The Grab Bag

For your reading pleasure, here is the weekly edition of the Grab Bag from the Herald:

Q. Are there any plans to update the Market Explorer searching options? As it is now, searches with more than 1 attribute does not narrow down the search but rather expand it (example: Strength and Parry will not yield items with only Strength and Parry)

A. With a strong nod and a quick glance at the burning light bulb above him the Bearded Wonder says: Yes, updating the Market Explorer is on our schedule plan and we have someone slated to work on that soon. It’s a natural follow-up to what we are doing in Housing currently in 1.94.

Q. Will we be forced to pick only 1 realm per account for the new origins server or will we be able to play all 3 realms per account?

A. I stood in line to wait for a moment to speak with the very busy Bearded Wonder: The current plan is to only allow 1 realm per account.

Devon Downtime Tomorrow

Head's up for the players on the Devon cluster:
We'll be taking the Devon cluster down tomorrow morning at 6:00am EDT for scheduled maintenance. We estimate that Devon will be back up at approximately 2:00pm EDT. Keep your eyes here on the Herald for updates!

A Jewel of a Grab Bag

It's Grab Bag time! Check out this weeks edition below:

Q. I was wondering about the flying type birds you can ride from the level 1 place where you start. I was riding one and I saw how much fun they were and the view. Are we going to be able to buy those at some point?

A. I caught the Lady of the Jewels dreaming of flying and she had this to say: You'll be happy to hear that we have plans for adding more flight travel routes in an upcoming patch. At this time, however, the possibility of player controlled flying mounts is not likely in the near future.

Q. Me and some of my guildies have a burning question that arose due to the server downtime the other day. We were wondering about those days when you take the servers down early in the morning and they don't go back up until, say, midnight that night. Are the same people working on them the entire time? It would seem like a very long day. If the same people ARE working, we just wanted to say, "Thank You!" and to tell them to get some rest today! I guess we were just curious, how does all that work?

A. I asked The Bearded Wonder who has been known to stay up at all hours when necessary: Yes, the people that begin a patch or server downtime are working on the issue the whole time to bring the servers back up as soon as possible. That can mean long hours if something crops up, but that's the job. :)

Letter From The Producer

DAoC Producer, Christopher Rabideau, has posted an informative letter concerning DAoC's next big thing, "Old Frontiers" over on the Camelot Herald. Read on to find out what goodies are in store:

Hello Dark Age of Camelot and fellow Players,

Many of you have already participated in the new server poll we have been conducting to gauge interest in what we are calling the ‘Origins’ server ruleset, also referred to as an ‘Old Frontiers’ server. I would like to thank everyone who has participated so far, as well as thank those who have provided the incredible amount of constructive feedback we have received through the Herald and through the various message forums relevant to DAoC. My team and I were pleasantly surprised by how much interest this poll has generated. The poll is still available to the public on the Herald, and we are still watching its results with great interest.

Bonuses Turned Off & Devon Downtime Tomorrow

Un-fun news from the Camelot Herald:
Additional Zone Bonuses Turned Off
The additional zone bonuses that were running have been turned off. We now return you to your regular bonus programming, already in progress.

You can see the current zone bonuses here:

Devon Downtime Tomorrow
We will be taking the Devon Cluster down tomorrow at 6:00am EDT for scheduled maintenance. We estimate Devon will return around Noon EDT. As always please keep an eye on the Herald for updates!

The Friday Grab Bag!

It's time for the weekly Q&A session over on the Camelot Herald, check out this weeks Grab Bag below:

Q. I have a question about the new patch note for housing. Owning a large house has always been a mark as a status in the game. With the new price changes a lot of people who have money invested in their homes. A question comes to mind for people like me who now have a house we paid 40 plat for it. If I upgrade once the patch goes live to the new 25 plat Mansion, will the deed to my current house sell back for the 40p I paid for it, or is it going to sell back for the new lower price? I would hope my 40p deed would still be worth the 40p it cost me to purchase.

A. I asked the Bearded Wonder this very popular question and he knew the answer right away: The deed will sell for the current market price.

Q. I have started compiling detailed feedback on quests that I get stuck on. I have suggestions for changes that could be made to quest text to make the quests easier for a new player to figure out. I'm doing it in Word. Who can I send these documents to?

A. Straight from the depths of the Quality Assurance department, The Hooded One has an e-mail address for you: Please send your bug reports to: (Please note that we investigate all issues reported, but unless we require more information, we are not able to respond to your report.)

The Leapin' Grab Bag

Friday is here and so is this weeks Grab Bag from the Camelot Herald, check out this weeks hot topics below:
Q. Does focus bonus imbued into armor affect the power cost of a spell or the resist rate of a spell?

A. The Balancinator says that the focus bonus that you can imbue will only work on a staff:  It works like the focus on your Champion reward staff.  It will "focus" your power and increase your power efficiency. It is designed to allow a player to use a player-crafted staff and still receive focus bonus. Someone attempting to imbue focus on any item except a staff should receive this message: “A focus gem can only be applied to a staff”

Dragons Turned Off

Dragons are taking a break:
An issue with the Dragons (in the classic zones) has been brought to our attention that could cause issues with the servers. Because of this, we have turned off the dragon spawns for the time being while we look into the issue further. We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll let you know as soon as we have any additional information.

1.93a is Now on Pendragon

Tutorial and Mastery of Stealth Changes are up on the Pendragon test server in todays 1.93a patch:

 - Crafting - Players may notice several new recipes in their Spellcrafting menu. These recipes were added to assist players on the Cooperative ruleset server in combining Dreaded Seals. The recipes will display for characters on all servers in the Spellcrafting line, but will not function outside of the Cooperative ruleset. For full details of the new Dreaded Seal Recipes, see the Cooperative section of the patch notes.

 - The Triumphant Minstrel Stone Shaper now has a reuse timer of 12 minutes, bringing it in line with other Dragonslayer weapons.

Valentine's Day Festivities Over

It may be over, but we'll still have our Heart-Shaped Box of impish chocolates:
As February draws to a close (yes, we know there is one more day this year), so does the festivities associated with Valentine’s Day. The merchants and quests associated with this holiday event are no longer available. Don’t fret too much though, there are more events coming down the pipe shortly… (Which is sort of a hint about the next one!)