Evil in a New Form

The Doppelganger's are back !

Reports from the Frontiers indicate that the strange invaders seem to be returning, in both old and new forms. Tread cautiously in the areas of Pennine Mountains, Jamtland Mountains, and Briefine. There is a new breed of Doppelganger that roams these areas. Citizens who are interested in further information are encouraged to speak with the Scholars of the Ancient Arts in their realm's capital. These men are more commonly known as Theof Barnswallow, Mastif Tanyon, and Yahsaw Hun'y.

-The quest "Anatomy of an Ancient Foe" may now be acquired again from the Scholars of the Ancient Arts. This quest can only be completed once per character

Origins Server Update

Origins release date pushed back :

The user feedback we've received regarding the Origins server has been phenomenal. It's apparent that Camelot fans have very strong and differing feelings regarding what core features would make Old Frontiers the best it could be for the widest variety of players and play styles. We agree with the players that it is important to get this right and that we only get one chance to do so.

Initially, we had an aggressive timetable we wanted to meet in order to get this into the players hands as soon as possible. Now, looking at all the feedback and re-examining our own internal goals and objectives for this server, we realize that it's better to take a step back and take our time with Origins. What this means in practical terms is that you won't be seeing Origins in the original Aug.-Sept. timeframe. When we are happier with the overall design and functionality, we will begin talking about a launch date. Until then, we thank everyone for participating during this phase of the Origins project.

The West Coast Grab Bag

It's Grab Bag time over on the Camelot Herald !

Q. My brother and I have been arguing over which mythirian would work best for my Vampiir. I voted for the Greater Health Mythirian, but my friends and brother are saying that the Greater Health Mythirian does not affect the person it is bound to during combat, or if the person is under a Damage Over Time spell. So my question is: How does the Greater Health Mythirian work? Does it affect people during combat? If so, (for example) if I had 3000 hits, how long would it take for the Greater Health Mythirian to get me to 100%?

A. Diving into the world of mythirians the Equalizer had this to say: The Greater Mythirian of Health provides the player with a 50% bonus to their natural Health Regeneration rate. A player normally regenerates hit points twice as fast when they are out of combat as they do when they are in combat. This Mythirian increases both regeneration rates by 50%, meaning that it will take two-thirds as long to regenerate the same amount of health, both in and out of combat. However, this means that when your character has a disease or a Damage over Time spell that negate or reduce the amount of health you regenerate over time, this Mythirian will not appear to have any effect on your character.

Apocalypse Hot Fix

Quick 'lil hot fix today:

- (Albion) Apocalypse will now drop loot properly again.

The Grab Bag

Its Q&A time over on the Camelot Herald, this week several of the team leaders try their hand with some of the A's, check it out :

Q. I just read the news on the Herald about closing the Ghost Keep Event. While from one side I'm not that happy (because it was a nice event and a useful addition), I was just wondering: "Who will now recharge the Ring of Undead Quickening and the Ghostly Medal of Honor?" Once they run out of charges, we can throw them away? (Well, not the Necklace, of course!).

A. Our fair Lady of the Jewels did some quick checking to make sure: The Ghostly Medal of Honor can be recharged at any of the Recharger NPCs throughout the realm. The Ring of Undead Quickening however will no longer be able to be recharged once the event has ended. You never know though, someday the boundary of the spirit world may weaken once again and the Ghostly Keep Lords may return.

Q. I have a Level 49 Nightshade and have noticed that I have trouble putting a Level 47 poison on my left handed weapon, yet I can put it on my primary weapon with no issues. I am dragging the poisons right up and onto the weapon from within my inventory. Why can’t I place this poison on my secondary, left handed weapon?

A. The evil Nightshade Team Lead Demonikeen says: You must have +envenom on your offhand weapon. This is an Assassin no-no. When poisoning your offhand, it un-equips it right before applying the poison. So during the time when it's supposed to be applying the poison to your offhand weapon, your envenom skill is not high enough.

Play on Gaheris Week!

Its a festival of fun over on the Gaheris server this weekend, check out the planned events :

After the overwhelming support for the Play on Gaheris weekends and all the wonderful new players that have come to play on Gaheris. Aquilonia and Marrian are hosting a Play on Gaheris Week from July 20th - 27th . They will be hosting a week full of fun, games and of course RAIDS!

