Druid Q&A: Shifting Costs May be Free in Future

The Druid Q&A has been released, and Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has answered questions on a variety of topics. For example, he says the team wants to improve the Balance spell rotation and they don't think Moonkins are "quite there yet" in terms of PvP; bears are not inferior tanks, and "it's possible their survivability is too high in 3.2"; and in the future, the team would love to give up shapeshifting costs completely so Druids aren't stuck in one form all the time, such as Tree of Life.

Ghostcrawler emphasizes numerous times in the Q&A that the team wants players to shift more. He also says the team has plans to update the art for additional forms, such as travel and aquatic, "at some point in the future."

You can discuss Ghostcrawler's answers in this thread in our Druid forum. The full Q&A can be found below.

Blizzard Calls For More Patch 3.2 Questions

In a post on its official forums yesterday, Blizzard poster Zarhym created a thread called "Coliseum & Isle of Conquest Questions." In it, Zarhym calls for player "follow-up" questions about the upcoming patch 3.2, which is currently underway on the PTR. "Now that players have had a chance to digest a good deal of the information we've released about patch 3.2.0, Call of the Crusade," he writes, "we're asking for any follow-up questions you may have about the major PvE and PvP features coming.

Whether you have been following every bit of text that's been released about the Crusaders' Coliseum and Isle of Conquest, have been on the test realms every day testing whatever bits of new content you can, or have just taken a cursory look at our announcements, we'd love to hear from you."

If you've been keeping tabs on Blizzard's trends, you might be familiar with its new-and-improved focus on developer-customer interaction. Considering the developers are now regularly fielding class questions via the official forums, I suppose it's no surprise that they would extend the courtesy to upcoming patches or new content as well. If you've got questions or problems with the upcoming "Call of the Crusade," this is your chance to speak up.

New Season 7 Armor Set Models Found in PTR

Almost a couple weeks after we reported the official Teir 9 Armor Set designs previewed by Blizzard, the new Season 7 Armor Set models were discovered in the newest patch 3.2 PTR build by MMO-Champion (thanks to its famous data-mining skills). This is the second incarnation of the armor sets we've seen so far, so the site is calling it "preview #2."

Some of the details of the armor models aren't completely finished yet, like the Mage's shoulders and Hunter's helm. But it still gives you the most complete look at the upcoming armor sets currently available, which was met by mixed reaction by fans (the armor sets are said to have an unusually-conformed look).

"Ozzy Appearing at BlizzCon" Rumor Circulating

A tipster over at WoW.com sent in this link from Zakk Wylde's Twitter account, insinuating that Ozzy Osbourne might be making a musical appearance at BlizzCon 2009 this August. "I'm doing Blizzcon with him in August and supposed to finish up the cd in September," Wylde writes in his Twitter post, referring to Osbourne. "This is news to me."

Granted, it's just a Twitter post (from Zakk Wylde, no less). But throughout the last year we've begun to see lots of rumors leak out via Twitter before any other news outlet, many of which have been true. The rumor comes shortly after WoW.com confirmed from an unknown source that veteran BlizzCon host and actor Jay Mohr will be returning to host this year's BlizzCon.

Chinese Guild "Stars" Scores First Yogg +0 Kill

While this might be old news to many hardcore raiding members of the community, on July 8th, 2009, at 4:12 AM (China Local Time), a Chinese World of Warcraft Guild, "Stars," managed to score a world first Yogg-Saron +0 kill. The kill came after many many attempts, and they finally managed to down the final challenge in World of Warcraft that was considered to be impossible by many top raiding guilds. MMOSite.com has a video of Stars' world first kill, as well as a speech they gave to the raiding community. In particular, they aim a very pointed comment at Blizzard when they say "Hopefully there won't be another one-week-delay for the next patch so we can compete with best guilds in the world on every boss rather than those hardest ones only." So congratulations to Stars for beating the game, and hopefully you'll be able to legitimately compete for your next batch of World Firsts!

You can check out the kill video and a screenshot of their damage meters / raid composition over at MMOSite.com.

WoW TCG Battlegrounds Gets Achievements System

If you've ever playered the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game at your local hobby store, you may be familiar with the Battlegrounds program. Basically, you compete to become the store's Battleground Master and win prizes, such as Extended Art promo cards and an exclusive playmat. Well, Upper Deck just announced today they're adding an Achievements system to the TCG Battlegrounds program.

Much like in-game achievements, this new system gives you a list of tasks to complete every kit cycle, which lasts four weeks. You'll get new achievements to complete every kit cycle, such as "play 5 games" or "win a game with each of the five horde races." For every 200 points you earn, you'll get a Badge of Justice and an ally token.

You can read the full announcement regarding the TCG Achievements system below.

Blizzard, PopCap Team Up for Peggle: WoW Edition

In case you missed it, Blizzard and PopCap Games have teamed up to announce the release of Peggle: World of Warcraft edition. This stand-alone version of Peggle includes 10 WoW-themed levels with backgrounds by Blizzard artists. You can download the game for free from PopCap's Web site.

If you'd like to play Bejeweled or Peggle in-game, you can download the add-ons from this page on PopCap's site. More information on the WoW Peggle edition can be found below.

Trial of the Champion (5-Man) Opened on PTR

Daelo just made a post in the PTR forums here stating that they have opened the new 5-man dungeon Trial of the Champion for testing. So hurry up get on the PTR and check it out, it's located at the Argent Tournament Grounds in Icecrown.

More Isle of Conquest Changes Announced

Zarhym has updated the running list of changes that have been made to Isle of Conquest on the test realm. While some of the changes may appear in today's build, others will have to wait until the next build goes live. In addition to bug fixes, the changes include a new powerful AoE attack to the Generals and bonus honor for destroying a gate. Also, the starting reinforcement count has been decreased from 400 to 300.

You can read the full list of changes after the jump.

Class Q&A Series Discusses Paladins

The newest class Q&A with Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street has been released, and this one focuses on Paladins. Ghostcrawler covers numerous topics in the interview, from MP5 to librams.

Ghostcrawler says that MP5 has not been as valuable to Paladins as other stats, but the team doesn't want the class to view it as a junk stat once it's buffed in 3.2. He said Retribution DPS is too low in PvE in 3.1 and will be buffed in the next patch with the new Seal of Vengeance/Corruption. The team hopes to introduce a stand-alone interrupt ability for Paladins, but only after their burst damage is under control.

Ghostcrawler ended the interview by saying the team would like to add librams as a physical aesthetic for Paladins to carry around, but it's a "big task to put on the art team though so we would want to make sure we do it right." He said the same answer would apply to Shaman totems and Hunter quivers. You can read the full Q&A below.