Tier-10 Armor Sneak Preview

Zarhym over on the official forums posted that they have released a preview of the new Tier 10 models for Death Knights, Druids, Hunters, and Warriors. You can view them here or after the jump.

Ghostcrawler: Team May Change Haste for DoT, HoTs

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street just made a post on the officials forums stating that Blizzard is "trying to make haste a slightly more attractive stat for classes that utilize a lot of damage or healing over time spells," including Shadow priests, warlocks and Resto druids. The team may make specific HoT and DoT spells tick faster with more Haste, which would mean more damage or heals over time. The trade-off would be that you'd have to refresh the spells more often.

In order to test out the concept first, the team is planning to introduce it through glyphs. You may see new glyphs for Shadow Word: Pain, Corruption and Rejuvenation pop onto the PTR for patch 3.3 "that would allow these spells to tick faster with the more haste you have." Ghostcrawler emphasizes, however, that these are not promises. You may see some or all of the glyphs on the PTR, or you may not. He just wanted to get the idea out there so players can supply feedback.

You can read the full post after the jump. Although it may not be implemented, what do you think of the concept?

Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Throne Raid Preview

About a week ago, Blizzard posted a preview of the Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls five-player dungeon that's coming in patch 3.3. Well, a preview of The Frozen Throne raid dungeon has just been added to the official European Web site, and it looks like you'll be joining "Highlord Tirion Fordring, High Overlord Saurfang, Muradin Bronzebeard, Highlord Darion Mograine, and King Varian Wrynn in an epic battle against the Scourge and their master."

The Frozen Throne will feature 10- and 25-player versions of the Icecrown Citadel raid, and each version will have 12 encounters. Players will be able to "toggle easily" between normal and Heroic mode for each encounter using a new interface feature. Rewards will reach item level 277 in the 25-player Heroic mode.

As the title suggests, the raid will culminate with players ascending to the Frozen Throne to fight the Lich King. You can read all the details after the jump.

Texas Hosts WoW TCG, Minis World Championships

The World of Warcraft Trading Card Game and Miniatures World Championships will be held this weekend from Oct. 9-11 at the Austin Convention Center in Texas. More than $300,000 in cash and prizes are up for grabs at the event, including $50,000 for the winner of the TCG tournament. The player who takes home the TCG title will also have his or her WoW character made into a hero or ally card and get a Spectral Tiger loot card. All players who participate in either tournament will receive a Thunderhead Hippogryph loot card.

If you're not qualified for the TCG world championship tournament, there are still reasons to attend the event. First of all, the miniatures tourney is actually open to all players. If you win on Friday, you'll move ahead to compete against the top finishers from the continental and national championships. In addition, the Darkmoon Faire will be held at the same time. Austin was the first city to host the Faire in 2007, so it's come full circle.

More information about the world championships, including travel and registration information, can be found on Upper Deck's Web site and after the jump. Also, ZAM user Samperor recently attended the Darkmoon Faire in Amsterdam, and you can check out his thoughts on the event in our forums.

Icecrown Citadel Screenshots Available Online

On Friday, ZAM featured the "Icecrown Citadel: The Frozen Halls Preview," providing the newest info we've seen thus far about the upcoming dungeon in patch 3.3, including source material directly from Blizzard. News continues to trickle in as players explore the PTR and analyze the patch files, but we're still a ways away from seeing Icecrown Citadel in action until later in the testing phase, closer to 3.3 official launch.

In the mean time, WoW guru Boubouille at MMO-Champion rounded up an impressive assortment of interior and exterior screenshots of Icecrown Citadel that eager fans can check out. Yesterday he posted the interior screenshots, which include views from the three dungeon wings (The Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection) and the raid instance itself (Icecrown Citadel). Earlier this evening, after being asked by numerous players where the new dungeons would be located, Boubouille posted another gallery with screenshots identifying the exterior of the 5-man dungeons.

"Love is in the Air" Getting a New Boss Next Year?

Ever since WoW patch 3.3 hit the Public Test Realm last week, both documented and undocumented reports have come in on almost a daily basis. While players continue to explore patch 3.3 on the PTR, the data-mining team over at MMO-Champion has uncovered a few interesting files in the upcoming patch that might indicate substantial changes to the Valentine's Day-themed "Love is in the Air" live event, as WoW.com recently reported.

The addition of a few new spells to the game database indicates that the "Perfume" and "Cologne" holiday items, used to collect presents from NPCs, have new abilities tied to them which seemingly protect the wearer from a new and yet-to-be-discovered source. For example, check out a specific example of the "Perfume Immune" buff, or take a look at some of the new Cologne-related spells in the database. Unfortunately, that's all we know so far. As WoW.com speculates, it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to imagine that we might be seeing a new boss for the holiday event, similar to Coren Direbrew for Brewfest, or Lore Ahune for the Midsummer Fire Festival.

Are MMO Devs Selling Us Short On Live Events?

I have a confession to make. Actually, it's more of a guilty pleasure. I love MMO holidays. Those damn events get me every time. Most MMO players are familiar with them; especially World of Warcraft players. In-game holidays and live events existed in MMOs long before WoW, but Blizzard pushed the notion of celebrating real-life holidays more than most developers. In fact, one of the largest and most-popular holidays in WoW is just around the corner; "Hallow's End" is Blizzard's equivalent to Halloween, many gamers' favorite real-world time of year.

Since Wrath of the Lich King's release, Blizzard has taken what I believe to be a step in the right direction by adding a little content to its existing World of Warcraft holidays, and even adding a few new ones to its roster however small they might be, like the upcoming "Pilgrim's Bounty". But could the developers, or rather, should they be doing more? Sure, we've seen a few of our favorite WoW holidays get facelifts throughout the years, most of which came as welcome changes. For the price we're paying as subscribers—not only for WoW, but for other MMOs as well—are we entitled to more holidays and live events?

Ghostcrawler Addresses Vanish Change in PTR 3.3

Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street said on Sunday that a change to Vanish was coming in patch 3.3, but didn't provide any details. Now that patch 3.3 is on the PTR, we know what it means for rogues: "For the first second after this ability is used, neither Vanish nor Stealth can be broken by taking damage or being the victim of a hostile spell or ability."

As you can imagine, there's plenty of arguments on the official forums about whether this fix is going to make rogues overpowered or not. Dubbing it "Roguerage," Ghostcrawler popped into a thread today to explain the reasoning behind the change: "We need to make Vanish work as advertised. As I've said, if this results in a massive net buff for rogues, we will compensate in other ways. ... We just want to compensate for server lag, missile travel time and the like."

Ghostcrawler admits the one-second window may be too generous to add to Vanish, but reminded players that's why these changes are put through the testing process in the first place. What do you think about the Vanish update? Is one second too much or just right?

Dwarves, Trolls, Orcs Get New Totems in PTR 3.3

World Designer Kisirani mentioned at the end of August that shamans would be getting some new totem designs in the future. Well, it looks like totems have been updated for dwarves, trolls and orcs in PTR patch 3.3. Boubouille has posted images of them in his big 3.3 post on MMO-Champion, and you can check them out after the jump.

So shamans, what do you think of the new totem designs?

3.3 Hits the PTR

According to a post by Aratil here 3.3 has just arrived on the Public Test Realms.

You can read the patch notes after the jump.