 27, 2008

Here's a complete list of all the hotzone drops for the last set of hotzones. These are actually mini-quests that start whenever you loot an item. They revolve around Aiden Silverwing, who is in PoK near the Guild Hall zone-in.

The general idea is that he gives you a Silverwing Lockbox, in which you combine the Random Drop from one zone with the Shard Combine, which drops from the next higher hotzone. So, for each hotzone, VWDiesel has listed the random drop, the augmentation, the shard combine (which drops in the next higher hotzone), and the melee and caster items that result once you combine the shard and the random drop.

The last hotzone, Halls of Honor, randomly drops the melee or caster item, with no shard to combine. When you've completed all these quests for each hotzone, there is a final item you can make if you combine each of the hotzone melee or caster items in the Silverwing Lockbox. Those are listed at the bottom under "Final Combine".

Thanks again to VWDiesel for the information.

April 18, 2007 to October 30, 2007

The hotzones all have special augs from specific mobs (click through to see which can drop them):

All items (except augments) come from quests given by James the Watchmaker. These quests involve getting three gears and a sprocket from each zone that was hot during this time frame, and returning them to him. You do not need to have the quest before you get the turn-in items. Rewards vary by level.

December 5, 2006 to April 18, 2007

These hotzones all have special augs from Unmasked Changelings:

Additionally, each zone has 4 new NPC nameds that drop more level appropriate gear than the rest of the zone. I do not have a complete list of nameds and items, however, there is a nearly complete list here, at EvilGamer in this post.

June 13, 2006 to December 5, 2006

These hotzones have minor(by todays standards) loot upgrades added with new mobs, and new global rare drops, however, they do not have any Augments that drop in these zones.

  • Level 20: Swamp of No Hope

  • Level 25: The Overthere

  • Level 30: Timorous Deep

  • Level 35: Emerald Jungle

  • Level 40: Dreadlands

  • Level 45: City of Mist

  • Level 50: Skyfire

  • Level 55: Karnor's Castle

  • Level 60: Veksar

This page was derived in large part from a thread found in one of our eq forums. The original thread can be found here.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-10-21 06:35:11.