Vindictus Launches Official Website

Great news for fans that have been eagerly awaiting some new information about Nexon's new MMORPG, Vindictus, as they've finally launched their official web site - replete with in-game action, new screenshots, concept art and downloadable wallpaper images. Readers of ZAM may also remember our exclusive GDC 2010 footage of Vindictus and how impressed we were by the game's brutality and intensity. Nexon has noted that they will also be releasing new information and multimedia on their official website as they get closer to launch.

You can also join the growing ranks of Vindictus fans on the game's Facebook page at

GDC 2010: North America's First Look at Vindictus

Gaming conferences and conventions are full of surprises. Few people know everything there is to know about the gaming industry, and those that are in the inner circle keep tight lips when learning about unannounced upcoming games. One of the biggest surprises at GDC 2010 came in the form of a previously announced but relatively unnoticed game known as Vindictus. While it’s known as Mabinogi Heroes in Korea, the North American branch of the company opted to change the title to give it a bit more separation from its predecessor, and for good reason.

The game is brutal, intense, and sexy. Intrigued yet? Want to learn more? Just keep on reading to find out exactly what Vindictus is all about and why the ZAM staff is so excited.