Congratulations Monika T'Sarn for Unlocking the Force Sensitive Slot!

Monika T'Sarn of the PA Combine on the Intrepid Server unlocked her FS today. Akinom T'Sarn (her FS character) is the first player confirmed JEDI INITIATE in all of Star Wars Galaxies. I had the pleasure of seeing her the day of the announcement an even greater pleasure to duel her. So a HUGE congratulation to her on this most sought after accomplishment. Now onto the details I am sure you all are dying to know. Please realize Akinom was being literally pounded by questions so I kept it brief as possible.... What she did with her original character to unlock her Force Sensitive slot is as follows in her own words: Here's what I did, from start to the end. Human female artisan, starting in Bestine. Master Medic Master Creature handler Pistoleer up to 2444 Dropped Creature handler, pistoleer Master Marksman Commando 0440 Doctor 4430 Got my first three holos from dark troopers in the naboo faction dungeon, 2 red 1 blue First holo told me to master ranger. Dropped all medic+doctor, got master scout, master ranger. Second holo told me master doctor. Dropped all scout, got master doctor. Third holo told me master weapon smith. Did that. Fourth holo was silent. After the fourth holo I mastered artisan and brawler. Other stuff: Finished the rebel theme park, did some other rebel-related quests. Did the Jedi-quests on dantoine ( or dathomir, not sure, from the Jedi in the cave with the dark Jedi outside ?) Not much else in quests though. Got the two monthly badges on the rebel side, no others. Placed a house and declared residence, yesterday. Was rebel colonel, the highest rank, for a long time. The slot opening message came at the first mob she killed today on dathomir, a female picket longhorn. ------------------------- Monika T'Sarn, Combine Now in some Rapid fire follow up questions by the pistoleer correspondent Philosopher1976 and others the following information was gathered: Additional information on what her main character has done: She finished mastering her last profession 1 week ago. She says that she has visited every town on every planet. She was never married. She never intentionally visited a static POI, she says. She killed the piket maybe 10 minutes after she logged in. Before killing the piket she buffed herself and took a shuttle. She placed and declared her first residence yesterday, her new Jedi character has access to the house. She never sold goods from a vendor. She says that the one type of mob/NPC that she never intentionally killed was Jawas. As far as faction perks go, she has bought some armor, several NPCs, no buildings. She has visited a battlefield, but not often. The battlefield was PvE. She did none of the Hermit quests. She never used the matchmaking feature, and her friends list was between 20-30 people. She did not do the Endor Maurauder quest ... she only did Rebel-related quests, the theme park, plus some quests on Tattoine and Corellia. She never looted any force crystals or force-related items, aside from this petrified egg that she looted. Information on her New Jedi: She started with a mineral survey kit, a chemical survey kit, brawler newbie clothing, and a generic crafting tool. She had to make a lightsaber crafting tool, then make a crystal, then make a saber. She says that making the second saber is buggy and does not accept her newbie saber as an ingredient. Here are the stats on her lightsaber, according to her: Training, Light Sabre AP rating Medium, Damage type Kinetic, 94-189 damage 1.4 speed and HAM cost of 5/5/5 Her Jedi has the same HAM as the rest of us. She is not TEFed unless she USES A SPECIAL, so she can walk around town freely otherwise. She was dueling people and could not be attacked because she was just using the default auto attack. Based on a quick scan of the combat spam she was hitting between 45-60 PVP per hit with the default attack, which corresponds with the current equation we already know (1.5 damage modifier, divided by 4 for PvP). There are two different types of XP on the skill tree ... lightsaber XP and Jedi XP. She gets the lightsaber XP from killing things with the saber (obviously). She said that the "Jedi XP" works like Combat XP does. I asked her how she trained her first skill ... she said that there is a trainer (not a Holocron) that she gets the skill from. The trainer is in Wayfar. The Jedi trainer is disguised as an artisan trainer. She can group and fight with other players, sharing the XP with them. She can also be healed by non-Jedi.


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to all you idiots
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:58 PM Rating: Default
Can't you all just say:

[b][/b]Congratulations [sm][/sm]to the young lady who made Jedi

No one really cares if any of you want to be a Jedi...

