Isle of Conquest Preview

Vaneras over at the official World of Warcraft forums just posted a nice preview of the new battleground Isle of Conquest that will be coming in the upcoming patch 3.2 Call of the Crusade. Want to find out more? Continue to read after the jump.

6/11 In-Game Fixes

Bornakk just listed off some recent hotfixes to Ulduar.

  • The Yogg-Saron encounter has received the following changes: Death Ray no longer hits players who are under the effect of Malady of the Mind, Guardians of Yogg-Saron no longer use Dominate Mind, the spawn rate of Guardians of Yogg-Saron is more forgiving, and these Guardians will no longer spawn if a player that is protected by Hodir’s Flash Freeze hits an Ominous Cloud.
  • In the opening sequence of Ulduar you can now see Liquid Pyrite from farther away.
  • The Flame Leviathan encounter has received the following changes: the bonus health Flame Leviathan receives per tower has been reduced, the ejection height from Flame Leviathan has been reduced, the snare effect of the Tower of Frost has been removed, and the cannons on Demolishers and Siege Enginers should now break Flash Frozen vehicles in 1 shot.
  • The XT-002 Deconstructor encounter has received the following changes: the health of the heart has been slightly reduced in heroic difficulty and the rate at which Gravity Lapse and Searing Light are cast has been reduced.
You can find the original post here.

Recap of ZAM's E3 Coverage

Members of the ZAM team were on the floor of the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2009 at the Los Angeles Convention Center last week to bring you all sorts of information on your favorite MMOs. You can check out all of our coverage on our E3 news feed, but we've compiled all of our noteworthy features and news posts in this post for easy access. So keep reading below and after the jump for our in-depth E3 coverage, from the unveiling of Final Fantasy XIV Online to our impressions on Star Wars: The Old Republic!

ZAM E3 Features

All Points Bulletin E3 Impressions: Andrew "Tamat" Beegle gives us a first look at All Points Bulletin, Realtime Worlds' upcoming fast-paced third-person action MMOG. While he didn't see any live gameplay, he was highly impressed with the level of depth available in character creation, as well the number of car models and in-game MP3 player.

Star Wars: The Old Republic at E3: The ZAM team had the opportunity to enjoy a private gameplay demonstration of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and everyone was amazed by what they saw. Of course, the team wasn't allowed to record footage of any of the gameplay, but Tamat did get an exclusive interview with SW:TOR Lead Writer Daniel Erickson and Lead Designer James Olhen. Check out the video!

The Potential in Heroes of Telara: Trion World Networks unveiled its new fantasy MMO at E3, and Tamat gives us his first impressions on the game. While he says it's too early to tell if Heroes of Telara will deliver on its promises, he does emphasize it's a beautiful game with some new ideas and improvements to ideas that have potential.

E3 Interview with Jens Andersen: Once you've watched the PS3 gameplay demo for DC Universe Online, check out our interview with Jens Andersen, the game's creative director.

E3 Gameplay Footage of The Agency: The ZAM team was able to get some video of a mission being played out in The Agency. Take a closer look at this espionage action game from Sony Online Entertainment.

New Ways To Travel

In the next major content patch Blizzard will be adding new ways to travel between much used locations. There will be a new zeppelin route between Thunder Bluff and Origrimmar and a portal between the Stair of Destiny at the Dark Portal and Orgrimmar and Stormwind. Also the new flightpaths at the Stairs will automatically connect to Shattrath!

You can find more info and the original post after the jump.

E3 Booth Babes

Reporters tend to get a little scatter-brained by the end of E3. In an effort to relieve some of that stress, ZAM's Andrew Beegle spent the last day at the expo performing his own time-honored tradition of courting the local talent. (Otherwise known as "Booth-Babe Stalking" to anyone who's not Andrew.) It's one of his most favored pastimes; whether he's honing his "direct-eye-contact" skills or bragging about his Greatsword of Girthful Terror with a "professional" WoW gamer, it's the glimmering light at the end of any dark expo tunnel.

As per usual, Andrew wouldn't dream of breaking tradition, as you can see in the following video from ZAM's E3 2009 coverage. Our Editor-in-Chief decides to up the ante this year and jump in the pool head-first, abandoning the usual toe-dipping. Things actually look a bit optimistic at first, when a gorgeous young booth babe asks Andy just exactly where he'd take her out, if she let him. Rather than spoiling his brilliant reply, you can pretty much sum it up with this: /facepalm.

