Mobile Authenticator Now Available for More Phones

According to a news post on the official World of Warcraft site, the Mobile Authenticator is now available for more than just the iPhone or iPod touch. AT&T, Cellular One and Sprint users can now download the application on brands such as Blackberry, LG, Motorola, Nokia and others. T-Mobile and Verizon do not appear to be on the list of compatible providers at this time.

While iPhone and iPod touch owners can download the Mobile Authenticator for free, it's going to cost everyone else 99 cents. For those who don't know, the authenticator generates a one-time password to be used in addition to your regular username and password for extra security. For more information, check out the FAQ or read the full post after the jump.

You can discuss the application in this thread in our general forum.

Group Nears Approval for WoW in China

According to an article by incgamers, the General Administration of Press and Publication has almost completed its content checks into World of Warcraft in China, although it has not announced approval yet for NetEase's licensed version of the game. GAPP, the group in charge of authorizing WoW in China, has found some violent content that needs to be changed, but this apparently is not difficult to fix.

WoW has been unavailable in China since June when Blizzard gave NetEase the rights to operate the game after the contract with The9 expired. With the GAPP's approval seemingly forthcoming, it looks like WoW will return to Chinese players soon.

Paid Character Transfer Cooldown Reduced to 3 Days

It used to be that you could only pay to have your character transferred to a different server once every 30 days, but that time limit has now been drastically reduced. According to a post made today by Eyonix, the cooldown for the Paid Character Transfer service has been slashed down to three days. "This should prove particularly beneficial to players who move to a realm they don't enjoy and wish to quickly move to a brand-new realm," the Blizzard poster said.

The change has also been reflected in the Paid Character Transfer FAQ: "An individual character may only be transferred once every 3 days." So while you'll be able to change your server quickly, keep in mind that each transfer costs $25.

What do you think of the change? Are you more likely to use the service knowing you're not going to be stuck on a new server for 30 days, or do you think the cooldown is now too short?

Goblins, Worgens New Playable Races?

Datamining of patch 3.2 has revealed that four new Halloween masks have been added to the game, and they are for male and female goblins and worgens. While this may simply mean Blizzard is trying to spice up the holiday, others users think it means something more. Handclaw over at Scrolls of Lore suggested it means they'll be the new playable races for the expansion, and Boubouille of MMO-Champion stated it with almost certainty. Check out the above images from MMO-Champion and see what you think.

Shojindo started a thread on the topic in our general forum and it's already full of opinions. Our very own fewyn chimed in on the discussion and said both races seemed highly plausible to him. So what do you think? Is Blizzard giving us a hint of things to come, or are they just some new masks?

The MMO Report: Thursday, July 16th

In this week's MMO Report, our pal Casey Schreiner talks about Champions Online's PvP system, another EVE Online bank going under, and Star Wars: The Old Republic record breaking voice acting. But there are other reasons for you to watch this episode. *Spoiler Alert* They finally clone Casey!

The latest episode is available in its entirety after the jump.

MMO-Champion Previews Full Tier 9 Armor Set Models

As Anobix pointed out in our general forum, Boubouille of MMO-Champion has posted a preview of the full Tier 9 armor set models datamined from the PTR. You can check out both the Horde and Alliance sets on the site.

It seems the biggest complaint from most of our readers is that the gear looks too similar for each class. What do you think? Is the uniform look growing on you, or are you not looking forward to matching the rest of your guild?

Dungeon Testing Set for Tonight

Lord Jaraxxus may have been cancelled last night due to PTR issues, but the rest of the raid and dungeon testing schedule is still set to continue as planned tonight and tomorrow on the U.S. and European PTR realms. Here's the full schedule from Daelo's post. You can find more information after the jump.

Northrend Beasts - Friday Night, July 17, starting at 7pm EDT. Normal and Heroic.
Faction Champions - Friday Night, July 17, starting at 7pm EDT. Normal and Heroic.

On the European test realms:
Val'kyr - Friday Night, July 17, starting at 19:00 CEST. Normal and Heroic.
Lord Jaraxxus - Friday Night, July 17, starting at 19:00 CEST. Normal and Heroic.
Anub'arak- Saturday Night, July 18, starting at 19:00 CEST. Normal and Heroic.

Blizzard Accused of Illegal Joint Venture in China

According to an article on MMOsite, Blizzard is suspected of entering an illegal joint venture with NetEase when it gave the company the rights to operate World of Warcraft in China after the contract with The9 expired. It appears the Shanghai News and Publication Bureau has been assigned to investigate the issue to see if Blizzard is violating Chinese regulations.

The article states that under Chinese law, foreign enterprises are not allowed to operate online games in the Chinese market in the form of a wholly owned company or a joint venture. Apparently there are concerns over how NetEase obtained the operating rights for WoW — the article says NetEase paid a high revenue share to Blizzard, which will quadruple the gains of Blizzard compared to the gains obtained from cooperating with The9.

The author of the article suspects the approval of the transition of the operating rights will be suspended before the investigation is completed. We'll have to wait and see what the future has in store for WoW in China.

Warrior Q&A: Rage Generation Needs Solution

The class Q&A series continues to move forward, and this time Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street is answering questions about Warriors. He starts off by saying Warriors are tricky to balance due to the way rage converts to damage, and they "haven’t completely nailed that design just yet." The team will be looking at Arms and Fury in the future as they try to decide on some differences between the two trees.

Ghostcrawler said they'd eventually like to get rid of the penalties associated with being in different stances so, for example, PvPers aren't in Defensive Stance all the time. The team felt Warrior DPS was too high in Naxx and a little low in early Ulduar, but right now it's in a "pretty good place." Warriors will be getting a small damage buff in 3.2.

He also said the team needs a better solution to rage generation, although this is a long-term goal. "When your gear sucks, you have rage problems. When you have great gear, you are no longer limited by rage. That’s just not a great model," he said. In 3.2, Shield Specialization will provide rage on a dodge, block or parry in order to help with this problem.

"We do think warriors have too much downtime when leveling," Ghostcrawler said. "Healing may not be the solution to that, but we think it needs a solution." You can read the full Q&A below and discuss it in this thread in our general forum.

New App Lets Players Access Armory from iPhone

If you've ever wanted the ability to check out the Armory from your iPhone or iPod Touch, you now have the option to download just such an application from the iTunes app store for free. The World of Warcraft Mobile Armory allows you to view characters, items, guilds and Arena teams, access your in-game calendar and even play with a talent calculator.

You can download the app or view a video if it in action on the iPhone page of the Armory site. You can discuss it in this thread in our general forum. So will you be downloading it?