EQ Update #105

In this update, many TBL NPC's were either created or updated with screenshots, locations and other info.

Many recipes were updated between Drewinette and Grizabelle.

Right now I am collecting info on spells and AA's for all classes in TBL. Once I get that done, I'll go back and update the rank spell quests for TBL and build the wiki pages as well for the spells. At some point I'll input AA's either into the TBL wiki or our AA database which needs a massive cleanup =\.

I have opened a couple TBL wiki pages so folks can view what has been done so far. The augmentation page and achievements. The augmentation page has dead links for now until we get items uploaded and recipes created when those items are uploaded. That page is also missing info on where these augs are from but we'll fill in the blanks as we get the info. Our item collector developer Rswiders has been working on updating the item collector with all the changes to items. Hopefully soon we'll be able to start uploading items.

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EQ Update #104

In this update, many TBL quests/achievements were created. Also a bunch of work has been done in the TBL wiki pages to display all the info. We'll make the TBL wiki public soonish, as soon as I can fill out the other pages.

Coirnav unlocked Luclin today. For those looking for information on Luclin, check out our Luclin Progression Wiki.

For those still having trouble with the site not loading any of its graphics, we have identified the cause and will get that fixed soon.

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EQ Update #103

Yay we are on the new host now! I hope the site loads faster for everyone. We had some issues that we're ironing out.

The search box at the top right of the site isn't working at the moment, we'll get that fixed soon. For now I've installed a google search box on the front page on the right that will help you search the site.

We've been busy inputting info for The Burning Lands and I've also been busy working on development.

New comments have been caught up except for quests, we'll get those updated soon.

NPC pages now show when a NPC was added to the npc table and also shows when it was last updated. The date added will probably show zero's for NPC's added before Prophecy of Ro since that is around the time that particular column was added to the NPC table.

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EQ Update #102 and TBL Beta

In this update, many things were updated.

Beta officially opened for The Burning Lands yesterday during the live stream. We've been hard at work gathering info and entering it into the site. Here is what we know so far about the beta.

For participating in the beta, you will recieve a Djinn hat ornamentation.

The following info is from the beta forums.

  • A new luck stat was added that will randomly increase the amount of coin in your split, the amount of ciritical damage you do, your chance to succedd at a tradeskill combine. This new stat will only be on gear from TBL on later expansions and will be random when you loot it. You can also merge two of the same item with the luck stat and it will take the highest luck amount and add +1 to the highest stat if it's not already maxed out.
  • There are 6 new zones and 1 instance of Plane of Fire.
  • Access to these other zones requires completing progression. Progression starts in Stratos which is located in a rift near the Plane of Air entrance (CTRL F in PoT to find).
  • 3 tiers of group items (last tier is tradeskill), 2 tiers of raid items. Tier 1 group items can be found in Stratos and Plane of Smoke. Group items can also be found within missions in Trials of Smoke (Plane of Smoke), Aalishai, and Empyr.
  • Tier 2 items can be found on rare creatures in Mearatas, Aalishai, and Empyr. They can also be found in missions in Esianti, Plane of Fire, Chamber of Tears, and Mearatas.
  • Tier 3 items are the tradeskill items which require rare components.
  • Tier 1 raid items will be available through all of the raids. Tier 2 will be based on tradeskills and like the tier 3 group items, components will be rare.
  • New item flag, Lore Equipped. This will allow you own more than one of an item but you can only equip one of them. Rings and earrings are set to Lore Equipped.
  • 4 new evolving rare items that also have augmentations that are only specifically for it.
  • 2 new shared bank slots.
  • New merc AA's with new merc skins, new player AA's.
  • New player spells.

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EQ Update #101

In this update, new comments were caught up to yesterday.

All zone page headers across all expansions have been corrected to so the text doesn't scroll off the right of the page for non premium users viewing from mobile devices.

Item pages on lucy and allakhazam have been fixed to where they will display solvents for augmentations regardless if they have been updated by the item collector. Type 3 augments should now show their solvents because of this fix.

Also the item page on allakhazam was updated to show when an item was last updated by the item collector. Other information was edited on the item pages for both allakhazam and lucy to make it more clear what the information is for. Lucy's item page CSS was slightly changed to auto fit tables and center them, this is just a small part of a bigger project to make the information a little easier to read instead of stretching the page across the whole browser.

A bug causing Microsoft Edge browsers to freeze when clicking on input boxes on the advanced item search page has been fixed.

I will be adding in code and database changes for The Burning Lands expansion this week.

As far as the site migration goes, we'll give an update on that sometime this week. We're trying to organize the best date and time to do this.

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EQ Update #100

In this update some Halloween ornamentation items were uploaded that are replacement augs for the old container ornamentations. We have attached info to these items and gave them a screenshot (some animated) and the old container molds info was detached as marked as no longer dropped. Other Halloween items currently on the marketplace have also had info attached to them, such as price and their screenshots added (some animated) as well.

Some mounts were added to the Item Mounts wiki page and given velocity values. Other mounts on the same page also had their velocity values entered.

And just a reminder that this Wednesday Thursday, at 10pm PT (11pm MT, 12am CT, 1am ET) we will be bringing all allakhazam sites offline to move them over to our new host. Downtime hopefully shouldn't be too long and I don't have an ETA on when exactly the site will be back up but we need to make sure all the current data is backed up and moved before we bring the site back online.

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EQ Update #99

In this update, many recipes new and existing were updated by Grizabelle and Drewinette.

Also Classic and Kunark zone page header sections HTML was fixed so they can be veiwable on mobile devices without the text scrolling off the right side of the page. We'll get other pages fixed as well in other expansions.

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EQ Update #98

In this update, Drewinette and Grizabelle were busy updating and inserting new recipes.

Secrets of Faydwer is set to release on Phinigel on October 10th at 2pm PST. I have made a progression wiki page for SoF here and added in all SoF achievements which we were missing. Let me know if you would like to see other info added.

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EQ Update #97

In this update, we got the Northman Heritage Crate items sorted with info, see the quest entry for info on them.

Many other new items to the site were uploaded as well since we got some back behind the scenes scripts working again that transfers items from lucy to allakhazam. We'll get info on those items when we get some time to research where they came from. At the time of this post we have 6002 items that have been uploaded over the years that have no info attached to them. If you would like to help with researching info for these items, let me know.

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EQ Update #96

In this update, new comments were updated and many other stuff and things were updated as well.

Items with stats will now show color for their heroic stats on the advanced item search tool. Expendable and artifact item search options have been added to the lower right section of the advanced item search as well. I also fixed it where you can actually search for Legends server only items by choosing Legends as the expansion from the expansion section on the advanced item search tool.

Some fixes were made to the recipe search tool database table. There currently is a bug with recipes showing it requires being human. Ignore that, I'll get that fixed soon.

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