Luckily for Andrew (and our squirming viewers), he decides to hit up Casey from the MMO Report for a little sage advice. It turns out Andrew's talent spec and primary skills were way off-base for this type of encounter; no wonder he was wiping so much! After a quick respec and some heavily-stacked Charisma points, he repairs, suits up and goes back out for one last try. Check it out after the jump!

Upcoming Mount Changes in 3.2

Zarhym just posted an extensive change list to how the mount system will be changed in the upcoming 3.2 patch. It consists of moving level requirements of the different riding skills and costs. You can find out more info about it after the jump.

Author to Sign, Discuss 'Arthas' Novel June 13

Have you read "Arthas: Rise of the Lich King" yet? As the title suggests, this novel by Christie Golden follows the life of Arthas Menthil as he embraces his dark destiny and the legendary evil of the Lich King. Well, if you're in the New York area on Saturday, you will have the opportunity to get your copy signed and listen to Golden discuss the book.

The event with Golden will be held at Book Revue in Huntington, N.Y. on June 13 at 7 p.m. According to the store's Web site, Golden will both sign and talk about her World of Warcraft novel.

Golden has written a ton of science fiction and fantasy novels, from Star Trek and Star Wars to Buffy and StarCraft. You can check out more of her work on her official Web site.

GameFuel WoW Battle-Bot Vanity Pets Available Now

Mountain Dew Game Fuel Horde Banner

Last week we reported that the prize giveaway phase of the Mtn. Dew GameFuel/Blizzard promotion had kicked off, and that the in-game Battle-Bot vanity pets (pic courtesy of MMO-Champion) would become available to US WoW subscribers later in June, as announced in an earlier press release. However, it turns out the "Battle-Bot phase" has started sooner than expected.

Earlier today, a link appeared in the lower-right corner of the official contest page, offering subscribers the ability to claim the Battle-Bot pet (presumably with an in-game or code). If you haven't made the transition of converting your WoW account into a account yet (because of all the log-in problems and downtime reported in the past), you will most likely need to. Although the login page is currently displaying that "all Blizzard Accounts have been converted into new accounts," that statement doesn't seem to apply to sole WoW accounts.

After converting your US WoW account into a new account, you should be able to claim a Battle-Bot pet without any problems. Check out more Battle-Bot details after the jump.

First of Blizzard's "Class Q&A Series" Released

You might remember a couple weeks back when Blizzard announced it would be starting an ongoing, community feedback series called "Class Q&A," in which the developers would field questions from fans submitted via the official forums. The first of the series has just been released, featuring "Shaman Q&A with Ghostcrawler and the World of Warcraft Development Team."

The new Q&A series follows the wake of increasingly voiced concerns from fans regarding whether or not Blizzard has been keeping in touch with its community as well as it could—or should—be. In what can be interpreted as an answer to that call, Blizzard offers the first of the ongoing Q&A series, highlighting the Shaman class.

League of Legends at E3

League of Legends is a game that we've been watching closely because of its fun, session based, competitive gameplay that keeps players engaged via rich community features and persistent MMORPG elements. The gameplay is similar to the famous Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients (DotA), only LoL has much more depth. To that point, League of Legends takes the training wheels off DotA.

In our recent interview with League of Legends Director of Systems Design, Tom Cadwell, a name you may recognize because of his work on Warcraft III and World of Warcraft, he said "... we are adding multiplayer matchmaking, the summoner system (which is a persistent advancement system but with more depth than COD 4 or TF2 unlocks), and optimized controls and engine built specifically for this type of game.  We feel that DotA revealed an incredible new game genre, and we are trying to take this genre to the next level in as many ways as we can." At the League of Legends E3 party we had the opportunity to fully explore the game, it's clear they're headed in the right direction.

During our time hanging out with the Riot Games team we had the chance to snag Lead Creative Designer, Shawn Carnes to talk about the game. After the interview I challenged him to a quick match of something we like to call "Bowling for Beta Keys" and as fate would have it, we won! Because of that victory, the first ten comments get access to the extremely closed League of Legends beta. Special thanks to our friends over at Riot Games for the great party and the extra beta keys to hand out. Good luck and enjoy our E3 League of Legends coverage!