Congratulations JEDI
150k Credits?
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Oh and not to mention that 150k credits is nothing in the game... that is pocket change...
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:24 PM Rating: Default
I think everyone that mentions bounties as a reason that being a jedi is pointless needs to go back to school (or at least play the game before opening your mouth) There is no such thing as bounties, because as the article plainly states... they dont have any TEF flags. They cant be killed by anyone except game spawned enemies. The only time they can be hunted by players is if they trigger a TEF. Therefore... to make a longer story short... congratz on making jedi ... hopefully the few jedis that will start popping up turn the tides of war! (IE- finally a counterbalance to F'ing AT-ST swarms.)
RE: Bounties?
# Nov 12 2003 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
read the update about master BH able to take jedi bounty mission before u run your mouth about no bounties
RE: Bounties?
# Nov 12 2003 at 4:31 PM Rating: Default
yeah you dip, jedi can and do have bounties on their heads.
mastering skills
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
Congratulations! I have to admit that I don't like the idea of being told what skills I'm to learn to unlock my personal FS. I can get behind visiting planets and cities all over the galaxy, meeting certain people, finishing certain quests, grouping with people with only certain faction points. And a thousand more. but not forcing me to master certain skills. especially when there skills I hate to use. :P
What's the deal?
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:03 PM Rating: Default
So someone was the first to open their FS slot. Well someone had to be what's the commotion about?
She seems to be a hard working gamer, I see nothing out of the ordinary that she did to open her FS slot, she just had luck on her side. As for me, I'm in no rush to be a JEDI I have fun with the game as is. I have 4 characters on 4 different servers trying to figure out what profession I like best, but I find myself liking them all and because of this I have yet to master anything but Dancer( like that's hard work, just boring, but I dont macro and leave the house for 8 hours to do it), imagine if I stuck to one character...I would have mastered all by now lol. Kudos to the girl maybe one of these days I'll get mine but as of now I have no intentions to do so. The negative commentary cant be stopped everyone has a right to their opinions and nothing can be done about it, it only leads to back and forth flaming and hatred. DONT HATE, what good does it do? If your goal in life is to make enemies, then flaming is on the right track but I pay no mind to it, everyone is a crtic so negativity is taken with a grain of salt by me. Besides, this post is supposed to be about the person who opened her FS slot and it took a wrong turn. Congratulations!
Congrats to the Jedi
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
i would just like to say congrats to the new jedi. although, you should have kept your name secret, because of the haters out there who will try and hunt you down and eliminate your character, effectively making you start over at your jedi skills. good luck to you, and please send screenshots for our viewing pleasure!
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:14 PM Rating: Default
SWG is a great game. I play it as one of the most boring, unlucrative classes (dancer) only ever thinking "wouldn't it be funny if my dancer was FS?"
I play it for the fun of being a part of something bigger. For a chance to talk to people on the west coast or now even europe with the recent release over there.

So please, don't post if you haven't played.
You don't know what the PC's go through and are there for.
# Nov 11 2003 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
You all are a bunch of haters! If it were you wouldnt be complaining about power gamers and blah blah. You all wish that was you. It isnt the same being a Jedi on a MMOG then on a xbox game. If you have complains the cancel button excist, SOE isnt the army they wont hunt you down. Fight your jealous and congraulate!


-The savage wook
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 11 2003 at 11:13 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) starwars sucks
I'm jealous
# Nov 11 2003 at 10:57 AM Rating: Default
But only because I wish she was on my server.:D I like being a Rifleman. I don't want to be a Jedi. And if I ever do it's on to JA. But I DO wish she was on Bria.:/
# Nov 11 2003 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
The two things I really hate about holocrons are A: that I talked to someone who had gone through changing professions EIGHT BLOODY TIMES, all at the direction of holocrons, without opening an FS slot, and B: that the game tells you to not play the way you want to play.

I'm glad that there is no one way to play the game, but when some stupid lump of metal tells me to dump the way *I* chose to play and become something I do NOT want to do, then I'm going to bloody ignore it.

Personally, unless a holocron tells me to get Master Bounty Hunter (which I'm working on right now), Master Commando (which I'm considering), or Master Combat Medic (which when combined with Master Pistoleer makes you the king of DOT... bleed/disease/poison), I'll just sell it to one of the poor stupid sods who are getting their chains jerked all over the bloody galaxy by SOE. Sure, I'll feel guilty for a while, but I'll use my multiple millions of credits that they paid me to finish out my suit of armor, and get better gear.
# Nov 11 2003 at 9:26 AM Rating: Default
I can only say CONGRATULATIONS on all her efforts, hours, and hard work....dont be angry and jealous of her, she obviously worked very hard.
# Nov 11 2003 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
# Nov 11 2003 at 8:56 AM Rating: Default
If you bought the game to become a jedi then you're an idiot. Try reading the thousands of reviews that are about. They all tell you how hard it is. The FAQ on the official website tells you how hard it is. You bafoon!

As for the people saying "Bah! Im not paying that much!"...why the hell are you looking at this site if you are not interested? Melon heads!

As for the girl who got jedi, good on her if that was intentional but I wont be putting in that sort of time. Im quite happy playing my standard character and if something did ever happen...bonus.

The game is a winner and the jedi thing is a tiny part of it. Grow up the lot of up! Monkey faces!
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 11 2003 at 8:34 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) U have to be kidding the monthly fee is outrageous its the highest one I have seen to date and yet people pay it for a game that is full of glitches rofl, I ll save my dollars. Good Luck to you ALL :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 11 2003 at 12:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Why are u here on this forum, on this page, if u dont like the game, or even play the game??
Get a grip!
# Nov 11 2003 at 8:13 AM Rating: Default
You would be best to take it that you might never become a jedi. If you can't deal with that then go play Jedi Knight 2 or Jedi Knight Academy or something.

