Hotfixes Include HoT, Hot Streak Changes

Crygil has posted a handful of recent in-game fixes that were applied over two different days. They include fixes to the Isle of Conquest battleground, Alchemist transmutes in raids, and Prayer of Mending for priests. You can read the list of fixes after the jump.

There's also two noteworthy hotfixes that were discussed in detail in other threads. Heal over time spells now trigger HoT-related effects, even when the target has full health. Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street talked about this change in a thread about Val'anyr: "This means that effects that were able to proc from HoT ticks that did some healing can now also proc from HoT ticks that overheal completely. The most notable such effect is that Val'anyr's absorb shield should now work as advertised."

Also, Crygil made a long post about changes to Hot Streak for mages. Here's the final result: "Hot Streak triggers exactly as stated in its tooltip: '2 non-periodic spell criticals in a row using Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, Living Bomb, or Frostfire Bolt.' Only non-periodic damage interacts with it, and only those spells listed. Periodics do not affect the streak in any way. Direct damage from the listed spells always count, for or against the streak."

DirecTV Info Confirms Ozzy will Appear at BlizzCon

Rumors have been floating around that Ozzy Osbourne will be performing at BlizzCon. Well, now it's official. noticed the program details for BlizzCon on the DirecTV Pay Per View site say Ozzy will be making a special appearance at the convention. While an appearance doesn't necessarily mean Ozzy will perform, the previous rumors on Blabbermouth and Zakk Wylde's Twitter both suggested Ozzy will play.

Whether you like the Prince of Darkness or not, BlizzCon will be filled with all sorts of news and announcements. You can find out how to order either the DirecTV footage or the Internet stream in our preview guide to BlizzCon. Also, keep an eye out for our coverage on during the event.

Kill 10 Rats: The Modern MMO Paradigm

Have you ever wondered what the modern MMO landscape might look like if the forerunners of the genre had been different? The multiplayer text-based games, MUDs, of the late 80s and early 90s ran on pre-Internet, dial-up networks called Bulletin Board Systems, or BBSs. These games helped to pave the way for early-generation MMOGs like Neverwinter Nights; the first MMOG to feature graphics instead of a text-only or ASCII art interface.

Next came the classics; the pioneers of the MMO industry like The Realm, Ultima Online and Everquest. But it wasn't until World of Warcraft that MMORPGs truly went mainstream, breaking down the walls that separated RPG fans and PC gamers. Both Everquest and WoW changed many gamers' preconceptions about the role-playing genre. They exemplified a new breed of MMORPGs that didn't rely so much on turn-based combat, text-heavy interaction and many other inherent staples of traditional RPGs.

When I see the products that consistently rise to the top in today's lineup, it makes me wonder if the modern "mold" of MMOs is cured to a rock-hard standard, or if we might still see an innovative change in the mainstream market. Also inspired by an editorial I stumbled upon recently; Colin "Seraphina" Brennan's "All hail the modern MMO gamer—a twitchy, frothy mess," I'm more curious about the current MMORPG paradigm than ever. Will players embrace unfamiliar MMO concepts, or are we stuck in a market that will only produce viable games if they follow tried-and-true designs?

20,000 BlizzCon Tickets Sold In Eight Minutes

According to, Blizzard announced during a conference call with investors that they had sold 20,000 BlizzCon tickets within eight minutes of their release. Fans purchasing these hefty $125 tickets can expect to hear more about Diablo III that's currently in development, and perhaps (we're all hoping) hear about Blizzard's newest MMORPG. This year's BlizzCon World of Warcraft tournament also features one of the closest matchups in recent history, with each country (Taiwan, Europe, North America and Korea) having at least one or two very strong teams. Keep an eye out for guys like SK Gaming USA (the winners of the past two tournaments), Button Bashers (formerly HoN of Korea), Shipit (new up and comers in the Korean tournament scene) and Woah (with no tournament wins, but is expected to do well).

You can also check out WaxPaper's excellent BlizzCon guide over here!

List of In-Game Fixes for Patch 3.2 Released

The first list of recent in-game fixes to follow the launch of patch 3.2 has been released, although they all might not be active until today's maintenance is complete.

The weapon damage and armor of items in the 5-man heroic Coliseum have been updated to match their levels, and epic gem recipes are now available from Aldor and Scryer vendors in Shattrath. You can check out all nine fixes after the jump.

Rumors Continue that Ozzy will Play BlizzCon

Last month, a rumor began circulating from a Twitter comment made by Zakk Wylde that Ozzy Osbourne will be performing at BlizzCon. Well, noticed a second rumor has begun to circulate through a post on Roadrunner Records' site. According to the article, guitarist Gus G. of the band Firewind has been tapped to play with Ozzy at BlizzCon.

Ozzy told Classic Rock magazine in June he was looking for a new guitarist to replace Wylde, although Wylde said in an interview with a radio station on July 29 he's never even gotten a phone call from Ozzy about being replaced.

So will Ozzy be at BlizzCon? The Blabbermouth article emphasizes "this information has not yet been corroborated by anyone in the Osbourne camp and should be treated as a rumor only." So only time will tell to see if this actually happens. Members of the ZAM team will be on the floor at BlizzCon, so we'll be sure to keep an eye out for the Prince of Darkness. Upgrades Push StarCraft II to 2010

According to an announcement made today by Blizzard, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will not be ready to launch by the end of 2009, but should be released in the first half of 2010. While this may not technically be MMO news, we know Blizzard fans may be interested in the update, especially with BlizzCon right around the corner. Also, it looks like work on the new is causing the delay.

According to the post, "it has become clear that it will take longer than expected to prepare the new for the launch of the game. The upgraded is an integral part of the StarCraft II experience and will be an essential part of all of our games moving forward."

Thanks to Ialaman for pointing this out in our World of Warcraft general forum. You can read the full announcement below.

Call of Crusade Trailer Available for Download

As we all know, patch 3.2, Call of the Crusade, is now live. I'm sure you've already logged in to see what 3.2 has to offer, or at least read the patch notes. But have you check out the new trailer?

Since this is a content update and not an expansion, don't expect to see an opening cinematic. Instead, you'll see in-game footage of massive dungeon fights and the Isle of Conquest battleground. If you'd rather see it in HD, you can download it for PC and Mac from the official site.

n00bCraft [003]

Here's a the comic for the week to enjoy on this wonderful patch day. You can view it after the jump.

PvP Realm Restriction Removed

In an exciting change to PvP Realm players, you can now have both Horde and Alliance characters on all PvP Realms.

You can read the original post after the jump.