EA Singapore Shop Changes Release Date

While it could be pure chance, a mistake, or even torture to some of us, the EA Singapore Store changed the release date for WAR to Sept. 23rd!

On our WAR forums , user PentUpAnger caught it while I was at Comic-Con and I didn't have a chance to post it!

Since then, other stores have changed their release date to follow suit.  During our interview with the Warhammer Online folks at Comic-Con (coverage to come!) we were told we'll be "getting information about a release date extremely soon".

Soon just isn't good enough anymore!  I'm considering flying to their offices and sleeping on their doorstep until I get the info...or dragged away, which is much more likely.

Either way, exciting news, and keep an eye out for our WAR coverage from the Comic-Con show!  Lots of exciting stuff, and of course, WAAAAAGH!

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Fact Sheet

EA Games has released a fact sheet for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning just in time for E3.

War is everywhere in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR), the new MMORPG from the creators of Dark Age of Camelot. Based on Games Workshop's popular Warhammer® fantasy war game, WAR features next generation Realm vs. RealmTM (RvR) game play that will immerse players in a world of perpetual conflict for years to come.

Keep reading for all the info.

Warhammer Online content changes upon release

In a setback in the development of Warhammer Online, in an interview released by MMORPG , Mark Jacobs announced that all but the capital cities of Altdorf (Empire) and Inevitable City (Chaos) will be removed from the release of the game, as well as the Choppa, Hammerer, Blackguard, and Knight of the Blazing Sun careers.

“A number of months ago,” Jacobs began, “we sat down and looked at where we were with our Capital Cities and we looked at what we were doing with Altdorf and Inevitable, we looked at the Greenskin home, the Dwarf home and we went ‘there’s an awful lot to do here and there are some issues‘.”

There was something missing. It wasn’t enough fun, it wasn’t interesting enough, it wasn’t “alive” enough. From there, the team was faced with a choice. They could either keep going down that path, working on all six cities and trying to get them finished before launch or make the hard decision to shelve four of the cities until post-launch and make sure that Altdorf and Inevitable were as full and rich as their design had intended. Mythic chose the latter.

Four of the classes that we've been working on, we just couldn't get great," he continued. "We looked at them and we said these careers are just not great... and we tried, and they weren't coming out well." This left them with a decision similar to the one that they were left with for the cities, do they continue and try to get it, or do they shelve them? In the end, after looking at the metric data that they have been collecting throughout the beta process, they saw that there were four careers that just weren't working for the players.

For those concerned about this turn of events, Mark Jacobs had plenty of good news in the interview to help us understand the changes and what has specifically been done to make the game not only playable, but enjoyable upon release.

Age of Reckoning to Ship in Russia Early 2009

More and more games are being expanded - and localized - to countries around the world, and Warhammer Online is following the trend. In the early part of 2009, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning will reach Russia, fully localized and ready to go.
July 2, 2008 - EA Mythic, a division of Electronic Arts Inc., today announced that Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR) will be released in Russia for the PC and will be fully localized. Along with MMORPG fans all over the world Russian gamers will have a chance to enjoy the rich world and extensive possibilities of one of the most anticipated MMORPG's of the year - Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

Based on Games Workshop's epic tabletop fantasy war game, WAR features revolutionary Realm vs. Realm (RvR) game play that will immerse players in a world of perpetual conflict. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is scheduled for launch on the PC in early 2009 in Russia and Fall of 2008 in North America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand.

For more information, please visit www.warhammeronline.com.

G4 Coverage Links for WAR

We talked about WAR being on G4 yesterday, and they were good enough to give us links directly to the videos!
Web Exclusive: Morgan gets a web exclusive look at Warhammer Online from Creative Director Paul Barnett and Executive Producer Jeff Hickman.

Read on for the other video!

WAR On G4!

G4 recently spent some time with the folks at Warhammer Online, and they've got quite a few different looks at what we'll be enjoying soon™.

The Feed says:
This new MMO promises to remove all the "boring stuff" from more traditional MMO's and will allow the player more freedom to do what everybody really wants to do, which is beat the crap out of other players in online.

On the more interesting aspects on Warhammer Online which really set it apart from MMO's that we've played was the example of the Public Quest. Unlike other MMO's where quests are given to you as a guild or as a sole player and then you enlist help, Public Quests will spring up to anyone and everyone in a certain region.
They also have a few videos with their coverage.

WAR was also on X-Play on Friday night, so keep an eye out for Jeff and Paul since they may appear in re-runs!

WAR Zone Overview – Dragonwake

As we move closer to launch for Warhammer Online, it's good to learn more and more about the areas you'll be fighting in, and over!

In the eastern reaches of Caledor, the tall mountain peaks yield to grassy hills that eventually slope down to meet the western border of Eataine. Though the lands to the west are more mountainous, the caves that run beneath the hills of this region are as deep as any in Caledor, and many ancient Dragons slumber within them. In ages past, when the lands of the High Elves came under threat, the Dragon Princes traveled to this land to rouse the slumbering beasts to war. For this reason, the western-most region of Caledor came to be known as Dragonwake.

Fueled by hatred that has festered for millennia, the Dark Elves continue their relentless march across Ulthuan, driving the defending High Elves and their allies ever southward toward the capital city of Lothern. For the noble lords of Ulthuan the situation grows bleaker with each passing day. It is clear that desperate measures must be taken to slow the invaders' advance, for little else has worked. The time has come to wake the great Dragons of old.

Read on for more!

TTH Looks at City Seiges in WAR

TTH has a great look at the city seige system in Warhammer Online!

Q: What Dungeons will be in the Inevitable City?

A: The Inevitable City will have 3 dungeons, just as Altdorf does. They are The Sacellum, The Bilerot Burrow and The Bloodwrought Enclave. The Sacellum is a twisted dungeon containing prison cells, with the walls of the dungeon breaking off into several pieces, allowing a unique sky to shine through. The Bilerot Burrow is a Nurgle-themed dungeon that has lots of squishy elements and various intestines throughout. The Bloodwrought Enclave is a Khorne-themed dungeon. This dungeon, while Khorne-themed, has various portals that will bring players to unique places (not Khorne-themed) as they adventure.

Check out the full Q&A!

Warhammer Online: Amazon.com Codes Don't Expire

Just look at your Amazon.com code for Warhammer and realize you missed your chance to use it? Relax! Turns out that expiration date is wrong! Have fun, and enjoy the beta!

It has come to our attention that those of you who have pre-ordered from Amazon.com were given an expiration date of June 10, 2008 for entering your codes.

Please note: CE Pre-Order codes do not expire.

The Open Beta code may be redeemed at anytime leading up to and during the Open Beta phase. Our account services will provide you with the means to enter your Head Start and Item codes prior to the opening of the Head Start program, at this time we ask you continue to keep those codes in a safe place for later use.

The Pre-Order FAQ will be updated to reflect this as well.

Thank you and have a great day!

- The WAR Community Team