As for community, if people are playing just to become a jedi and are ignoring the rest of the gameplay then they're not people I would want to interact with myself in this community. It would be better if they were loners because I know they'd probably **** me right off if I met them.

I'm new to this game and I probably won't be playing it more than a few months if it gets boring - but then that's me. I'm used to the fact that I get bored easily of games. They don't have a lot of longevity. I accept that but try new things. Deal with your own shortcomings before complaining about everything else!
# Nov 11 2003 at 6:51 AM Rating: Default
Im so glad I didnt buy this game. Ive never seen so many angry nerds since FFX ran out at Electronic Boutique. I think its cool [in a sense] that becoming Jedi is alot of time and effort. I mean, Jedi are special in the movies so why would any real fan want like 1000 jedi's running around? It would get old fast.

Then again, im not paying monthly.
# Nov 11 2003 at 5:13 AM Rating: Default
You guys seems to be little jealous to that girl? She is Jedi now, get used to it. Play some more and you could be a Jedi someday. DonĀ“t be jealous. Respect to that girl.
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:54 AM Rating: Default
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:43 AM Rating: Default
Dude-hey man, what are you up to, you feel like hunting?

Jedi wanting to be freak- nononon i can;t i must search for my holos!!! i must make jedi!!

Dude-c'mon, this game is for fun, not wasting time camping the same place over and over.

Jedi Wanting to be freak- i must do it..ah..i'll hunt with you later!!!

Dude- so you ready to..

Jedi wanting to be freak- HAHAHAHA i did it i found a holo, this is going rule, i'll hunt with you when i have to master....Imaage Designer?

Dude- wow, have fun doing that, and when you make jedi we'll hunt ...haha.

many days later...

Jedi wanting to be freak- oh yes, that hair looks dandy on you, here hun, let me do your lips..... thats better.

Dude- hey Jedi wanting to be freak, i see you finally master image designer, must have been fun.

Jedi wanting to be freak- oh hello darling, i see you mastered BH. congrats /blowkiss..

Dude- ah.. i see your going to be the first gay jedi on the server.

Jedi wanting to be freak- i'm not gay, i am just ... um.. unusual.


Jedi freak- OMG OMG OMG.. I DID IT!!

Dude- wow jedi freak, you did it.. well i got to run, need to make a few credits.. BH missions here i come.

Jedi freak- wow i can make a lightsabar... good think i already have al the ingredents..

<<< in the distance >>>
Dude- wow a missions that pays 150k, now thats easy money.. i better not read the details and take it... now to set my droids off.. wow luck here on tat, now to search again.. WOW lucky right inside the bestine cantina...

<<< back in the cantina >>

Jedi freak hey everyone, i am a jedi and you are not hahaha.. whats this i seem to be losing my heal, and i am on fire...

Dude- wow that was lucky, he almost did my hair

Jedi freak- oh please don't db me!!

dude- jedi freak will you give me 150k if i don't?

jedi freak- i don't have the money, i wasted over 12 million buying my jedi stuff!!

dude- oh well, later dude..


WRITEN BY Anonymous...:)
MMORPGs are boring
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:37 AM Rating: Default
Before all these games were developed, rpg's were fun. Now lots of companies spew out these abominations that are all about the same thing. Kill lots of monsters(typically indigenous wildlife or satanic spawns) in a fantasy-medieval world, where SWG is the exception as a fantasy-outerspace world.

While old rpg's all had the same theme of a group of young people saving the world, they were still exciting in implementing this theme. Of course, people didn't like turn-based combat. Instead, now people want "real-time battles" where the characters on the screen repeat the same animations over and over until they've killed enough enemies to progress 1% in the game. On the other hand, there's no real progression since the games have no point, not even saving the world. tsk tsk
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
I think its time this Jedi girl realizes she should auction her character off on ebay, simply to see how much she could get for it, and then cash in...
Chill about the Jedi
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:46 AM Rating: Default
Personaly I am tired about the jedi hype. Some are so dead set on becoming a jedi, they do nothing else than what they think it will take to become a jedi. I am tired of farming for holocrons. Chill out, it's a game. This game is also required to folow the Star Wars story, and theme line. There shouldn't be 1500-2000 jedi per server. At this point in the story line, jedi are very rare. I don't expect to see jedi everywhere I turn, that would remove form the specialness of the class.
I suspect as time goes on, people will post the steps they took that may have lead to the opening of their force slots, and the secrets will be revealed. Remember that even the master bounty hunter started out as a novice marksman at one point. It may take a while, but it will happen.
Jedi = Rare
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:32 AM Rating: Default
They said at the beginning of production of this game that Jedi's are going to be rare. You have about the same odds of winning the lottery as in finding a force sensative slot.. Thou I rather with the lottery..
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
DO I sense some bitterness from everyone because she was the first? ooh boy am i glad i never bought this game....but interesting article none the less. While I wouldnt have ever wasted that amount of time to get a jedi slot, it was quite a good read
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