Who: Everyone, Veterans and New Players!
What: Come see what Gaheris has to offer and the uniqueness of the PvE server. Enjoy raiding areas that you haven't visited in years.
Where: Gaheris (PvE Server)
When: A week long event that begins July 20th and runs until July 27th
Why: To see the game from a fresh point of view, and just have a good time.
How: Load up Dark Ages and either start a new character, dust off a character you forgot about, or play with ones already on Gaheris.

The events are planned for new and veteran players to the Gaheris Server. We will be hosting different events every night of the week for all levels of players. New players are encouraged to come on over and roll characters anytime between now and then; contact any member of Blue Knights to get ahold of Amy or Marrian to get Aurulite to get you started. All times are Eastern.

Here's Your Grab Bag

It's Grab Bag time over on the Camelot Herald , check out this weeks edition below!

Q. Thanks for the housing fixes; they have been long awaited for. I know you sensed a "but" in that first sentence so here it is:

I have three accounts because my sons and I all play. So I had the opportunity to upgrade 3 houses. On the first house all went well except I was forced to buy a new porch as the porch went away after I upgraded. I thought that perhaps I made a mistake so when I did my second house I made sure that I followed the instructions that I pulled off the Herald knowledge base; verbatim. Alas the same result. So going out on a limb for the third house I bought a porch demolition deed to see if it would give me the porch deed to re-apply later. The porch was demolished but no token to put it back so I had to spend 500 Gold on another porch.

Did do something wrong or is this an oversight?

A. After a few moments of checking into this, The Bearded Wonder shook his head: No you don't get a porch back if you upgrade the house. You must re-buy the porch and place it on the new upgraded house.

Q. I just spent the last 6 hours looking for Dasyatis, a stingray supposedly at location 63k, 60k in Mesothalassa with no luck. I'm curious if this mob is still around and if so, any idea if I'm in the right area?

A. Swimming through the oceans of Atlantis the Lady of the Jewels found this out for you: Dasyatis does indeed live in that area of Mesothalassa. To make him appear, however, you may need to kill deep-chasm rays and deep-chasm barracuda's around that location. This will give Dasyatis a chance to show himself if he is not already up.

Billing and Tech Closed Tomorrow

DAoC's billing and tech depts. are closed for tomorrow's holiday:
Our Billing and Technical Support department will be closed tomorrow so they can spend time away from the phones and enjoy the July 4th holiday. They will return to their desks on Monday at 11:00am EDT.

As always our In-Game Support guys and gals will be at their desks, diligently answering your appeals. Remember to offer them some kind words and maybe a light show with some fireworks!

Holiday Weekend Bonuses!

Is it the weekend yet? Well not quite, but we figured that we would give you a jump start on the zone bonuses. What a great time to enjoy the extra realm points, bounty points and experience. Let the celebrations begin!

The following Zone Bonuses are now live:

On Classic and Normal Ruleset servers, the following bonuses have been added:
     200% bonus to XP in all classic zones and dungeons.
     200% bonus to BP in all NF zones.
     125% bonus to RP in all NF zones.

On the PVP ruleset server the following bonuses have been added:
     200% bonus to BP in all classic zones and dungeons.
     200% bonus to BP in all NF zones.
     125% bonus to RP in all classic zones and dungeons.
     125% bonus to RP in all NF zones.

On the PVE ruleset server the following bonuses have been added:
     200% bonus to XP in all classic zones and dungeons.
     200% bonus to BP in the capital cities.
     125% bonus to RP in the capital cities.

Please note: The bonuses above will last through Monday 7/7/08.

The Grab Bag!

It's Grab Bag Time! Check out this weeks edition:
Q. Is Quillan Muire in Muire's tomb supposed to drop any loot? It seems like he is the "boss" of the dungeon but she drops nothing different from his surrounding guards. I know he has a quest associated with her, but the other named Muires along that quest can drop items. Thanks!

A. With a quick check to the bags o’loot the Lady of the Jewels has good news for you: Quillan Muire does have a chance to drop a small amount of unique loot, but it is very rare.

Q. I have noticed that the blunt weapon given to druids by the trainer is called an "Arch Mace". But it is actually a hammer. Is it supposed to be a hammer and is mislabeled or is it a mace with the wrong graphic?

A. After a quick glance at the mace looking like a hammer, the Lady of the Jewels says you are absolutely correct: The names of these items do not seem to fit with their appearance in game. Keep an eye on future patch notes about a correction to the names of these Druid weapons. Thank you for the report!