Keg End has begun! Hic...

It's ofic...officici....definate!  Keg End has begun!

Check out our froums for the most currented info...hic ... or, get a summary of the event on the wiki.  S'funny word, wiki...hic ...Like Kiwi all confused.

So drink up*, Warhammer fans!

*Better stick to water or milk, if you're underage

Patch 1.1c - Arrives Tomorrow, 12/17!

Server Status: All servers back online!

Yet another patch and more updates for WAR headed our way! 1.1.0c is set to be released tomorrow with improvements to overall game performance, UI fixes, more server performance enhancements in large RvR situations, and more:

1.1.0c will be here tomorrow, and with it we bring you some short but sweet notes that include a number of important fixes that our players have been requesting. We're dedicated to bringing you even more enhancements to in-game content and overall game performance to ensure that your holidays in WAR are some of the best times yet! And don't forget about the Keg End event, starting tomorrow!

Hot Fixes - 12/16/08

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: Content, General Changes & Bug Fixes, Items, Quests and Public Quests, and Realm vs. Realm

  • Witching Night ghosts will no longer spawn in Nordland.
  • Mathilde Drum, an Empire quest giver, will no longer attack Destruction characters.
  • A mailbox has been added to the Greenskin Chapter 19 hub.
  • Uthorin Sorceresses performing dark rituals in the Blighted Isle will no longer be victims of their own magic and become Sprites.

Dark Crag - 12/16/2008

Update: Dark Crag is now online !

We will be bringing down the Dark Crag server today for an update. Downtime will begin at 2:30 PM EST with the server coming back up no later than 5:00 PM EST. Please note, the change detailed below is currently only live on the Dark Crag server, but we look forward to bringing it to all live servers very soon. As always, please check the WAR Herald for updates regarding this downtime.

Combat and Careers

Enemy players will no longer become invisible to players who use a stealth ability. This includes the abilities “Incognito” and “Shadow Prowler.”

Patch 1.1b - All Servers

This morning it was announced that Patch 1.1b has arrived! The servers have already been brought down and updated to the latest version. As of 9:30AM EST this morning they became available again. Enjoy!

Phoenix Throne Update - 12/15/2008

Mythic goes into detail on the Phoenix Throne server downtime today:

Today we brought down the Phoenix Throne server for a game update. The purpose of this downtime was to test a few fixes that we will be implementing along with game update 1.1b. Please note, these changes are currently only live on the Phoenix Throne server, however we look forward to bringing them to all live servers very soon.

Scheduled Update - Phoenix Throne

Current Phoenix Throne Status: Phoenix Throne is now online!

At 2:00PM EST Phoenix Throne will be brought down for a scheduled update. This update is to improve scenario performance on the server.

We anticipate the server will be back online before 4PM EST and will keep you updated here with any news and information.

Call of Fate Guild Interview

Welcome to our first guild interview! Each month we will be interviewing two guilds on a selected server, one from Order and the other from Destruction. We will try to interview guilds who've clashed a few times in the game, to see what the sides thinks of each other.

Order continues to fight the deadly ranks of charging Destruction hordes wherever they can. While in a heated battle on the Ostermark server, I had a chance to exchange some Q&A between swings of maces and spell charges with the Order guild, Call of Fate.

Read on to see what they have to say about the Destruction realm plaguing Ostermark!

Weekly WAR Recap: Dec. 13, 2008

Another weekly site update, sharing with you the latest information regarding WAR Allakhazam, as well as reviewing important announcements you may have missed earlier last week. Watch tomorrow's news for our first regular Order vs. Destruction guild interviews!

Categories in this update include: News Highlights, Forum Discussions, WIKI/DB Updates, and Guide Updates.  Click "More..." below to view a summary of each category.

Hot Fixes - 12/12/2008

Another round of Hot Fixes today!  Categories include: General Changes & Bug Fixes, Content, Items, Quests and Public Quests, and Realm vs. Realm

General Changes & Bug Fixes

  • Players on Open Realm Versus Realm Servers will no longer erroneously receive a bolster buff when entering the Open RvR areas in Tier 4.
  • Players who create a new Knight of the Blazing Sun or Black Guard will now be treated to a fly-over career introduction similar to those which accompany the creation of new characters from the other careers.