Hotfix Adds Abyssal Shatter Enchanting Recipe

According to Bornakk, the enchanting recipe Abyssal Shatter has been hotfixed into the game and is now available on enchanting trainers. Abyssal Shatter uses a Runed Eternium Rod to disenchant an Abyss Crystal into Greater Cosmic Essence or Infinite Dust. If the recipe's still not showing up on your server, Bornakk reminds players to "keep in mind that some of these changes may not be active until after the realm has been restarted."

In addition, "diminishing returns have once again been applied to taunt abilities as intended." You can view all hotfixes for September in this thread on the official forums.

FigurePets Series 2 Now Available Through Oct. 31

FigurePrints, the company that can create custom statues of your World of Warcraft characters, is now offering its second series of FigurePets through Oct. 31. You can buy Sleepy Willy, Egbert and Snarly as a full set for $74.85 or individually for $29.95 each. According to the Web site, "if you order now your account will be credited with a 10% discount on your next purchase of a regularly priced FigurePrints statue."

Once Halloween hits, these pets in these poses will never be manufactured again. You can view past FigurePets in the site's archive. Have any of you purchased a FigurePrint statue of one of your characters?

Two Days Added to Brewfest, Will Now End Oct. 5

According to Bornakk, Brewfest has been extended for two days and will now end on Oct. 5 at 11:59 p.m. Bornakk said the extension has been implemented "to give everyone enough time to truly experience this event" and due to some "fine tuning on the part of the event organizers."

Nethaera stated later in the thread that the extention is just for this year, so don't expect every Brewfest to be two days longer. Enjoy the additional days of entertainment!

Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls Preview

Blizzard has posted a preview of the Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls five-player dungeon that's coming in patch 3.3. Alliance players will assist Jaina Proudmoore while Horde characters will fight alongside Sylvanas Windrunner through three wings of the citadel. Since this is an epic quest line, the group will need to defeat each wing before moving onto the next one. Each wing will actually be considered a separate instance, so they'll have separate lockout timers in Heroic difficulty.

The three wings are the Forge of Souls, the Pit of Saron and the Halls of Reflection. The preview lists seven bosses, ultimately ending with the Lich King. Rewards that are item level 219 and 232 will drop in the dungeon. More information can be found after the jump.

Blizzard Revamps Site, Unveils YouTube Channel

Bornakk announced on the official forums today that the Blizzard Entertainment Web site has been redesigned. The games section has been updated with information and the company's current projects and previously released games, while the community section contains links to the Blizzard Insider newsletter, BlizzCasts, contests and fan art. You can even check out the company page for the company's profile and career opportunities.

In a separate post, Bornakk points players toward Blizzard's new YouTube channel. It currently contains numerous cinematics, gameplay trailers and in-game movies, and will continue to be updated in the weeks ahead. Toss in and the recently released Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo Twitter pages and Blizzard fans have a lot to keep them busy when they're not in-game.

Win a Tankard O'Terror in Brewfest Contest

If you're a fan of World of Warcraft steins, you may already know that 3 Point Entertainment is selling a real-life replica of the Brewfest Tankard O' Terror, which will be available in November. The massive tankard stands 9 3/4" high, weighs four pounds and can hold nearly two liters. Blizzard is currently offering five players the chance to win one of these steins, and all you need to do is submit a Brewfest screenshot.

Blizzard is looking for your "best, funniest, and most amazing" screenshots. You have until noon PDT on Oct. 9 to send them in, so keep an eye out for that perfect shot as you enjoy the festivities. You can read the full rules here. Do any of you own a Warcraft stein?

Vanish Change Coming in Patch 3.3

It looks like Rogues may have something to look forward to in patch 3.3. According to Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street, "We have a change for Vanish in place for 3.3. You will get to try it out soon (tm)." He did warn players, however, that Rogues may receive some sort of nerf elsewhere if the Vanish change provides too significant a buff to the class.

Slorkuz quoted Ghostcrawler in a separate thread on the topic. "We have seen quite a bit of feedback regarding this ability for a while now, and wanted to give you a small heads up and let you know that we have not forgotten about you," Slorkus said.

PC Gamer UK Reveals New Cataclysm Details

The newest edition of PC Gamer UK contains some new Cataclysm information that Editor Tim Edwards was able to pry from Blizzard when he took a trip to the company's headquarters after BlizzCon. has outlined the new details from the article, which covers the Goblin and Worgen starting zones, the four new raids, and what's happening with the Horde.

If you don't mind reading some spoilers, the main information from the article can be found after the jump. If you'd rather be surprised, don't click that "more" link. You can read the full article by purchasing the newest issue of PC Gamer UK or get more information by listening to this PC Gamer podcast.

Riding Skill Fee Significantly Reduced in 3.2.2a

It's not often that WoW players figure out a major patch change before a developer, but that seems to be exactly the case according to a post on the official Blizzard forums last night [via]. Around the same time, Blizzard forum rep "Mumper" confirmed that the Expert Riding Skill has been reduced to a measly 225 gold in patch 3.2.2a, down from the previous 600 gold in patch 3.2.0. "We also changed the faction discounts for the riding skill vendors in Honor Hold and Thrallmar to use Stormwind and Orgrimmar faction," Mumper said in the post.

The new cost of 225 gold is a further reduction from an original price of 800 gold, making it easier than ever for players to get their first flying mount. There's no word yet whether or not the cost of other riding skills will be further be reduced from their current prices, but if the current trend continues, we might not be surprised to see dirt-cheap epic flying by the time Cataclysm launches. Mumper's full post can be found after the jump.

Ghostcrawler Takes a Step Back From WoW Forums

Love him or hate him, Greg Street, a.k.a. "Ghostcrawler," is taking an indefinite hiatus from the official World of Warcraft player forums, according to a post pointed out by ZAM Sage "ekaterinodar" earlier today. The lead game designer for Blizzard Entertainment—who has his own Wikipedia entry—became an unintended and unofficial mascot for the company in the eyes of many forum and community members throughout the past year, when Blizzard revved up its community interaction after Wrath of the Lich King launched.

Controversy and "QQ" followed in the wake of many of his posts; even his most benign musings fueled debate and speculation about WoW gameplay issues and news, which might be the main reason why he's stepping out of the limelight. Ironically, reporting on single forum posts like this is a perfect example of what he means when he's said he doesn't want players and the media reading too much into his posts. Regardless, here is the complete post, which indicates he might not have as much of a forum presence as fans are used to seeing anymore:

I always said that when my posting was doing more harm than good that maybe it was time to stop. I think I'll at least chill it out a little. I will continue to read the forums though. If you want to make sure the WoW developer see your feedback, this is still a good place to post.

What do you think of Ghostcrawler's upcoming departure? Talk about it in the ZAM forums at the original post from earlier today.