WAR CE Pre-Orders

UPDATED : "Hi all, will no longer be shipping CE Pre-Order customers boxes and will instead be emailing codes to the e-mail address associated with your order. We expect these codes to go out very soon. Thank you"

Click here to view the complete news post over at WAR Herald.

WAR Torrent Help for New Beta Invitees

Did you just get your beta invite for WAR, and are confused by the torrent system, or are having problems with your download?

Check out our new post on our WAR forums , designed to get you downloading and into the beta as easily as possible. If you have questions - ask! We've got some very knowledgeable people that can help!

Wave of CB Keys Sent Out from Mythic, Others Left?

While trolling the web, hungry for more WAR info, I found a few posts of interest at Warhammer Alliance .  Can I just say, beforehand here - that having to go to 12 different sites to see where James is posting, because Mythic doesn't have their own forums where I know I can go and see the dev tracker, is beyond irresponsible to the community.  It's simply ridiculous.

I know many of you are frustrated that you didn't meet our requirements for these invite waves. It's nothing personal but we have to maintain certain rules in order to ensure a solid Beta experience.

In addition to system requirements we also check for press or industry relations, I know some of you have contacted me, telling me this was in error. Unfortunately we cannot prove who is or who isn't so we have to deny access to anyone who declared themselves as such. This is the most common issue for players who state they have high system specs and have not been invited (that and people who used their work pc/laptop to post their dxdiag and not their main rig). And we really appreciate your understanding.

Preview weekend isn't that far away, nor is Open Beta, or even launch for that matter.

Those of us with CE codes will just have to wait, and cry.  Mostly cry.  Read on for James' second post, and come over to our WAR forums so we can cry together !

Are you ready for WAR?

Another exciting announcement for all those waiting to get into the Warhammer Online beta:

CE Pre-Orders are being invited in multiple waves, and the first wave has just hit the shore. The servers aren't up yet but you can prepare to join the WAAAGH by getting the client now!

Remember that CE invites are still subject to eligibility, but everyone who pre-ordered the CE will get in for the Preview Weekend coming up soon!

We'll have more for you tomorrow, check back then same bat time, same bat channel.WAAAGH!!!

Click here for the complete announcement!

WAR Open Beta Soon, Preview Weekend and More!

There's just a whole lot of WAR news goodness going on today, and since I'm going out of town for a few days, be sure you submit it if you find it before our other news folks do!

First news is Mark Jacobs, who's back to starting his posts with "Folks"!  Which is always a good sign.  Over at Vault he had this to say, among other things:

Regarding the NDA lift, we hope to lift the NDA next week, one month before launch. I wish I could lift it right now but as I've said elsewhere, we need to take care of a three issues before the NDA is lifted. One has already been taken care of and I hope that by the end of next week, the other two will be taken care of as well. Once we lift the NDA I'll go into more detail as to what the issues were and why I wanted to hold things up. The remaining two issues are not earth-shattering by any means but when I explain things, I hope you'll understand why I wanted to wait another week.

Previously in the post he talked about the open beta, the preview weekend, extending the head start for CE pre-orders, and just so much other good stuff you simply can't miss it !

Also, July newsletters started going out today!  Be sure not to delete yours, since the Road To War site asks for codes that can be found in them.

We've got about a month to go before a ton of big news starts rolling in, and in the mean time you can join us on the WAR forums , or chatting in IRC!  But no news is allowed to occur while I'm out of town - or someone has to text it to me.  I simply can't be the last to know!!  Come on Sept. 18th!!

Warhammer Online Release Date and Pricing Details

"The countdown has officially begun. Mark your calendars! September 18th is the Day of Reckoning," said Mark Jacobs, founder and general manager of Mythic Entertainment. "For the last three years, the entire team at Mythic has poured their hearts into making Warhammer Online the next great MMORPG. We are so excited to open up this world and share it with the fans that will live in it, quest in it, go to war in it and make it come alive."

Fans looking forward to laying siege to their enemy's capital city will have several pricing options available, beginning with a $14.99 monthly subscription. Additionally, collectible 30- and 60-day prepaid Game Time™ Cards will be available at many game retailers. WAR subscription options include:

Monthly Subscription : $14.99 USD
3-Month Subscription : $41.97 ($13.99 per month)
6-Month Subscription : $77.94 ($12.99 per month)

Josh Drescher Talks WAR got a chance at ComicCon to sit down and chat with Mythic associate producer Josh Drescher to discuss WAR .

Stratics: What kind of trading options will there be in game? Will players be able to trade between themselves and other careers?

Josh Drescher: Ok, the answer to that is in some cases yes, and in some cases no. As most people are aware, all of our armor is very career specific, so if I'm an iron-breaker and you're an engineer we're not going to be able to trade armor and actually use it. Most of the armor options in the game *are* bound to a specific career, and then anything you get for your general sort of life-long progression as a character, any armor that is awarded you as part as a quest for example, will bind to your character when you pick it up. Any additional sort of certain PQ rewards will bind to you. It's basically because we want the armor and the items you got in the game to be a symbol of the things you've accomplished. There's certain things, even certain dyes in the game that will only be available if you've accomplished certain tasks, and we want to guarantee that if I see you in head to toe blood-red armor, I know that means you were a really bad-assed RvR player. And, that you've gotten that [armor] from certain things in the game.

Check out the whole interview here .

Video Interviews: Paul Barnett and Josh Drescher has some cool new Warhammer video interviews. Creative Director Paul Barnett gave a 45-minute impromptu talk at ComicCon. Check out the video of it here . It's long, but worth it.

WAR Developer Josh Dresher gave an exclusive interview to the folks at Stratics, and can be seen here .

Mythic States Game is Finished and Ready to Ship

Ready for Warhammer ? Your wait is over! Paul Barnett, developer at Mystic Studios, confirmed yesterday at Develop at Brighton that the game is ready, and could start shipping at any time.  I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty excited.

"The game's finished," said the developer. "It's just being polished and cooked.

"We're in a position now where every day we get to polish it it polishes a little nicer. At some point you say, ‘That's polished enough now. See you later.'"

Barnett wouldn't be drawn on a specific release date, but said he would be comfortable if the game shipped now.

"We just won Game of the Show from IGN, G4 and GameSpy from E3 and they all said the same thing: they've never seen an MMO prior to launch that's as polished and slick and ready to go as our game is. Our game looks great, feels great, plays great.

"Is it in a shippable state? Yeah, we could ship it now."


WAR Minimum System Specs

We asked about this at Comic-Con and got the obligatory "soon" answer! I've never seen it be this soon !

We will continue to optimize WAR as we move closer to launch and even beyond but these will provide you with a very accurate idea of what is needed in order to play the game.So without further adieu the minimum specs for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning:

2.5 GHz P4 (single core) processor or equivalent· 1 Gigabyte RAM
A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
At least 15 GB of hard drive space For Windows VISTA
2.5 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
2 Gigabyte RAM
A 128 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 2.0
At least 15 GB of hard drive space

Read on for supported video cards, and chipsets!